Saturday 16 November 2013

School Holidays Officially Begins Today *Sigh*

Ok, school holiday officially begins today!
Hoorayy!! for the kids... urghh for mommies especially WAHM (Working At Home Mothers) like me
I'm scratching my head nak diapakan budak-budak ni
Hantar to nenek's house is a big NO-NO for me... but looking at my baking schedule and with my personal assistant (read: maid) going home for good this monday, I'd probably have to entertain the idea for a couple of days 
Or else they'll drive me nuts with their antics *lol*
Ini pun baru 1st day dah macam-macam ragam *sigh*

I'd like to send my kids to any school holiday programmes... kalau ada kem ke kan bagus. Actually ada, banyak ditawarkan but usia menjadi halangan. Most programmes are for children age 10 and above.
Kalau ada pun yang below 10 years tak boleh lepas juga budak berdua ni yang tak berapa nak independent.
Silap-silap Mama kena masuk kem sekali!!!
Apapun rasa lega sikit... sikit je tau coz kelas agama tambahan akan bermula Disember ini for 3 weeks.
Walaupun cuma untuk two and a half hours daily, cukuplah masa for me to clean the house wash clothes in the morning

On other note, school holiday means Hoorayy juga for Mama - one and a half month tak yah basuh school uniform, less ironing except baju kerja Daddy, kasut tak yah kapur yeayyy!!!
Next year uniform kaler biru akan masuk wardrobe Fahmi - another yeayyy sebab tak sakit lah mata dan tangan nak sental kotoran nanti!
Kadang pelik tengok baju sekolah budak-budak ni kotor yang amat macam ke bendang pun ada!
Kasut hitam for Fahmi - double yeayyyy!!! tak yah kapur! (*_^)
So all his old uniforms and shoes dah boleh stuffed away. Except for one pair bertali yang dia kata nak bagi kat Yaya... ouiii baiknya hati but they probably don't fit Yaya's delicate feet
Kemeja lengan panjang with long skirt for her sebab dia dilantik jadi pengawas pelatih ... another sigh for me
I'm not fond of my kids becoming pengawas because I feel they are too young
to carry extra responsibility. And I'm not sure about being a pengawas boleh membentuk mereka lebih berdisiplin coz I've observed my eldest, I don't see any improvements. Baju masih kotor berkerak... kuku tak potong kalau Mama dia tak bising... how la nak jadi pengawas.
But since the school dah lantik without consulting parents dan budak0budak pun dah kembang dada apa yang mampu saya buat. Nak tolak? Ye boleh saja tapi itu akan buat anak-anak saya upset and that's the last thing I'd want. So, there you go... 2 orang pengawas dalam rumah ini next year.

The least I can do is, make a MoU with them. Nak jadi pengawas boleh but they'll have to pledge :

1. Kekemasan tubuh badan from top to toe- jaga sendiri tak payah tunggu Mama bising
2. Kekemasan pakaian sekolah dan kasut
3. Disiplin - atur masa ikut aktiviti seharian Mama dont need to use luodspeaker
4. Sikap dan minat terhadap pelajaran
5. Kekalkan atau tingkatkan prestasi pelajaran - no slacking is allowed

Break any one of the above Mama is allowed to see the teacher in-charge and serah balik your jacket pengawas. How's that? Keras kan Mama dia?
Kijam ke? Takkkk... This is for their own good.
Saya kenal anak-anak saya. Mereka anak-anak yang baik tetapi too young untuk nilai baik buruk, they have their weaknessess... I am here to help them. I'll take whatever opportunity that come across untuk shape them to become a better person.

All in all 2013 have been a good year for them at school.
Alhamdulillah I'm happy they did well in their exams. Their academic achievement so far so good.
Both of them naik pentas untuk anugerah kecemerlangan pelajaran hari Khamis lalu. The 3rd year for Fahmi, and the 1st one for Yaya. Thumbs up for her for making a leap this year.
Fahmi masih kekal dengan sikap berdaya saingnya. While Yaya perlahan-lahan belajar apa erti berdaya saing. Tempat ke berapa sebenarnya bukan ukuran buat saya tetapi markah yang diperolehi melambangkan pemahaman mereka.
Saya akui kejayaan mereka sebenarnya lebih penting buat saya. Kerana menjadi kayu ukuran kepada decision saya tinggalkan kerjaya menjadi a WAHM.

So, the school holiday begins juga menandakan permulaan hidup baru buat saya tanpa PA.
It is a test for me comes January 2014. Sekarang masih boleh slow and steady lagi.
ok I don't want to get stressed about this
for time being kena belajar teknik kawal jurus pernafasan 

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