Saturday 4 April 2009

Allah Selamatkan Kamu...

these photos were taken on yaya's birthday hi-tea petang tadi. we planned for a simple hi-tea for the family. tapi tau jelah aku ni, none of my simple plan would really turn out simple as planned. mesti jadi a little bit extravaganza. i couldn't help to go a bit overboard with the details i.e. party decoration, the balloons, pasty cone hats etc. coz my idea of a simple birthday is that it should be celebrated with the family yet suasana birthday tu mesti ada to inject mood to the party.

so beginilah jadinya...
kiddies treat - cookies,sunmaid raisins,chocolates & princesses pencil in princesses paper cup

atuk helped to hang up the banner and balloons

i actually didn't expect to entertain a big crowd. rupa2nya my mum made her own plan for the 'simple' party. she invited her 'yasin friends' over untuk baca Surah Yasin sebelum majlis. tak kurang 20 of makcik2 came to our house. and i only knew this masa tengah sibuk masak kuah mee rebus, no wonder she keep on saying kenapa aku buat kuah mee rebus sikit sangat. adehhh serta merta aku kecut perut. nasib baik our family angkat sedekahkan laksa penang dapat juga buat tambah2 hidangan. see, ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. rupa2nya aku ni mewarisi perangai mak aku ye ;-)

kenapa ada dua doll? the mermaid cake untuk my niece farah who celebrates her advance birthday also in april, and the big pink doll was yaya's. tak fair aku kan, buat satu kecil & satu lagi besar... itu jer yang termampu aku buatkan coz my niece sejak tahun lepas dah minta buatkan.

yang bagusnya, plan asal nak buat lasagna dan pizza tak perlu diteruskan. jadi kurang sikit kerja kat dapur. pun begitu tapak kaki ku tetap sakit semacam. apa tidaknya, 5 malam berturut2 berdikit2 buat persiapan mula dari menyiapkan frozen karipap, bake cakes, kuah chicken bolognese, kiddies party treats etc.

hubby wasn't around all the while i did the preparation coz minggu ni dia keje asyik balik lewat. dah terbalik pulak coz selalunya aku yang lewat. hingga majlis today aku terpaksa balik sendiri dengan kakak & anak2 coz he had to work. sesampai je dia kat rumah my mum majlis dah bermula. so dia terus je makan. i was busy entertaining the guests. bila terserempak kat dapur he asked me one weird question "mee apa ni" referring to the mee rebus. aku rasa pelik coz bukan dia tak tau yang aku dah plan nak buat mee rebus. terus aku rasa was2 nak jawab... what does he mean sebenarnya? adakah sebab mee tu tak sedap sampai he couldn't recognise it was mee rebus? i said "mee rebus lah". "kenapa? tak sedap ye?" aku tanya lagi. then he said sapa buat? ehhh ni nak kena ni, penat2 aku terbongkok2 kat dapur ada ke dia tanya sapa yang buat. mana ada orang lain dalam rumah ni yang tau masak mee rebus.

i said "saya lah, kenapa?" ... muka dia macam tak percaya. "iye ke? ingat tempah kat kedai" adehh rasa nak tepuk jer bahu dia. statement menghina tuh. dia kata selalu tak sedap macam ni. huwaa sedeyyy... yelah yang selalu buat tu manalah nak sedap macam hari ni coz selalu tak cukup bahan2 main boh je apa yang ada. kali ni memang cukup lengkap semua bahan. i said to him lain kali janganlah merungut and rajin2lah pergi kedai bila aku minta belikan bahan2 masak, barulah dapat masakan yang sedap2.

back to yaya's birthday party. kali ni she got lots of present from her aunties, uncles and grandparents. before this she told me yang dia nak sangat kalau nenek boleh hadiahkan dia set mainan masak2. well, her prayers were answered coz dia dapat bukan 1 set masak2 tapi 4 altogether from different people. aku rasa terkejut sendiri, macam tau2 pulak masing 2 ye. and after the party dah over she told me yang kalau boleh dia nak mama hadiahkan anak patung. then masa kami unwrapped all her presents one of them is a doll set. wow! again she got what she wished for. bagusnya, mama tak payah lah belikan anak patung ye? :-)

emm nasib birthday party 2 kali je setahun. kalau ada orang yang rajin nak urutkan kaki ni kan bagus?

1 comment:

  1. happy 4th bday yaya yg sweett...semoga sihat dan ceria selalu...
    hmm...sama la kita salwa...slalu wish nk buat small party..but ending nye mesti mum pun camtu..mesti nk invite org itu..kwn yg ini..and of course..dia mesti top-up some dishes..hishhh kadang takut tak abiss je mknn2 tuh..
