Thursday 18 February 2010

What We Did During CNY Break

the remaining 2 days Chinese new year break were spent mostly at home with the children. Fahmi has started to read, so I brought him and yaya to mph on Monday to get him storybooks for his reading. I promised him that I’d buy him books once he is able to read on his own. Susah juga nak jumpa storybooks yang sesuai for a beginner like him. I finally found these books yang pada setiap sukukatanya ditandakan berlainan warna supaya mudah dibaca. I bought 4 books from the same series and they are cheap too!Tak sangka pulak fahmi pun berkenan dengan the books, sambil temankan aku browsing through cookbooks kat mph sempat fahmi bersila atas lantai sampai mulut tak berhenti2membaca. Berlarutan dia melekat dengan buku tu sampaikan sepanjang perjalanan balik dalam kereta tak berhenti2 dia membaca walau tak lancar tapi pecahan sukukata tu helps.

I know, it is quite late for him to start reading at 6. Itupun dia baru mula dengan reading in malay, belum in English lagi. I wasted a lot of time. Could have done better but well it is still not too late. The teachers at his school did a good job. Banyak perbezaan dengan dulu.

Nowadays it is a bit challenging with yaya. Kalau dulu fahmi yang liat buat homework, sekarang it is the reverse. I don’t know how or what tapi yaya pulak yang liat buat homework, kalau suruh belajar dia buat main2 je. Is it because of their age ke apa? Itu belum diambil kira kenakalan lain. Seolah2 my two children ni dah switch places with each other.

Enough ramblings about the children. We decorated the house on tuesday, nothing much really. Just hung up the koleksi family photos and english style letter box hadiah from my auntie masa housewarming tempohari. no pictures yet coz tak habis mendeco lagi. cuci mata dengan hidangan kami last tuesday - hainan chicken rice.

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