Monday 14 April 2008

Muffin Affair

we had a mother-daughter-son quality time late afternoon yesterday after coming back from ikea shopping trip (another family quality time... if shopping counts ;-P). yaya had always pushed her butt in the kitchen whenever i'm busy preparing meal for the family. she would bring along her pink mammut stool which she used to stand on it to compensate her lack of height in the kitchen. fahmi though he doesn't have a curiousity nature of what's going around in the kitchen but lately he did voice out his intention of cooking mama a special meal one day. so, i decided to include both of them in my baking session. we baked blueberry muffin.

there's an incident behind this whole muffin baking affair...

since my kitchen is extremely small, we moved the baking session to our dinner table. fahmi & yaya made their special blueberry & strawberry muffin, the only 2 double berries muffin among the 21 pieces made. everything was ok... walaupun comot muffin ku tapi takdelah bersepah. everyone behave & everything goes well until yaya touched the hot wire tray that i just removed from inside the oven. i was holding another tray on the other hand, i thought i'd placed it on the table for a while before cooling it off under running water. tapi yaya is much more quick in her move; she tought that she could give me a help to remove it from our small dining table to a proper place without realising how freaking hot the wire tray was. poor yaya, she got her finger burnt that she cried until eventually she fall asleep. and yes i did put her finger under the running water for like 20 mins sebelum sapu krim gamat. i feel guilty; yaya pays the price for my carelessness. dia tak sempat dinner pun. makan muffin double berries dia pun tak sempat. huhu...

moral of the story... cepat2 lah pindah umah yang kitchen besar skit... hehe. no lah... mama jangan careless lagi, you have 2 hyper toddler in your house.

i choose the cake-like-method for this muffin. it is light, fluffy & yummy. the strawberry muffin that i made sometime ago, was made using traditional muffin-like-method, with less egg so it is chewy & agak keras. and ignore the almost 'rentung' colour, despite warnanya yang agak rentung skit it doesn't effect the taste one bit. i'm still adjusting to the new oven, seriously oven ni ter'over' power compared to my old one. it's like 10% lebih panas from my old one. so next time, either i have to low down the temperature or cut short the baking time.

the small accident just now, won't stop me from including them in future baking session. i have to be extra careful & more attentive. safety comes first!


  1. wah dah lama x buat xtvt baking nih...........start next week hopefully dah boleh fulfill with family-quality-activity...but rasa yer x boleh bg lagik nak kasik hani & ichlas join mummy....aiyak......itu dr nak buat muffin trus jd pizza

    hah...cepat move to the new house at sinun....we already 3 times drove over there to have 'jamu mata' but still x decide lagik......

    windu lah kat kak lia n others...lama x jumpa loh...

  2. watie... jenguk2 je 'sinun' jamu mata watpe... byk lg kosong. or nak tunggu yg 'baru' launching ke? cantik gak yg 'baru' tu. we all last week b4 gi ikea dah jenguk teratak kami. tapi rasa mcm x ready lagi nak reveal the news. hehe...

    watie, klu x baking buat xtiviti lain pun okay... ajak hani & boboy mengemop sama2 pun quality time gak! kehkehkeh...

    we miss u guys too... especially now since dah lama off pcm ni. bila next get together ni?

  3. seronok kan Lia sekali sekala cooking n baking with the kids ni. They feel so grown up bila tolong kat dapur. Sian Yaya tapi takpe, hopefully she remembers next time. I dont think it'll deter her from cooking again :-)
