Thursday 5 April 2007

Not My Week

this week isn't really my week.
start from monday lagi rasa takde mood, betul2 down. for 2 days i tak bercakap kat ofis, bukanlah tak bercakap langsung, bila org bertanya of course i jawab, but even my boss pun i ignore. not only i don't talk much, i don't even eat that much, i just don't have appetite. budak bangla cleaner kat ofis pun pelik tengok i, paling kesian my colleague who is sitting in front of me, she had to endure my moody days this whole week. selalu driving macam kena kejar, tapi minggu ni drive paling laju pun 80km/hr jer... fikiran melayang2.
i just can't wait for friday to come, so that my gloomy days at work for this week will end. hope the sun will shine again in the beginning of next week.
apa kena dengan aku ni?

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