Monday 12 March 2007

What We Discover

yesterday, hubby got the news that his best buddy sejak kecil warded since last wednesday. he got dengue. so, after asar prayer, all of us went to sjmc. teruk juga kawan dia, blood count very low.

right after the visit we dropped by at subang parade, rumah no. 2 hehehe. makan kat dave's deli... yum yum yum... me & hubby used to dine in kat dave's deli masa zaman berdua je dulu. the day before masa hantar fahmi to his tumble tots class, we had a quick lunch at 2.45pm... well it was a lunch for me coz i didn't had any yesterday even it was only a piece of shepherd's pie that i shared with fahmi. so, hubby pun teringin nak makan pie lagi, but it was out of stock yesterday. me and hubby had this combo pasta meal... ughhh i almost forgot how tasty and yummy the meal was. apparently, fahmi and yaya both can adapt to their parents appetite...

solat maghrib kat subang parade. hubby commented that how come we never discover that subang parade pun ada surau? if it wasn't because we enrolled fahmi to tumble tots classes we would never found the surau... it was facing the tumble tots entrance!

after maghrib prayer, i quickly ushered yaya out. hubby kata buat apa nak balik cepat-cepat. ehh... it really doesn't sound like hubby. he usually nak balik cepat-cepat sampai i nak window shopping pun tak best. i felt like going inside the mph bookstore... i've wanted to buy this book by dr miriam stoppard about children development... well some people may say that isn't it quite too late for me to buy the book since i already have two growing up child. well, isn't that just the right excuse for me to get the book? i'm not an expert, i'm still in the learning stages.

while i was browsing and scanning every books, hubby who was at that time carrying yaya quickly run for me and told me that i've just missed listening to yaya counting satu to sepuluh!!! uhhh i couldn't trust my ear so i ask who? fahmi ke? hubby said no it was yaya yang mengira satu dua tiga. uhhh would love to hear her counting again. been teaching her to count both in english and malay... she had never manage to finish counting and sometimes she would mix the satu, dua, tiga, empat, with five, enam, nine and never got to finish sampai sepuluh pun. but yesterday, hubby said she did it! when we tried to coerce her to count again... she started with satu dua tiga and mix with four five six... and that's all.

what about fahmi? hmmm dah penat ajar... bukan dia tak tau mengira but budak bulat ni jenis berat mulut. i dunno but i think boys are like that (bukan semua lah). so now, with yaya dah pandai mengira i hope that fahmi would feel tercabar skit, dia memang selalu macam tu, kalau yaya dah pandai buat something then only he will start doing it.

rasa-rasanya macam dah kena hantar yaya pegi class je ;)

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