Tuesday 16 February 2010

Where We Were During CNY Break

We were in hubby’s hometown on Saturday midnight until Monday morning – visiting my in laws during the Chinese new year break. We were spared the heavy traffic because we left home after the clock struck midnight, if not mesti stuck dalam jam. Fahmi mula2 merungut bila dengar nak balik rumah nenek on his daddy’s side, he wants to go back to nenek’s house on mama’s side. I told him tak payah nak merungut coz I know bila he touch the real kampung soil kat rumah nenek segamat sure dia seronok berkejaran sampai tak ingat. Which was true. Pagi isnin bila kami bersiap2 nak berangkat balik ke subang, he was the one yang merungut kenapa balik cepat sangat. See, I told you :-P

But I know he misses going back to nenek seremban house coz we haven’t been there for quite sometime, almost 3 months now. Wow! That’s a record. Paling lama tak balik rumah my mum pun 1 bulan je. No wonder aku sendiri pun dah rasa rindu sangat nak balik sana. Bukannya kami tak berjumpa for the past 3 months, we did – twice when my parents stay over with us in December and once again in January masa kenduri housewarming. But I haven’t been back to the house where I grew up for a long time. insyaAllah we’ll be going back hujung bulan februari ni. Kalau tak silap 26 februari ada public holiday, so bolehlah, balik lama sikit.

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