Thursday 10 April 2008

My Sweetheart

a-DORA-ble yaya posed in her new 'telekung' with abang fahmi; a gift from mama on her birthday. dia suka sangat nak solat. ntah berapa kali dia mengerjakan telekung mama. nenek gave her a makeshift telekung which was originally my hijab masa sekolah. sebab dia ter'amat' sangat suka nak bersolat siap bertelekung, so i bought her sepasang telekung kanak2. biar berkobar2 lagi semangat dia nak beribadat. moga2 anak mama ni rajin solat dari kecil sampai dewasa. amin...

think i would stop experimenting with pasta sauce after the one (the tomato basil sauce) that i made last month? no way. tanganku yang sentiasa gatal nak mencuba resipi baru ni won't stop until after i've tried all pasta sauce recipes yang ku jumpa. ahad lepas masa lepak2 merehatkan badan sambil menonton tv, i saw this cooking program on AFC. the chef claimed that this is the original bolognese sauce that he got from a 85-years old italian man. the chef is an italian himself. the recipe is very simple. all you need is mince meat, tomato paste (i use tomato puree), beef stock or vegetable stock ( i used beef stock), celery, rosemary sprigs, salt & pepper to taste. i had a packet of fresh rosemary in my fridge; left-over from making chicken pie last week, and also thyme so i add thyme because i love the flavour ( i could never follow any recipe 100%; would always add or omit something to my liking). and of course, the original recipe requires some wine which i omitted. cooking time takes longer than using ready made sauce. you have to let the sauce simmer under low heat for at least 1 hour to get the desired flavour. simple tapi kalau dah tengah kebulur memang tak kuasa nak tunggu 1 hour! ready made jelah jawabnya... hehe


  1. nak try ni. have to start when i make breakfast, kalau start lambat sure tak sempat masak dah makan :)

  2. hahaha... betul tu! i made them awal 1 hari, sejukkan & masuk fridge. klu nak makan sameday weekday jawabnya sempat tido dulu...
