Wednesday 2 April 2008

My Birthday Girl

my sweet little girl is 3 today.
wow... time flies fast. especially when you've been busy juggling between your demanding career and raising two ever demanding kids. but don't get me wrong. i enjoyed every moment raising my kids, i enjoy see them growing up in front of my eyes. fahmi is 4 now. and today, sweet yaya turns 3.

she seems so little for a toddler her age. she's the smallest among her cousins. my sister's daughter yg baru 1 1/2 tahun pun taller and bigger than yaya. i always said to hubby that yaya took after his father (my fil). kalau ikut my side semuanya tinggi2 dan besar... maklumlah darah pak arab. tapi walaupun nampak yaya ni kecik cinonet jer baru2 ni perasan banyak seluar dia yang beli masa raya last year dah makin singkat dok atas buku lali!

Yaya at 3:-
she's still on milk... 5 times a day, sometimes more. kekadang pelik juga sebab dia ni boleh tahan kuat makan nasi.

she's a picky eater, she don't like veggies but she loves potato... kekadang mau juga dia makan carrot but most of the time she will scream kalau nampak carrot dlm pinggan dia... macam nampak alien!

she's a nenek kebayan... banyak cakap! suka membebel & kuat merajuk...siap dengan muncung!

she's the most manja one... paling manja, paling suka menempel tapi paling tak mendengar kata. geram!
suka baca buku walaupun yang membaca tu mama dia sebenarnya, rajin menulis tapi macam cacinglah

ada satu yang tak best she's still on diapers..... huwaaaa dah 3 years old tapi masih pakai pampers.

we plan to register her for smart reader tutorial class in june, that is after fahmi been upgraded to kindergarten class. she is so estatic about this school thing, i think she will adapt to it well, better than his brother. she's been calling the smart reader as her 'strawberry school' . she even told me yesterday that she's going to bring the party favours that she help me packed to her strawberry school and she's going to distribute them to her friends. kesian pulak tengok dia so excited.

oh ya... preparation for yaya's birthday party is progressing. so is my schedule setiap malam at home is full. last night buat party favours, ada skit lagi tak siap, continue tonight. last night prepared fruit tart pastry, simpan dalam fridge. malam ni start buat tart shell & bakar dan simpan... menunggu untuk diisi custard & fruit filling jer. jumaat malam prepare chicken pie filing, buat pie crust & simpan dalam fridge. sabtu masuk dalam oven. sabtu nak kena collect cake dora on the way ke rumah my mom. fuhhh banyak lagi benda nak buat yang tak tertulis kat sini.

meh take a sneak peek at the party favours
dah siap packed... ada coklat zip, ballon, hershey chocolate, jelly, choc chip cookies, pencil dora & apa lg ntah...


  1. emm make sure auntie shida dapt 2 beg yg comel tuh yer..:)
    dalam kepala..nak bagi apanyer present besday ?

  2. erm.. bile ni???

  3. happy b'day sweet yaya...
    May all your wishes come true and have a fantastic birthday party with Dora! Make sure u enjoy the day too Lia sbb dah penat2 masak all the goodies kan!

  4. happy birthday yaya. dah 2 years old dah cik yaya bekeng :)

    yaya...asyraf pun very the bekeng. 2 memang mcm tu ke? tapi auntie tak ponnnnn...hehehe

    may you have a wonderful birthday...

  5. shida,
    apa susah2... kan dah bg hints tu anything yg ada dora... bukan doraemon tau! :-)

    besday party yaya buat kat umah my mom kat s'ban... nyelit2 kat kenduri maulud nabi

    tenkiu auntie LG. i dah penat meng'usaha'kan party dora nih... nak patah pinggang. penat2 mcm ni senang naik temperature...eheh

    tenkiu auntie sally. yaya 3 yrs old lah same wid amir. oww ur no. 2 bekeng jugak? tp org bekeng ni they can stand up on their own kan? ehehh mummy dia x bekeng?

  6. eh sorry yaya. tersalah type. dok pikir2 pasal no2 tertype no 2 gak.

    ehhh...auntie where got bekeng wannn ;P
