Friday 10 August 2012

21 Ramadan 1433H - Biar Cuaca Kering, Hati & Lidah Jangan Ikut Kering

Today is the most driest day of all
I always had my bedroom windows open during the day
and though the weather had been warm
all around this fasting month
but always ... I mean all day long from morning til afternoon
a gush of wind would blow right trhough the windows
sometimes I had to pull back the curtains to its place
I know because I always sits next to the windows where our working table is
bertadarus or doing other works ... like blogging :-P
but today, the curtain stays
and today is the only day I had to switch on the aircon
because it gets a little bit humid in right now

Anyway, I am grateful that despite the warm
and sometimes dry weather my children has been okay
the weather didn't get Fahmi, but Yaya did catch fever
it has subsided now and came the cough
she missed a couple of days of school
I get a little bit worried at first but then I realised that
as both my children has asthmatic syndrome they are prone to perubahan cuaca,
dust, smoke and whatever is in the air
it is called hysensitivity
they had to live with it, I had to put up with them getting sick (fever) all year round
we had to adapt
until when?
well, I don't know and the doctors don't know
but it isn't that bad comparing to others it is not that critical
some of my friends kata saya terlalu rigid bab persekolahan anak-anak
there were a couple of times they overhead my children pleading with me over the phone not to go to school
well I told them I had to be
saya tak suka biasakan mereka skip school for lame reasons
because they need their MCs untuk hari-hari yang demam teruk
when they'd be left out dalam pelajaran and had to catch up later

Alhamdulillah juga despite the dry weather my children was very brave and strong bertahan berpuasa
Yaya kantoi 1 hari masa dia demam teruk, she was weak
Fahmi juga kantoi 1 hari because dia muntah akibat minum air terlalu banyak masa iftar

Other than that I guess everything is going to be ok
dah nak sampai penghujung Ramadan dah pun
tinggal lagi 9 hari sahaja lagi
masing-masing sudah mula sibuk mengejar Lailatulqadar
saya tertarik untuk berkongsi pesanan Ustaz Idris Ibrahim dalam tazkirahnya malam tadi
he gaves a very detail calculation untuk mencari lailatulqadar
mengira malam ganjil kenalah berpandukan malam ganjil di Mekah bukan mengikut kiraan setempat
dan begitu juga mengagak masa Malaikat Jibril turun
contoh jika Malaikat Jibril turun sekitar jam 12 malam di Masjidil Haram
maka kiralah jam 12malam di Arab Saudi bersamaan jam berapa di tempat kita?
maka bangunlah beribadat
kalau terjaga sekitar jam 2-3pagi perbanyakkanlah solat sunat
jika terjaga jam 4 atau 5 pagi sehingga sebelum azan Subuh berkumandang perbanyakkanlah membaca al-Quran
dan sebaik kedengaran azan beristighfarlah Astaghfirullahhalazim

sekian, wallahu'alam
jika ada kesilapan itu adalah kelemahan saya membuat catatan

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