Saturday 28 July 2012

8 Ramadan 1433H - Pelita Tanpa Cahaya

I made this traditional delicacy so popular during Ramadan
It is soft and mildly sweet I thought senanglah Yaya nak makan since gusi dia masih belum begitu surut bengkaknya
But she didn't had any. I gobbled up most of them hah!

I made them the original or you could say the traditional way
The bottom part which is green - enhanced by usage of pandan juice were unsweetened
Ia mendapatkan kemanisannya daripada taburan 1 sudu teh gula pasir didasar acuan daun pisang. And that's all.
Proses mengukus kuih tepung pelita akan melarutkan gula which slowly seeps into the bottom part of the kuih
As oppose to the modern style of making this kuih where sugar were mixed dalam adunan hijau and stirred together sehingga pekat di atas api. Kemudian dituang ke dalam acuan and left to cool and set. Same goes with the top part. Steaming process were eliminated in the modern style of making this kuih.

My mum always says that rasa kuih tepung pelita tradisional dan tepung pelita modern adalah lain sama sekali
I don't quite get what she meant until I made them myself
Yes, not only the taste differs but the texture of this kuih juga berbeza
Tepung pelita moden yang dibuat dengan teknik kacau adunan atas api resembles kuih *** dari segi tekstur - lembik
tepung pelita tradisional agak firm bahagian bawahnya
While tepung pelita moden meninggalkan satu rasa tebal pada lidah, you know when you drink milk or cream macam ada lapisan putih or rasa lemak curdled pada lidah - well the traditional one does not leave such effect

Bahagian atasnya crack sikit sebab saya tak pandai jaga api
sepatutnya guna api sederhana saja dan tak boleh terlalu lama
kukus kuih talam pun begitu juga barulah permukaannya cantik je

The verdict: I like my tepung pelita the traditional way ;-)

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