Sunday 22 December 2013

Puding Roti Marble ... Marbelous (*_^)

There are so many things that I want to write about. But I just don't have the inclination to write.
That's one thing I learned after becoming a full-time WAHM - Working At Home Mother, sentiasa dihambat masa dan tanggungjawab. By the time selesai kerja or taking a break, dah takde mojo nak menulis.
More so now, with our 6 year long live in helper gone back for good.

But I hate to leave this blog unattended. Not Updated.
I have manage this blog for 6 years since 2007. No reason for me to quit. Walaupun ramai fellow bloggers yang started during my time yang dah stop maintaining their blog. 
I'm not going to let this blog to take the same path. I started this for my own pleasure.
And I still have the desire to write. Except I may not have that much time now.
How I wish I could write with my voice. Ha ha. Don't you?

So, breaking my one-week silence, I present you Puding Roti Marble. Resipi taken from blog Izah Muffin Lover. The only difference I made was adding yellow colouring kepada adunan asal tidak berwarna.
The rest are all the same.

Macam zebra pun ada belang-belangnya.

I've made it twice now. The first time laju je habis. Sebab buat last week cuaca tengah hot habis jadi memang sesuai sangat makan puding yang sejuk.

I made them again early this week tapi saya double the recipe dan bawa ke rumah my mum 1 bekas and give away to my sister 1 bekas. Mudah sangat nak buat puding ni. Sesuai untuk saya yang agak 'segan' (bak kata orang utara) berlama di dapur sekarang ini. Bukan segan tapi masa mencemburui saya.
Tambahan dengan bahu dan lengan kanan yang on/off sakitnya. So kalau terasa nak makan kuih kena buat kuih yang mudah dan ringkas. This one is perfecto!

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