Tuesday 9 October 2012

Basbousa - Untuk Si Manis Macam Saya...!!! :-)

Saya tak perlu repeat. Saya suka benda-benda manis.
I love desserts. I'm a dessert first, mains last kind of person.
Lately ni saya kurangkan makan benda-benda manis.
That's why you don't see any pictures of my bakings. Sebab saya dah tak whip up anything sweet di dapur except tempahan orang je.
I just found out makan terlalu banyak benda manis boleh menyebabkan collagen dalam badan pupus.
Hence kulit tidak firm, kendur - lost its suppleness.
Not only that, you also need collagen for your joints, ligaments and tendons.
Dah lah collagen decrease as you age kan. Haruslah berpantang sikit bab-bab benda manis ni.

So after a while... well berbulan juga berpantang, masa my birthday tempohari I finally let myself indulged in sweet things - Basbousa!
Tak puas makan yang beli kat Zam Zam restaurant, saya buat sendiri sebab malu lah dengan pak Arab tu.

Recipe courtesy of http://arabic-food.blgspot.com

Sugar Syrup Ingredients:

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 tablespoon clarified butter
2 talbespoons lemon juice

Sugar Syrup Preparation:

Put ingredients for sugar syrup into a pot and bring to a boil.
Add 1 tablespoon clarified butter.
Simmer for about 15 minutes and cool.

Basbousa Ingredients:

2 cups semolina flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup coconut flakes
1 cup clarified butter
1 cup milk
1/2 talbespoon plain yogurt
1/2 cup slivered almonds, or 1/2 cup chopped hazelnuts

Basbousa Preparation:

Mix the sugar, coconut and semolina flour.
Put the milk and butter in a pot and bring to a boil.
Add the semolina mixture to the milk and butter, plus remaining ingredients and mix well.
Coat a baking tray with butter.
Pour into a baking tray 1/2 inch high and distribute evenly.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes until golden-yellow.
Remove from the oven and distribute slivered almonds or chopped hazelnuts over the top of the backed Basbousa. Press the nuts gently with your finger.
Leave the Basbousa to cool for 1 hour.
Soak with the cold sugar syrup.
Bake at 200 degrees for 5 minutes until golden-yellow.
Cut into pieces and serve warm or cold.

Hubby don't share my passion for sweet little treats. Owh itu cakap di bibir saja.
Lidah lembut tak bertulang, bibir apatah lagi.
Dah tak terkejut kalau dia berebut sudu atau garfu atas meja berlumba nak gobble up dessert saya.
Nak panggil apa orang macam ni ye? Suka kata dia tak suka manis.
Geleng kepala tengok saya meratah kaya begitu saja.
Suka merungut kalau nampak saya pegang coklat or beli coklat.
Trust me, sebaik saya peel off pembalut coklat dia akan rampas dulu.
Owh... saya tau... he's living in denial.
Dia malu nak mengaku kalah dengan godaan-godaan manis saya!!!! :-)


  1. Mmmm basbousanya nampak molek sangatt, though i must say saya pun bukan kaki makan manis :P

  2. Haha ayu bleh geng dgn mr hubby lah...
