Sunday 27 April 2008

Quite House

yeah i know, my 'house' was damn quite this whole week. no new entry. as if there's nothing to blog about. which is so not true.
there is a reason why i have been so quite. and si kecil molek yaya is the reason. i'm so exhausted i don't know where to start; so let me fill the blank spaces in my blog with the chronology of events.

Saturday & Sunday (19 & 20 Apr)
she was double hyper active that she hardly took her afternoon nap, eat & drink less water. with farah araound budak2 ni sampai pukul 12am pun masih melompat! Sunday night kami hantar farah balik ke kuarters at klia. on the way back yaya nak duduk atas mama kat seat depan but i said no. the night before she threw up atas me lepas makan kat mcD kota damansara. she was eating and jumping at the same time, she also got her head knock kat bucu slide. i'm not sure which one yang menyebabkan dia muntah. anyway, on the way back from klia i noticed that she seems a bit tired and terus tertidur dalam kereta. which was a blessing sebab dah 2 malam budak2 ni tidur lewat.

malam tu seperti biasa tengah2 malam she creep in to our bed and menyelit between me & hubby. masa tu terasa her body burning sampai my skin hurts when she touched me. but, i was too groggy in my sleep it didn't struck me as something is not right with her until morning.

Monday (21 Apr)
i took her to the clinic, get her examine by the doctor, her temperature was 38.9C. after collected her prescriptions, i send her back home. i had two important meeting that day, so does hubby. have no choice but to leave her with our maid, with strict instructions. i came back that night, her temperature had lower down but still hot. bibir dia merah which means dia panas kat dalam. i told her to drink plenty of water, which she did and wet our bed that night.
our maid told us that yaya was complaining about headache siang tu. and tengah malam isnin tu, i found her hitting her head between weeps. when i ask her why, she told me it's her head. i coerce her to describe how she felt about her head coz i want to know excatly how she is feeling. it would be easy for me to feed words in to her mouth but would that be right? i asked her did the ache go away when she closes her eyes, she said yes. so i told her to close her eyes and go back to sleep, it would help. later tengah malam tu, she woke up again hitting her stomach. now she had stomach ache, agaknya memulas kot. so i rub some yuyee oil and put a wet towel on her stomach. the oil to help put away her ache and wet towel just to calm her down.

Tuesday (22 Apr)
i decided to take the day off. i was worried about her headache. takut2 ada apa2 effect from the incident dia terhantuk kat slide malam sabtu lepas. dalam hati i prayed hard that it was more due to the heat. kesian dia kecik2 dah pening kepala.

Wednesday (23 Apr)
she was her normal self again. dah mula memanjat2 macam 'bobo' dalam kartun diego tu... sapa yang tengok go diego go! taulah apa itu 'bobo' ;-)

Thursday (24 Apr)
walaupun dalam hati masih risaukan yaya but i have to stop thinking about her at work. coz if i keep on thinking pasal anak2 ni memang semua kerja tak menjadi, pasal tu kalau terlampau risau sangat i'd rather took 1 or 2 days off jaga sendiri daripada risau setiap hari kat ofis. our maid assured me that yaya is okay; eating well, minum air banyak & masih continue ubat demam.

Friday (25 Apr)
going back home during friday break has become my routine for a long long time. bila sampai je depan muka pintu rasa pelik sangat tengok muka yaya macam comot2 gitu. bila di belek2 muka, tangan & badan nampak samar2 bintik2 merah kat badan dia. our maid kata mungkin measles kot, tapi hati kecilku kata takkan kot! balik kerja malam tu me & hubby brought her to the nearest clinic. the doctor said itu bukan measles sebab budak2 ni dah ambil vaccination masa kecik. we were advised to get her blood tested for confirmation.
so we went straight from the clinic to the ER at SJMC. ramailah pulak orang semua bawa anak2 demam. kesian... rasa macam pelik pulak coz our little girl dah tak demam.
penat & bosan menunggu result blood test lebih2 lagi dengan dua orang anak yang hyper ni. her result came at almost 12 midnite. her platlet count was to low beyond the minimum level for a children of her age. we were asked to cameback the next day.

Saturday (26 Apr)
yaya tidur nyenyak sampai tak boleh bangun. well, me & hubby pun lebih kurang gitulah. we noticed that her rashes makin banyak & it started to itch. we put calamine all over her body. while getting her ready to sjmc hubby sent fahmi to his class.
yaya kurang berselera makan & dia asyik tertidur je sepanjang masa, macam keletihan sangat. senyum pun tidak. yang merisaukanku is that badan dia terutama dahi & hujung jari rasa sejuk sangat. yaya ni dalam keadaan biasa badan dia mamang agak warm sikit compared to fahmi, memang sejak kecil macam tu. so bila tetiba rasa sejuk tak warm jadi risau pulak.
her blood test shows that her platlet count makin jatuh, sikit lagi nak masuk paras bahaya. we were asked to repeat the test next day. doctor said they are not worried so much pasal dengue coz dengue & viral infection punya simptom lebih kurang sama. buat masa ni they cannot confirm anything. just that kalau platlet dia drop lagi dia akan mula dapat pendarahan. so we have to keep an eye kalau gusi dia berdarah ke.
tiba2 ku rasa terdesak untuk buat sesuatu, just to get her platlet normal again. but what? i don't know anything about it. dah terlampau lama sangat since the last time yaya jatuh sakit teruk, macam beku jer otak ni.
i need to get her to eat & drink plenty of water. i cooked grilled salmon for dinner, she ate a lot; rasa lega. tapi after dinner dia terus tertidur; i got worried again.
i need to do something. so kami keluar pergi cari air kelapa. yeah i know the pros and cons yang orang cakap pasal air kelapa, but i desperately want my baby to get well.

Sunday (27 Apr)
the result was no difference from yesterday's. sama jer, static. but the doctor was very optimist that it will pick up from now. her rashes pun dah makin kurang. and the best part is that yaya dah mula marah2! that's a good sign ;-) petang ni more good sign shows. dia dah mula bergaduh dengan fahmi. my heart swell. fahmi pun nampak happy sebab kawan bermain dia dah sihat.
fahmi shows concern about his sister's well-being. malam bila nak tidur dia selimutkan adik dia. and he gets pissed off with the doctor yang cucuk jari yaya ambil darah. from time to time masa yaya tertidur he dropped a few kisses on yaya's cheek & forehead. and he said he loves yaya forever.

walaupun penat this whole week; penat berkejar ke hospital & penat melayan risau but the best part is that yaya tak perlu masuk ward. i don't really like the idea of getting her admitted selagi masih ada cara lain i.e. as long as we can still provide the best care to her at home.

pheww!!! that's it. i've summarised 1 week's entry dalam 1 entry sahaja. how am i doing so far?

note: thank you to nad for your well wishes.


  1. ohh..sama ngan dania..terhantuk..muntah2..n demam last week...

  2. hi Lia,
    sian nya kat yaya, but alkhamdulillah she's getting better. kalau budak demam or sakit, kita yg tak senang duduk kan, but that's what mothers are for. To continually worry about their kids :-)

  3. azie, musim lah kot demam2 ni. kat opis pun ramai bapak2 & mak2 budak yang demam.

    tgk dia terbaring sakit x sampai hati. klu boleh biar kita jer yg sakit kan?
    today nak bawa dia check darah lagi. hopefully this will be d last

  4. Semoga Yaya semakin sihat & aktif semula. Bole sambung balik aktiviti memasak...:)

  5. aku nak komen kang ko marah...degill!!!! ko bagi anak ko makan benda suma omputihnya makanan...spagetti la...kek la..lain kali nak bagi makan .ajak aku skali...

  6. pezal oittt... muakakakaka meh la ko tolong bela. sesekali sakit takpe, develop antibodi kasik kuat. aku siap kasik anak aku makan durian lagi tau wat ubat sakit! kehkehkeh

    alhamdulillah auntie shida. yaya dah sihat. final boold test dia lulus with flying colours! semalam lagi dapur dah beroperasi. saja maleh nak upload gambo kek brownie takut org jemu hehe

  7. ishk..baru pasan entry nieh...sian yaya....dah sihat ek...takpelah..dugaan nieh lia...memang haru biler anak sakit nieh..kepala tak boleh pk menda lain dah..asik ingat diorang jer ...
