Friday 15 June 2012

A Farewell

No, not mine. Other people's. :-)

We had a farewell today. A friend of us is retiring. He is a retiree from government service before he joined us 9 years ago. So he had his second retirement today. Well, his contract ended actually and since he is an old man don;t you think it would lend a nice ring to call it a retirement instead of resignation? Or even contract termination.

A beauty coincidence is that, this old man shares the same birth day and birth month as I am. And we both left and will be leaving in the same month. He is a very nice person, very down to earth, a wise person and can be a little bit nerdy sometimes saya suka mengusik dia. I would sure miss his stories about his kebun pisang, mangga harum manis and his healthy diet. No more homegrown bananas for me. Sad.

After that another colleague that I rarely see came to my room. With his right hand shoved in front. I quirked my eyebrow. He said "I heard you are leaving". I said "Not today" beacuse I thought he must have somehow gotten it wrong. It was somebody else's farewell.

"I know. I might not be around" he said. Ok.
And then both of us went silent. We rarely see each other, we rarely spoke. He is a man with little words, but I don't know why I always feel a little bit intimidated around him.

It was awkward. I don't know what to say. He clearly wants to say something but I guess the news of me leaving came as a shocked to him it render him speechless.
After a long pause, he said "Going somewhere?"
"Nope. I'll be around"
Another pause. His gaze was intent. I guess he still need time to digest the shocking (to him) news and my answer.
I know, most people say my reason doesn't match. That's why nowadays I refrained myself from answering such question.
He breaks the silence again, "A wise decision"
Serta merta I feel relieved. Finally, someone agrees with me without me saying so why. He is a wise man. And a very observant one. Now I know why I feel intimidated by him. He could tell and read between the lines.
I smiled. And he left.

But it was really awkward. He know things that I don't want to say out loud. Things that I kept to myself. Things that some people pressured me to spill. But I kept mum. But he, he doesn't need to ask further. He knows. He understands. And he respects.


  1. Salam Salwa,
    I wish you all the best in whatever you are and will be doing. May the blessing of Allah will always be with you and family. Ameen.

  2. Ijan,

    Thanks for dropping by. And thank you for your prayers, insyaAllah everything will be fine. Tq ;-)
