Wednesday 18 July 2012

Chocolate Mousse

Saya ada banyak entri tertunggak. But don't have the mood to write.
I found that when I'm not sitting on my working table, nak karang sebaris ayat pun jadi susah. Kalau dulu rasa mencurah-curah idea nak mengarang.
Is this one of the many downside of not working? Tetiba rasa seram pulak.

Ok lupakan rasa seram tu sekejap. Saya ada beberapa photos of dessert that I made recently (note the past tense). Jangan lah tanya berapa kurun dah saya buat sebab saya pun lupa! Hehe

I made this chocolate mousse just to kill the time. Bahan-bahan tak perlu banyak. Mostly memang sedia ada kat rumah. Dan saya cari resipi yang sesuai dengan bahan yang saya ada.

Ada beberapa variasi resipi. From the ones using eggs for creamy and thick mousse to the ones using whipped cream for fluffy and light mousse. There are recipes adding gelatin sebagai ejen pemekat mousse. I choose the recipe from which combines eggs and thickened cream for creamy mousse. And also because I always have a box of thickened cream in the fridge.

150g dark chocolate, chopped
3/4 cup thickened cream
2 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons caster sugar

1. Place chocolate in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on medium (50%) for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds with a metal spoon until melted and smooth. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool.
2. Using an electric mixer, beat cream in a small bowl until soft peaks form. Wash and dry beaters. Beat eggwhites in a separate small bowl until soft peaks form. Sprinkle sugar over eggwhites. Beat for 1 to 2 minutes or until mixture is thick and glossy and sugar has dissolved.
3. Add egg yolks to chocolate. Using a metal spoon, stir to combine (see note). Stir one-third of eggwhite mixture into chocolate mixture until well combined. Fold in remaining eggwhite mixture. Fold in cream.
4. Spoon mixture into a large snap-lock bag. Snip a 1cm triangle from 1 corner of the bag. Pipe mixture into eight 70ml-capacity shot glasses. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours or until firm. Decorate with cachous. Serve.

Hubby cakap a little bit too sweet for him. But the children kata "...tak lah. Ok je". Saya rasa memang manis sedikit... sikit je lah and I know why. Saya guna cooking chocolate yang sebenarnya sudah sedia manis. Patut guna dark chocolate then only you can add sugar.

I made 4 gelas pendek. 2 1/2 gelas dimakan oleh Yaya! Tapi dalam masa 2 hari lah. Tak berapa bagus sebenarnya sebab guna raw eggs... sebaik-baikya cuba guna pasteurised eggs kalau nak buat chocolate mousse.


  1. kak kalau takder oven camner bleh ker .. oven saya hubby bwk ke ofis dia guna plk

  2. hi Diana,
    sebenarnya boleh cairkan coklat tu dgn cara double boil. akak pun xde microwave. panaskan air sikit dlm periuk kecil, letak coklat dlm mangkuk kaca or stainless steel dan letak je atas periuk tu. kacau smpi coklat cair.

    selamat mencuba ;-)
