Tuesday 15 April 2008

It's Tuesday Night

it's tuesday night, which means it's Ugly Betty's night.
what is so significant about tuesday night is that we always hang around a little bit late to watch ugly betty on tv. even fahmi & yaya would stay to watch ugly betty.

and what else is so significant about ugly betty; is that i made enchiladas for dinner. it is a mexican dishes that mr suarez (betty's father) always made for the family. and he used it to tempt betty should she choose to skip dinner at home.

i bought a packet of tortillas last weekend; thought of making tortilla wrap for dinner sometime this week. i was looking in to light & simple meal and i think tortilla wrap would be perfect. then i thought i'd make it a little bit special, instead of just a simple wrap, i'd make tortilla toasties (something similar to KFC's cheezy melt). but then i remember that i had some bolognese sauce left-over in the fridge and thought i can use them as filing for enchiladas. so i use bolognese sauce, salad, diced tomato, diced capsicum & shredded cheese for filing, rolled up and topped with bechamel sauce. put in the oven for like 15mins until the cheese melt & bubbly & the wrap soft & crispy at the end.

served warm & fresh with salsa sauce. perrrfect!


  1. this is definately in the "to cook" list next weekend :)

  2. ishk...suker tol buat aku terliur...heheh lia..so comel yaya pakai telekung...dah besar dah anak anak ko yek...biler nak join no. tiga nieh...ehhehe

  3. hehehe sally memangnya yg simple2 tu jd pilihan utama utk menu weekday. lgpun, kurang berkecah kat dapur, x byk keje mengemas utk org yg malas mcm i!

    nolie... shomeyyy kan cik bekeng tu? ala2 sopan gitu. hehe tenung2lah selalu moga2 yg dlm 'oven' ko tu pun girlie... ehehe dah scan lom?
    huhhh cabaran besar betol kat aku bila ko dgn azie peknen no. 3 nih... tulunlah jgn cabar aku... kang aku rasa tercabar kang haaa nahas incik hubby kekeke

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  5. hi lia,best kan enchiladas ni...yummy! Wah, 1 family tengok ugly betty,hehe...kira mcm friday nite at the movie lah ye!

  6. LG, sedap & easy peasy... kenyang perut & budak2 pun suke
