Saturday 19 April 2008


i tried my hands at cuppies and it turns out not bad. the icing is too sweet though, i'll take note on reducing icing sugar next time. the kids have fun decorating the cuppies to their preference and creativity.


  1. wah.. wah.. makin seronok memasak dgn 2 assistant sekaran ye...
    lepas ni tak payah pakai catering.. semua bole buat sendiri...

  2. kuang kuang kuang liza, setakat 6 biji cuppies pun kena pakai assistant... malu seh nak ajak org makan reramai...
    itu pun puas control x nak kasik sememeh...klu lantak kan je kat 'assistants' tu mau icing naik ke muka!

  3. eh lupa to inform... i've been to KK.. hehehehe.. at last.. baru je balik... mmg best!!!!! cubalah jalan ke sane....
