Monday 2 April 2007

April Is Here


April means birthdays, lots and lots of birthdays to celebrate. April is a significant month coz my precious little princess Wan Soraya
Zahirah @ Yaya was born in April. Today, she is two!
My niece, Sharifah Sharina @ Nana was born on 5 April 2005, that was 3 days after yaya's. Another niece, Farah Alya was also born in April, 18. Not to be missed, Ashman @ Man was born on 9 April, he's not a blood relative thou, tapi dah macam adik sendiri.

Teringat balik detik2 menunggu hari kelahiran yaya. She was born 1 week after the due date given by my gynea. My gynea dr siti wanted me to be admitted and induced on 26 march 2005 (due date) but I escaped from the appointment and resume my duty at the office as usual. Pintu rahim belum dilate, plus I don't want to endure another forced labour (after the one I had during fahmi's labour). So, i convinced dr siti to give another week, if within this 1 week takde signs of labour, i will surrender myself in to her hands.

So, dalam masa 1 week tu, ada juga berkira2 nak pi serah diri hari Jumaat, suka sangat kalau dapat lahirkan baby hari jumaat. however since i really don't like 1 April (on that year it falls on friday) so i purposely postpone going to smc for another day. plus hubby pun kata kalau bersalin hari jumaat leceh skit dia tak dapat pi solat jumaat. hahahaaa...
finally on 2 April 2005, bukan setakat i had to endure another forced labour, tapi kena c-sect terus selepas menunggu 2 hours masih tak dilate.

teringat lagi dalam mamai kesan ubat bius lepas kena c-sect sempat lagi tanya nurse "saya dapat baby apa?" sayup2 terdengar jawapan "baby girl..." lepas tu terus terlelap. sekejap lagi terjaga rasa macam conversation dengan nurse tadi macam dalam mimpi, so i ask for the second time. alhamdulillah bersyukur dalam hati bila dengar jawapannya sama.

tak lama lepas tu disorong masuk dalam ward, hubby dah ada menunggu. cepat2 i tanya lagi kat hubby, "anak kita laki ke perempuan, bang?" hubby buat muka terkejut "sayang tak tau ke?" macam mana nak tau, dah 2 jam bersalin i still haven't had the chance to meet my baby, she was sent to the NICU sebab dah hampir lemas. i remember the nurse pat my shoulder and says "puan, lain kali jangan buat macam ni lagi ye?" back to my hubby he says "perempuan..." i said "iye ke?" muka hubby dah semacam "eh ingat abang tak mampu nak kasi girl ke?" hahahahaha part ni rasa nak gelak besar.

it was a delightful surprise for both of us.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

to my precious little twinkle Yaya
may you continue to bring wonderful surprises & joy to mama & daddy
we love you so much!


  1. uihh cepat sungguh anak2 ko membesar.. insyaallah aku datang on 7th April tuh. Anyway..what should i buy for ur little princess ? pls give me an idea...

  2. jgn lupa dresscode utk party tu biru/putih ye. slalu anak je dpt present, mama dia x dpt pun. heheh anything lah cik kak. hadiah tak penting, janji ko dtg

  3. hi Yaya yg cute...happy burfday yang ke dua tahun...

    insya allah..auntie & qistina akan join party yaya nanti...jumpa di sana... :)

  4. uihh siap ada dresscode nyer party Yaya. ehh...ko nak ambik anak angkat tak...bole aku isi form ..heheh. Mama yer dah bosar ; tak pun mintak ler kat papa yer..

  5. muahhahahha....ader kemajuan lah dari ari tuh masa js kasik tiz add...ehhehe baca profile jerlah ...suker tengok pic yaya masa baby...emm bilerlah nak ader baby girl neih ehehhe

  6. Bravo..your blog will the on my checklist every 'ear? every monday.. :)
    best bace blog lia..i have one tapi mls nak stick ngn satu jelah..keep up the good work..

  7. girl?? hahahha...yaya tak mcm girl pun. now everytime amir tengok gambar yaya, mesti dia ckp...friend...friend...

  8. hi lia.. menarik blog u.. ha ah la nad.. kita bole jd tukang bace blog lia n js every monday.. they very gud in writing skills...

    buffday yaya tak dpt dtg la..
    so hepi buffday yaya.. senyum selalu yer..

  9. guys thanks 4 dropping by :)
    waah nad, klu gini every wk kena letak posting baru.
    nolie, kasik umar pki wig eh
