Tuesday 28 August 2007

Bedtime Stories

i used to dream that if i have children one day i'd make time to read them stories before they go to sleep. i like the idea of parents (mum or dad) reading stories to put their children to bed. in fact i wanted to do a lot of things with my children like turn baking into fun time with them, build sand castle bila balik kampung, etc but none had ever materialised. okay maybe i exaggerate, some i did do but there are still many many things that i plan to do but never did. like reading bedtime stories to them, i have never do anything of the sort until recently. very recent, just 2 nights ago i've started reading them bedtime stories.

alhamdulillah, they enjoy it. and i enjoy it too. we (me & hubby) always had problem to put them to bed. we never put them to sleep at the same time every night. we just let them linger around us, watch tv with us until they started to yawn or until they beat us to oblivion. it is always either they fall asleep first or we fall asleep. but alhamdulillah after 2 nights i can see the difference. but i would have to read them at least 3 stories and had to make all the sound effects that i can, the moo moo, the buzzz buzzz, and etc or else they would not be satisfied. my bedroom turn into a kindy at night. after i finished reading the 3rd story i'd told them that mama will tell them more stories tomorrow night if they'd listen to mama and go to sleep. which they did eventually.

so now takdelah anak2ku tido lewat sangat. sedikit improvement...


  1. lia...xbestla u all not around..this coming party for emim maybe held on early december,here at cheras..free kan calendar tu ekk..hehe..

  2. azie,

    so sorry... nak sgt dtg sebenarnya, tapi takut ambil risiko 'sesat di siang hari'. okay buat masa ni early dec free, no weddings etc. klu hubby takde pun i redah jugak... hehe sorry sgt. btw hope birthday girl like her present ;-)

  3. lia...ikut je blakang kreta kitorg. sure tak sesat punya :)

    i tried reading amir stories before his bedtime. didnt work lah. he wanted to turn the page, the wanted to ask loads and loads of questions, he wanted to make the voice...last2 dia yang read the story...

  4. sally: so does my kids. tp i ckp kat diaorg klu x dgr ckp mama, mama tak bacakan lg... heheh mama dia garang.
    i read different stories to them, but much to my surprise fahmi bleh crite balik the story yg i read to him 3mlm sblmnya. i shud have done it earlier, dgn kisah2 nabi
