Sunday 5 April 2009

Statement Tak Sayang Mulut

tonite we had chicken lasagna for dinner. the preparation was a quick one coz i have the chicken bolognese ready in the fridge. just need to thaw them and lepas tu layered alternately with instant lasagna sheets. the bolognese was initially intended for yesterday's makan-makan. but in the end, ended up in my mum's fridge sebab dah banyak sangat hidangan lain. elok juga tak membazir, at least i can use them to make our dinner tonite. maklum jelah penat drive dari seremban tadi rasa tak kuasa nak berperang kat dapur lagi dah.

yaya had 3 helpings, in small portion of course. which is much to my surprise coz selalunya fahmi would be the one to have more when it comes to pasta. agaknya kelaparan kot coz today neither of them had nasi kat rumah nenek. they were too busy playing with their new toys and cousins sampai tak peduli nak makan.

hubby pulak tak habis2 memuji lasagna malam ni. lain kata dia, sedap sangat and the sheets were lembut tak macam biasa. he asked me kenapa lately ni masak sedap semacam, like the mee rebus that i made yesterday pun sedap sangat kata dia. then he said something that buat aku geram... "are you pregnant, sayang?" huwaaaa menghina lah tu. bukannya apa... aku rasa terhina sebab before this dia kata masa aku pregnant kan yaya memang masakan aku berlainan benar, buat apa semuanya sedap & menjadi. kiranya statement dia tu seolah2 aku ni tak pandai masak lah! nak kena pregnant baru sedap... huwaaa tak sayang mulut lah tu.

aku bilang kat hubby... ni resipi rahsiaaa... hehehe


  1. better ko pegi check..hehehehe :)
    nak resei tuh...nampak sedap nyer..yummmy

  2. hahaha..its about time kot salwa....hehehe

  3. tapi lasagna tue seriously looks yummy lia!Cake yaya pon cantekkk,macam sayang nak potong:p Happy 4th Bday princess Yaya!!

  4. shida,
    ohhh tidakkk!!! ni sorang lagi geng dgn hubby tak percaya aku bleh masak lah tu!

    hahaha azie... kot klu pun ter'pregnant' kali ni my cooking turns out tak sedap merana lah hubby for 9 months. coz syaratnya mestilah pregnant bb girl baru masak sedap, klu boy malas masuk dapur u! serves him right!

    dah ada link resipi tu kat entry terkini. just click ye & sudi2 kanlah merasmikan oven tu :-)

    hahaha pasal tu hubby mcm x percaya tgk rupa lasagna tu. i don't know what i did but it turns out & looks like that. oh my rasa jakun sendiri pulak, so terrible lah me.

    semua orang nak potong cake yaya smpi anak dara tu muncung mulut merajuk doll dia tumbang awal. smpi malam ni masih merungut! tenkiu auntie ami
