Sunday 25 November 2007

Bali Day 4

Bali Day 4
Last day in Bali
Return to KL

after having our last breakfast at the resturant, say goodbye to one mat salleh couple yang dah berumur, we went for a short walk down the beach for our last mini shopping. i saw sequin sandals the day we arrived here, so decide to buy them for my mum, sis & sil.

kami dah berjanji dengan Wayan who agreed to send us to the airport pagi itu. the check out was very smooth, alhamdulillah, and we left the hotel at around 10.30am to catch our return flight at 1.55pm.

flight tak penuh sangat. kat airport sempat lagi grab 2 helai t-shirt polo, one for me & one for hubby, dapat 30% off. and sempat lagi snap pic ni

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everywhere baik di hotel, di kedai2, di patung2 mahupun dalam kereta Wayan or kereta orang lain we spotted this. aku fikir tujuannya sebagai wangian, yelah bunga rampai dalam bekas daun kelapa. but hubby says itu untuk orang sembahyang... i wanted to ask but i don't dare to takut offend orang pulak. dah lah tempohari aku tegur tuan kedai tu tengah cucuk2 daun kat batang lidi, i thought dia jual sirih yang dah siap dikapur, rupa2nya untuk sembahyang

we touched down at lcct 30mins earlier than the eta. laju giler pilot ni bawa... hehe. this time around much to our surprise none of the flights were delay. it took off on time and arrive earlier than eta.


  1. lia..

    ee.. syoknye... if you dont mind.. bole tak i nak tau overall cost.. hehe.. planning nak bawak ateem naik plane b4 2 yrs.. ok tak?? suitable tak nak bawak budak kecik mcm ateem nih??? e-mail me lia.. pls.. i really nak gi sini.. suppose to be my honeymoon place tapi cancel sbb tsunami..

  2. lia...nice & relaxing holiday. i love the elephant ride. not suitable fir children ke tapi? takut jugak dengar bab susah nak dpt halal food tu...

    are you feeling better now?

  3. liza,
    okies i'll email u later k?

    klu below 2yo leceh kot naik elephant. seat dia siap seat belt, tak jatuh insyaAllah.
    org kata bali ni tmpt happy2... nothing much 4 children, ada nude beach, cucuk langit, my boss said tmpt org isap ganja freely... heee

  4. bengkak dah ilang... hee x smpt habis antibiotic!

  5. wahhh sonoknya cuti-cuti..:) halal food is 1st question my hubby always ask everytime dgr org ke bali..lia..yg massage kt spa hotel tu best tak..selalu dgr bab2 membelai diri ni yg paling best di bali..murahlak tu...

  6. azie x tau nak kata massage tu murah or mahal compare dgn kl sbb kat kl x pernah gi massage... cuma utk 1/2hr massage lebih kurang rm40. mahal ke?

  7. seronoknya lia jalan2 makan angin
    nak gak pegik
