Friday 20 July 2012

My Last Day - Part 1

Now the letter has come out I can resume writing about things that happened on my last day.
If you remember I did wrote an entry titled "Unbelievable".
I didn't elaborate much except just a few line of words goes "... you wouldn't believe what happened to me on Friday".

Biar saya tarik nafas dulu sebab honestly kejadian yang berlaku pada hari tersebut menyebabkan saya terpaksa menahan nafas beberapa hari. And after a couple of days barulah saya boleh lepas nafas lega.

Ok, the story started in the morning. Tak banyak kejadian pelik atau mengejutkan berlaku di awal pagi dalam hidup saya. So far my mornings were predictable and routine.
Setiap hari saya ambil jalan yang sama ke ofis. Tapi pagi Jumaat itu saya decided untuk ambil jalan lain dan singgah ke pasar basah seksyen 6 shah alam yang jauh dari rumah saya apatah lagi laluan ke ofis
Why? What for? We'll come to that in a short while ;-)

It was my last day at work. For weeks and days leading to my last day hari-hari saya berjalan seperti biasa.
I did not clear my leave seperti kebiasaan orang walaupun saya sudah handover tapi saya masih bekerja seperti biasa.
Masih ramai yang tak perasan I would be leaving. There was no announcement. Tiada surat pengesahan pun remember?
It would have been acceptable if I came in late on my last day but I didn't. Jadi memang tak rasa macam 'nak pergi' pun.

2 days before I managed to stop an attempt to organise a farewell party. My farewell.
For months I've been telling them (whoever yang cakap nak buat farewell tu), "there will be no party for me".
Truth is I hate farewell. I hate it, I hate it. I even told them kalau buat juga I'll feel offended.
Yelah, as if people are so happy to see your back they'd throw a party to celebrate your departure. Some farewell siap potong-potong kek... what the heck?!
And macam dah tak nak kawan lagi dah buat farewell bagai.
Fine, if you guys buat juga that's it no more friends. Unless that is what you want.
Habis semua muka biru hijau.
Ha ha... jahat kan saya?
Truth is apart from rasa offended dengan farewell saya sebenarnya nak elak daripada menitiskan air mata.
You see, budak-budak ni nakal sikit. Depa pandai sangat kenakan orang, kang elok-elok saya tak menangis jadi menangis pulak. Benci.
Ha ha ha...

Ok since there was no party coz I've intercepted takdelah butterflies in my stomach lagi. Selamat mak cik.

I haven't seen my bos for days since I last saw him on Monday.
Saya tak tau apa nak cakap kat dia on my last dia. I haven't rehearsed. I don't have the time coz I was busy.
Tapi takpelah, perhaps I could get him something yang dia suka. Food. Kuih serimuka durian. Yang saya pernah beli di pasar basah seksyen 6, shah alam.
Saya parked encik bagak di luar pagar pasar. Malas nak pusing cari parking kat dalam. Saya nak cepat. I was wearing my purple baju kurung that day. Takde poket. Selalu pakai seluar boleh sumbat car keys dan handphone dalam poket. Kali ni terpaksa lah pegang.
Saya beli quite a lot. Kiri kanan tangan menjinjing beg plastik. Saya teringat buka pintu kereta dan dumped segalanya atas seat sebelum saya insert key. Kemudian alih segalanya ke passanger seat, duduk dan jalan.
Traffic that day was smooth. I managed to find my way ke LKSA tanpa tersalah jalan. Mind you it was not my usual route.
I even managed to reach office 15mins awal. Which is not bad, selalu sampai 20-25mins early.
Ofis masih sunyi, orang pun tak ramai lagi. Which is sangat rare untuk saya terima interkom di awal pagi before working hours starts. Dan panggilan daripada account clerk.
Dan dengan soalan yang sangat pelik dan saya tak jangka akan terima, "Puan... puan hilang handphone ke?"
Saya tercengang, terdiam. Soalan apa ni?
Cepat dia menambah "E call saya. Dia cakap ada orang call dia kata jumpa handphone puan"
I was like, huh? Handphone hilang ada orang jumpa dan simpan. Wow! That is rare.
Kepala tengah bingung sebab saya tak percaya saya hilang handphone. I might have misplaced them a couple of times. A couple of times je OK. But to lost them? Macam tak caya gitu.
Cepat-cepat selongkar my handbag and couldn't find them there. OK betullah tu I've lost them.
So I quickly dial my number and a lady picked it up.
Ok this whole situation is pelik for me tau. I don't know what to say.
Salam pun tak bagi coz I don't know siapa yang jumpa handphone saya tu.
Naturally you would want to be courteous to the person who found your lost handphone kan?
But all that comes out from my mouth was "Errr... are you holding my handphone?"
Rasa nak ketuk kepala sendiri.

.... to be continued

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