Friday 31 August 2007

Baking Experiment II

i made chicken curry bun this afternoon. my first experiment after many many years, i used to make sausage bun and cinnamon roll during my teenage years, but i've discarded the idea of baking sebab i don't have an oven in my kitchen before.

i omit the dough enhancer from the recipe, jadinya bun tu tak lah selembut mana. makan panas2 sedaplah, dah sejuk agak keras & dry. next time i'll add the dough enhancer.

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saw the brown spots? tu sebab sapu dengan egg yolk
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500 gm tepung, 30 gm susu tepung, 50 gm gula, 1 paket ibu roti (mauripan), 1 biji telur, 1/2tsp garam, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 250 ml air & 80 gm mentega (lembutkan). klu letak bread improver 1 tsp only.

sift together flour, milk powder, salt & bread improver. in a bowl, combine together with sugar, yeast & egg. add softed butter and water, mix well dalam 10mins. leave the dough for 15mins-20mins to rise. bulatkan kecil2, put it aside to rise. leperkan dgn jari, letak inti & bulatkan semula. panaskan oven to 200deg, and let the dough rise sementara oven panas. bakar for 20mins.


  1. aaaaarrgghh...sedapnya. i also have been neglecting my baking. mainly cos i dont have time to prepare and clean afterwards. insyaallah, when baby no 3 reaches the 1 year old mark (and the independent age) i'll go back to baking.

    amir loves cookies, so i'll start off with that. cant wait...

  2. sally,
    i don't bake cookies that much, except for pineapple tart, hubby and the kids suka sgt. yesterday i made carrot cake. hehe time cuti2 begini, puas melayan my baking frenzy.
    and yess i hate the cleaning part afterwards, nasib ada bibik. ;-)

  3. lia,
    perggghhhh..laparnye perut tgk your curry buns..
    nak recipe please?
    wiken nih nak try out mexican buns..we'll seee..heh..rumah pun xberkemas nak memsk..hahha..wishful thinking..

  4. sedop nyer..rajin kawan aku masak..hehehe

  5. Kak Lia...
    saya tgh puasa ni...
    tup2 bukak blog kak lia...ada gambar roti ni...
    mak aiii betul2 menguji kesabaran...
    kak kat erin roti tu cepat..tak tahan laparrrr...

  6. oops erin, ni tgh musim baking, so kena tahan2 lah lapar klu jenguk blog ni ye? nak buat karipap mcm erin tu tp kita x reti ler... :-)

    filling dia tu i main campak2 jer mince meat, kentang & serbuk kari. yg roti tu basic jer, nnti upload recipe ye

    signs of pms rupanya kegilaan aku last weekend... patutlah perutku boncit semacam! hehehe
