Sunday 6 April 2008

The Day After

Were spent leisurely trying to recover our energy from the exhaustion of cleaning up the house after yesterday’s kenduri cum birthday party. After the party when the guest had gradually left masing2 tukar costume and immediately do the cleaning up, remove all the sampah sarap, food left-overs, washing dishes, sapu satu rumah until all of us were extremely exhausted. Alhamdulillah walaupun adik-beradik ku masing2 ada anak kecil tapi semuanya dapat luangkan masa berkemas. Just imagine while the adults sibuk berkemas, our children (ada yang ditidurkan) were left inside to play on their own sebab ibu2 & bapa2 serta atuk & nenek sibuk berkemas. Nasib ada sorang dua anak buah yang besar skit dapat tengok2 kan adik2 yang kecil. And as it was approaching dark semua kerja kena pantas. Fuhhh… flat giler.

Dan rasa seronok sangat tengok anak2 sendiri & anak2 sedara walaupun bingit telinga; they enjoy themselves very very much, bukan semata-mata sebab party tu, tapi sebab dapat berkumpul ramai2.

This is the first ever combined birthday party for 3; yaya's celebrating her 3rd birthday, so does nana her cousin also celebrating her 3rd's and farah, another niece who's celebrating her 7th birthday. So, the mommies & daddies masing2 sepakat contribute hidangan hasil tangan masing2. We were grateful to my mom, walaupun tak berapa sihat dapat juga hidangkan nasi minyak, ayam masak merah & kari daging. Since i had to delay going back to mom's house only after fahmi's saturday class is over, hasrat nak buat hidangan yang lavish terpaksa tukar kepada chicken pie & fruit tartlets sahaja. My brother, hmm ingatkan bihun goreng tu hasil tangan wife dia, rupa2nya ada bakat terpendam jugak my bro ni ye... heee not bad. Satay ayam kami tempah from my uncle yang memang ambil tempahan satay. Tengahari tu sebaik sampai kat rumah my mom, tugas menghias khemah & collect satay, we leave it to hubby since the rest of us were busy kat dapur (dia aja yang takde bakat di dapur..hehehe). Other delicacies mom ordered from her friends... some courtesy of her friends juga.
My dad was over excited by this party; being given the honour to host his grandchildrens party. I had some reservation about asking my parents to host this party. I thought that it will be a troublesome event for them. I didn't expect my dad would be over joyed with this party thing sampaikan dia nak drag my mom to go shopping for party decorations!

majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan surah Yaasin

my darlings

my fruit tartlets

the crowd

the kuihs

tadaaa... yaya's birthday cake

chicken pie

sweet yaya clad in dora's blouse. my lil nephew in blue shirt stole the limelight bila dia buat aksi ganas merobek cake farah... tengok tu traces of chocolate icing atas alas meja

my childhood friends... fiza & shida. sorry shida ku lupa nak bagi party favour tu... ehehh

the only mother & daughter pic taken... ni pun lepas kepenatan berkemas
the party favour memang jadi rebutan & terhangat di pasaran. tak sangka lah pulak sampaikan mak cik2 pun minta nak bawa balik. ehehhh maaf ye cukup2 untuk kanak2 riang je... hehehe


  1. nice party. yaya looks like a big girl with her dora blouse and all.

    mama dia...why u so kurus oneeeee??

  2. wah bestnya bestday party yaya ..... meriahnyer.... ;-)

  3. kurus? sekejap kurus kejap mok mok... i dah mcm belon kembang kuncup...harharhar sibuk berminggu x sempat mkn nak siapkan party yaya...eheh alasan! ;-)

    thanks diana... bila mukhriz nak berparti ni?
