Friday 30 March 2007

My Obsession

It has been quite some time since my last obsession. What was it anyway?

secret recipe’s choc mud cake?
manhattan’s fish n chips?

dave's deli's combo pasta meal?
harlequin’s novel?
ghost writers’ novel?
or was it Judith McNaught's?
the list goes on…

the answer is, all above. some still and continuously become an obsession. sometimes I wonder why people so crazy about akademi fantasia, kru, ct nurhaliza or mawi. Bukan setakat they watch their concert but they also talk about it on the net. It seems soo membazir buy their cds, follow their concerts, collect their merchandise as if they are ‘dewa’ or something.

but, when I think and think again, hey I’m one of them. though my obsession is different from them. I remember become so obsess with certain romantic movie like Gone With The Wind, couldn’t get it out of my system for quite some time during my teenage years. After watching the movie on tv, I went searching for the vcd, padahal kat rumah takde vcd player pun at that time. I thought why not buy it and keep until I can afford to buy the player, only to realize later that I couldn’t even afford to buy the vcd! so pathetic! it was expensive for me, yelah duit belanja sekolah pun berapa sen sangat. huhu frust, tapi I found the novel kat popular book store, walaupun dah buruk skit tapi beli jugak. uhhh teruk gak aku punya obsesi ye?

obsesi terkini? yeah… Princess Hours or famously dubbed as Goong, it’s a Korean telenovela. Alah kekadang rasa bodoh je, hello you are a big girl now; there’s no space for benda2 macam ni lagi tau. But I just couldn’t help it. I come across this mini series by accident and immediately it become a hit with me. Everyday rasa berkobar2 nak duduk tercongok depan tv tunggu siri ni start 8.30pm on 8tv. kalau boleh nak skip dinner, sampai hubby pun naik menyampah tengok my obsession. hubby kata “tu lah masa time abang dulu, sayang bising… sekarang ni baru tau” heheh dia giler tengok Initial D, I kutuk kata macam budak kecik. Alah dulu pun kita sama2 giler tengok citer Jewel In The Palace kan? :)

back to princess hours. siri ni pun dah dekat nak habis, tinggal lagi a few episode je lagi, minggu depan habis lah kot. Suka setting background citer ni kat dalam istana, konon2nya korea masih ada raja lah, walhal system beraja dah lupus sejak WWII during Japanese occupation. Suka tengok watak2 remaja penuh emosi, pushed into adults world due to responsibility inherited, suka tengok costume dia yang seems to be inspired by french zaman mary antoinette kot. one more thing i realised that memang fashion and interior korean hotels nampak mcm style deco french aja. pastu actors dia cute, kelakar. it’s a romantic comedy based on a comic book. wow! dahsyat orang korea, citer komik boleh diangkat jadik telenovela yang hit. apsal orang mesia tak cenggitu?

suka tengok dua watak yang suka bergaduh without they realize that they have actually fallen in love with each other. kelakar dengan watak chae-kyung yang macam tomboy & kanak2 ribena opposed to watak shin yang berlagak, sombong, ego yet lonely. aaahhh tapi dah hujung2 ni banyak scene sedih… huwaaaa aku pun sama nak ikut nangis. apsal emo sangat nih… teruklah mama yaya nih…kekek

now, tengah sibuk cari on the net kat mana nak carik dvd dia… heheh mentang2lah dah ada dvd player. malam tadi watch a few episodes kat dapatlah peek last episode dia, tapi tu pun video dia tersekat2. nanti nak download wallpaper plak. ahhh crazy!

macam2 jugak kegilaan aku ye? takpelah just for this one. after this no more...


  1. not only you yang giler tengok cite mcm gitu...hehehe

  2. kekeke ko pun giler kat cite tu ke? kahkahkahhh kekadang aku rasa mcm nak pergi balik zaman bujang tu, bleh aku tackle shin. ko rasa2 bleh dapat ke? hehe

  3. bole.sebb aku tak nak tackle shin ; tapi nak tackle Yul..lagi comel..hehehe

  4. wekkk!!! kuat berangan gak ko ye? igt aku sorang je...

  5. alaa..rilek arr ! itu kan dah one of phenome' kehidupan..

  6. lia...i love judith mcnaught. dah baca all her books and simpan dlm my mini library. jude deveraux tak berapa sangat. julie garwood pun some ok, some tak. lama dah tak baca buku2 gini...tunggu harry potter je lah.

  7. hahah js, i jude deveraux & julie garwood x berapa sgt. tp klu mcnaught x bleh miss... klu dah dpt mesti berhibernate sensrg dlm bilik...
