Friday 31 August 2007

Baking Experiment II

i made chicken curry bun this afternoon. my first experiment after many many years, i used to make sausage bun and cinnamon roll during my teenage years, but i've discarded the idea of baking sebab i don't have an oven in my kitchen before.

i omit the dough enhancer from the recipe, jadinya bun tu tak lah selembut mana. makan panas2 sedaplah, dah sejuk agak keras & dry. next time i'll add the dough enhancer.

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saw the brown spots? tu sebab sapu dengan egg yolk
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500 gm tepung, 30 gm susu tepung, 50 gm gula, 1 paket ibu roti (mauripan), 1 biji telur, 1/2tsp garam, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 250 ml air & 80 gm mentega (lembutkan). klu letak bread improver 1 tsp only.

sift together flour, milk powder, salt & bread improver. in a bowl, combine together with sugar, yeast & egg. add softed butter and water, mix well dalam 10mins. leave the dough for 15mins-20mins to rise. bulatkan kecil2, put it aside to rise. leperkan dgn jari, letak inti & bulatkan semula. panaskan oven to 200deg, and let the dough rise sementara oven panas. bakar for 20mins.