Friday 9 March 2007

Planning A Party

I never thought that it's going to be so difficult to plan for a birthday party.
We just had fahmi's party in january... and now another party coming april, so soon...uhh.
Segan pulak dengan negihbour sumer... eheh. Last year in october we had makan-makan masa hari raya for our neighbour, followed by fahmi's birthday hi tea... now yaya's dinner party.

Hubby said tak yah buat party besar-besar, masak sendiri jer... but for me, i feel like doing something different this time... a bbq dinner. So, i went surfing on the net looking for caterer who can provide western/bbq menu and found . The menu nampak sedap, presentation pun menarik, price? RM20 per head... not bad. But... the minimum order is 100pax... alamak! Macam mana ni... 100pax mana muat nak letak kat umah. Where got space? So, had to search again and i finally went to website. Not much info given so i had to called the number displayed. After waiting for 2 days, finally i got their quotation and menu list today. They accept minimum order for 50pax but... (mesti ada but) uhuhhh... the rate is RM28 per head. Sengih jelah...

If we go for this caterer, definitely we have to standby a budget around RM2k. That's consider a lot for a birthday party... adik beradik aku mesti terjegil biji mata kalau tau... tu belum my mum lagi. Tu lah hubby kata dah style macam orang loaded lah plak...

Now, wait and see lah... jadi ke tak buat bbq dinner party nih. For yaya... why not?

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