Sunday 25 November 2007

Bali Day 3

Bali Day 3
22 nov 2007
At leisure

we came here to relax, to get away from hectic working life, to spend our time leisurely without having to think of what to do next, just enjoy our time together as a family. basically that's what we did on the 3rd day in bali.

walaupun sebenarnya i finally realised that bali is not the place for family vacation. if you come as a couple or in group looking for adventure, yes there's plenty you can do here from spending your time leisurely at the beach, go hiking, see the sun rise, rafting or join the night life at kuta. rasanya we are the only couple yang bawa children, because non of those staying at the hotel bawa children. at the elephant ride we saw some children but there are all above 12yo.

the fact that we were the only couple on holiday with children really grabs attention mat-mat salleh yang stay at the same hotel. we saw same faces every morning we went for breakfast and dinner. they sort of became friendly with fahmi & yaya. and the staff at the restaurant they too became friendly with the children, they'd smile and stop to talk with the children and lama2 macam dah tau je perangai anak2ku yang tak segan2 bergaduh depan orang... huhu maluuu.

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this is how yaya decides to spent her last day kat bali, main hide & seek with daddy depan pintu bilik

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dah last day baru teringat pakaikan budak2 ni hat

we thought of spending the rest of the day in our room tapi bila dah masuk tengahari the housekeeping staff came to clean the room. so we decided to go out for a walk, di tengahari buta! orang-orang kat bali ni, they are so friendly tapi bukan semua orang lah. those involved in the tourism memang tersangat friendly sampai penat mulut melayan. bila nampak kami berjalan keluar dari hotel, semua bertanya nak ke mana? the way they ask makes us believe that they are concern tapi sebenarnya they'd want to know if you need their service to chaffeur you around. sepanjang2 jalan kami disapa, since hubby agak berat mulut everytime i had to tell them no we don't need taxi... well they are being nice to you, you don't lose anything by responding to them in a nice way jugak kan? but i guess, among the 4 of us, fahmi gets irritated the most dengan sapaan2 itu. sampaikan he questioned me why aku melayan cakap2 orang2 tu... boleh gitu? hahaha dia kata "kenapa mama asyik bercakap je?" "kenapa mama cakap dengan orang tu?"

about 15m from the hotel i saw a signboard showing the direction of a mosque. we've been dying for halal food so we thought why not we go to the mosque manalah tau kalau2 ada orang Islam kat situ boleh juga tumpang tanya.
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signboard masjid al-ihsan about 15m walk from the hotel menghala ke jalan besar

yup, memang ada orang kat situ, ramai. so me being the most ringan mulut that day teruslah bagi salam. percaya tak 4 kali aku bagi salam sorang pun tak jawab? yang perempuan sibuk bercakap kat hp langsung tak pandang muka aku walaupun dia bercakap mengadap aku, and yang lelaki plak buat2 pekak. aku rasa macam tak percaya... we quickly leave the mosque with frustration, senang cakap hampa!

the day before Wayan did mention to us that there's a 24hr minang restaurant about 50m dari jalan besar. jadi lepas tak dilayan di masjid, kami pun dah tak kuasa nak tanya orang terus je jalan sampai jumpa satu kedai makan kecil dengan tanda halal pada signboard nya.
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restoran Bundo Kanduang lebih kurang gitu lah

again, walaupun hati seronok jumpa restoran halal tapi sambutan dingin sangat buat kami rasa cuak dengan perangai orang Islam di bali. just imagine, while all the non-muslim boleh bertegur sapa with you dengan mesra kenapa orang Muslim sesama agama boleh buat tak pandang bila kita step in to their shop? aku pakai tudung tau. kalau aku pakai mini skirt lain cerita lah.

walaupun layanannya dingin, tapi aku suka air fresh oren dia... taste very different tak macam oren sunkist tu... manis sangat tapi bukan manis gula. rupa2nya kat situ dia guna limau kulit hijau tu... apa nama dia?

balik hotel, lepak, tengok tv and tidur. bangun tidur we took the kids main air dalam swimming pool depan bilik.

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the floater belongs to the hotel. the hotel staff was so kind to lend us the floater, kami tak minta pun. how nice & thoughtful of them

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ada incident kat kolam ni. yaya showing off keberanian dia main dalam kolam dengan air separas ketiak dia tanpa floater, while fahmi almost drown bila melompat2 tak pakai floater. hmm garu kepala tengok gelagat budak berdua ni... beza betul.

while daddy entertaining the kids main air, aku sibuk snap pics pohon kemboja yang bersepah2 bukan kat hotel ni jer, anywhere and everywhere you go there's no spot without a kemboja tree. the flower are used in ritual agama and also untuk menyerikan sanggul rambut or just as a natural wangian dalam bilik.

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pohon kemboja ni daunnya bulat di hujung, bunganya agak besar

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yang ni plak daunnya ends with sharp edge, while the flower slightly smaller than above tapi pusarannya unik

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ni hubby kata lalang, tapi akarnya macam berubi macam serai gitu. takkan nak tanam lalang dalam hotel.. isyy hubby ni

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cuba teka pukul berapa ni? jam 6 dah macam 7ptg kat malaysia

we had our last dinner at the hotel's restaurant. apparently we are not the only one spending our last night there. a group of mat & minah salleh who become friends during their stay there decided to hold a group dinner.

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boringnyer tunggu food... dekat 40mins baru sampai our food coz chef sibuk siapkan group dinner

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kunyah crackers dulu satu bakul

lepas dinner, tidur awal coz esok nak check out.


  1. susahnyer nak makanan halal...bole turun berat badan dok sana..emmm i think lalang tuh serai la Wa..setuju with u..

  2. yeee boleh sgtlah kurus... camne nak kurus klu asyik bantai chocolate jer utk ganti nasi..hehe
