Tuesday 14 August 2012

25 Ramadan 1433H - Little Mystery

Yaya was a little bit angry with me this morning when I told her daddy will be sending her to school, not me
Fahmi also had a long face when I told him the same
Ok don't get it wrong my children bukannya tak suka pergi sekolah dengan daddy
It's just that I feel that there is something mysterious about children's bonding with mothers that you can't quite explain
Because to be honest saya seorang ibu yang garang who likes to nag nag nag and nag non-stop
Saya baru saja membebel dekat Yaya sebab dia liat bangun pagi tadi and yet she still favours me over daddy to send her to school

I took this picture last week masa hantar my children to school
perhaps this explains the little mystery?

Yaya's ritual every morning at school - holding my hands tight and wouldn't let go until she feels OK to let me go
she would say "Ok dah..."
Saya selalu tertanya sendiri apa yang dah tu?
The holding hands part is not the only ritual she had
normally before she says "ok... dah" she will bury her face on my abdomen
in front of everybody di assembly court tanpa rasa malu
sometimes I teased her "dah? tak nak dukung?"

Fahmi pulak akan salam tangan saya berkali-kali sebelum saya balik
and will keep on turning his head sambil melambai kat saya sehingga kereta saya sudah tidak kelihatan di perkarangan sekolah

Which brings me back to this question?
Despite me nagging them everyday every morning every hour why the still favours me over Daddy ( Mr Hubby please jangan terasa hati :-))
Sebab saya selalu hang around the school? and daddy don't?
Because it's very comforting to have me there?
Because my presence calm their nerves?
I don't know.

I'm better off now. Take a nap untuk hilangkan mengantuk
I'm suppose to go into the kitchen now siapkan kuih tart nenas
but I'm so sleepy sebab malam tadi tidur 2 jam saja
takdelah bukannya tak tidur sebab buat kuih, takde maknanya
saya tak akan sekali-kali burn the midnight oil semata-mata nak buat kuih
it is not important to me to have berjenis-jenis kuih line up my table on Hari Raya
tapi kesian to my loved ones kalau takde buah tangan raya nanti
so sleep first, kuih later ;-)

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