Sunday 2 September 2007

Baking Experiment III

it's carrot cake this time. actually it was my 3rd attempt. i got the recipe somewhere on the net. most of the recipes are quite the same, same ingredients and baking method. and i'm surprise at how easy and fast the whole process takes to get the final product. no machine required except for an oven, just beat the eggs and sugar with the egg beater (no need for the mixture machine). other ingredients are measured by cup or spoon. sangat mudah.

and the result.... worth reproduce.

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it took me less than an hour from preparation til the cake is ready. on my 3rd time i made the cream cheese topping, need extra time to let the cake cool before spreading the topping. easy kan?


  1. huhuhu...mcm nak dok sebelah umah ko jer..

  2. waa...bestnye masak2 gini..tepung kek saya nk beku dah lia..x masak2 jugak keknye..hehehhe

  3. lia
    bleh dapat satu potong..hehehhehe

  4. azie & ila,
    rajin tu time bulan mengambang jer... lps tu naik kepamlah tepung dlm kabinet... hehe

    marah jiran sblh umah dgr ko nak dok umah dia...heheh weekend meh lah lepak umah aku
