Tuesday 29 July 2008

Boy's Night Out

well... not nearly all boys but just the big boy's (hubby) night out.
i think this is the first ever time i'm so cool about him going out with his friend... to watch the Chelsea vs Malaysia football match at Stadium Shah Alam. i am such a possessive person i want his free time to be spend with me always. so it becomes the most unbelieveable part of our marriage life when the tickets were from ME, i repeat i was the one who gave him the tickets yesterday and i was the one who was so cool when i told him to bring one of his friend instead of myself... well i'm flattered i was his first choice.
anyway, i didn't buy the tickets... but i got them from maxis. i dunno how and why but yesterday i received this courier from maxis, when i opened up there were 2 red grandstand tickets priced at rm103 each. the funny thing is i'm not a registered user with maxis.. tak pernah seumur hidup... the number i'm using was registered under my bro's name... pelik tapi menarik kan?
well, let the boy enjoy his time... ;-)

Monday 28 July 2008

Penangan Durian

uhuk! uhuk! sakitnya tekak...kering jer rasa and mata pun pedih. ni tanda2 nak selsema... penangan bedal durian sampai tak ingat! ni semua gara2 mencari udang merah lah. sampaikan on the way balik ke rumah my in law sabtu lepas pun sempat lagi kami stop tepi jalan beli durian. kalau sesiapa yang biasa travel ke segamat melalui gemas tu sure tau satu junction before junction sungai kelamah tu. nak jadi cerita kebetulan masa sampai kat simpang tu ada accident lori dengan kereta, so kami pun slow down... selalu orang m'sia ni kalau nampak accident semua prihatin nak tengok kan... tapi lain pulak dengan ku... bukannya tengok accident tu pun tapi mata tertangkap sebiji van jual durian dengan signage 'UDANG MERAH'... apa lagi terjerit2lah aku bagitau kat hubby. hubby pun reverse balik beli durian 3 biji.
pastu malamnya we all pi visit my uncle (my mom's side) yang tinggal kat jalan kolam air, segamat. dapat berita dia tak sihat... dalam pada nak melawat orang sakit tu rupa2nya kami dijamu dengan durian kampung pulak... aduhaii sukarnya nak menolak! heheh
tau apa akibat melantak durian sampai overdose tu? haaa malam tu jugak me & hubby kepanasan perut... laris betul cik 'tan' malam tu. nak tau apa bebelan fahmi padaku? it goes like this...
fahmi: itulah orang makan rambutan barulah sejuk, ni makan durian memanglah panas
amboiii mentang2lah siang tu mama bebel dia sebab makan rambutan banyak sangat (pokok rambutan penuh kiri kanan rumah), dia ambil kesempatan pulak bebel kan mama & daddy dia.
kali ni balik kampung mil memang seronok habis budak berdua ni. nak makan rambutan petik je kat pokok, langsat & manggis pun macam tu. puas hatilah pulun buah2an.

yaya dapat sepasang telekung... special sebab yang ni ada strawberry prints all over the telekung, bag dia pun ada strawberry besar. suka yang amat yaya

Sunday 27 July 2008

Chicken Wrap

penat travel 3jam lebih balik dari segamat ke subang... alhamdulillah sampai kat rumah tadi time matahari masih memancar...i miss my house so much walaupun hanya sehari kutinggalkan. kenapa entah sekarang ni rasa liat sangat nak tinggalkan rumah hatta untuk balik ke rumah my parents. tapi semalam tinggalkan juga rumah untuk 1 malam sebab dah lama tak jenguk my in law.

since masing2 kepenatan (begitu juga tukang masak), i made chicken burritto wrap jelah for dinner. lagipun ada tortilla beli last week, kalau disimpan shelf life nya bukannya panjang. kali ni chicken strips tu kucelup telur dan golek2 dengan tapioca flour sebelum shallow fry... a bit unhealthy way to prepare the chicken tapi sesekali tukar selera sebab selalu sangat dah pan grill the chicken.

fahmi & yaya punya plain without salsa sauce & diced chilis. burppp! kenyang.

Saturday 26 July 2008

A Curse?

aku ni macam dah terkena sumpahan ke apa? dalam masa 2 weeks ni dah 2 kali my cc hilang. dan both times hilang tu after i fill up fuel kat petronas... the same petronas!!! bukannya hilang kat petronas tu, it's not like i forgot to take out my cc form the slot ke apa... tapi after like 2-3 days tu bila nak guna balik baru terperasan cc dah takde... the 1st time mastercard je hilang...kali ni mastercard, visa (yang baru replace sebab fraud) dan my atm card sekaligus hilang!!!

i remember the last time i used my visa card was at petronas untuk isi petrol, simpan balik dalam purse. alih2 pagi ni bila nak bayar beli barang kat care4 nak terbeliak mata aku tengok kosong! habis semua ketiga2nya takde... huwaaa aku sorang plak tu. aduihaiii sib baik ada cash sikit cukup2 bayar harga barang.

it is really not like me to forget mana letak my personal thing. i'm totally absolutely organised when it comes to my personal things. i will take and keep/return to it's original place. ntahh kali ni apa dah jadi ...

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Please... Let's Go to Sleep

nak update skit pasal my children. fahmi tak lama lagi akan upgrade another level, teacher intan nak ajar dia reading pulak. harap2 cepatlah dia pandai membaca, bolehlah mama belikan dia banyak2 book for his reading.
yaya pulak walaupun tak masuk kelas lagi tapi adalah few english words yang dia dah pandai guna (to her advantage lah!)... ni few words yang boleh diclassified sebagai tahap bahaya kalau keluar dari mulut dia...

please - a highly persuasive word especially bila digunakan dengan lenggok suara yang manis memujuk merayu...
level danger - extremely dangerous! run if you hear this word
kalau fahmi & yaya guna word ni... hati mama & daddy boleh jadi melt mcm butter especially yaya dengan high pitch note dia tu... kalau kita kata 'no' lagilah laju 'please' dia tu

Yes - kalau fahmi sebut word ni umpamanya macam burung kakak tua... yes jelah manjang sebab dah tak faham english sangat...but lately ni nampak soalan yang ditanya dgn jawapan 'yes' tu matching ...

let's go to sleep - 1st time yaya sebut word ni last week terkejut kami. pertama terkejut sebut dia sebut full word, kedua terkejut sebab tak pernah2 dia surrender nak tidur selalunya mesti kena paksa tidur.
level of danger - sama mcm please extremely dangerous! sebab maknanya dia ajak main melompat2 & berkubang atas katil! bukannya ajar tidur. harap mama & daddy jangan tertipu ye? ;-)

here's another song yang yaya tengah belajar nyanyi, part counting tu betul dah cuma lain2 tu bunyinya macam hummingbird lah...

one, two, three, four, five
once i caught a fish alive
six, seven, eight, nine, ten
but then i let it go again
why did i let it go
coz it bite my finger so
which finger did it bite
this little finger on my right

dan semalam, buah tangan from mama untuk anak2... fresh from the oven 'lemon drizzled cake'

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Selera Berbuka

hari ni sambung puasa sunat Rejab, dapat 3 hari dah, Alhamdulillah. menua berbuka today simple jer, pecal. dah lama tak buat pecal ni, dulu2 once a week mesti ada pecal atas meja for dinner. kalau rasa tak nak heavy dinner or nak skip nasi mesti opt for pecal, makan sayur2an celur dengan kuah kacang tanah... simple & light tapi sedap.

resipi paste pecal ni belajar dari maid lama, wahhh ada jugak satu dua resipi yang aku blajar dengan dia ye. kusiapkan paste nya malam tadi, simpan dalam fridge bila nak makan bancuhkan aja kuahnya. saja buat awal sebab nak mengadun paste nya makan masa juga, kalau time tu nak makan baru nak buat sempatlah kebulur kalau tak tertidur dulu.

paste ni dibuat dari campuran kacang tanah, cili, bawang dan sebagainya ditumbuk halus dengan lesung tau, takde main short cut masuk blender... tak best maa, guna cara tradisional baru mengancam rasa dia. dan tak perlu dimasak sebab bahan2nya digoreng sebelum tumbuk. nanti bila nak jadikan kuah cuma tambah air panas jer.


300gm kacang tanah
5 ulas bawang merah (kecil)
3 ulas bawang putih
2 tangkai cili merah (boleh ditambah kalau nak pedas)
6 biji cili api (kalau nak pedas tambah lagi)
7-8 ketul ubi cekur (lagi banyak lebih 'berlemak' rasa kuah)
1 inci belacan (bakar biar kering)
3 sudu besar gula melaka (ku guna 3/4 keping nisan t'ganu)
2-3 tangkai daun limau purut (dihiris supaya senang nak tumbuk)
air panas secukupnya
garam secukup rasa

1 ikat kangkung (dicelur)
1 ikat pucuk ubi (dicelur)
kacang panjang (potong dalam 1 1/2 inci & celur)
taugeh (dicelur)
jantung pisang (direbus)
tempe (digoreng & potong kecil2)
2 keping tauhu (digoreng & potong kecil2)

kalau suka boleh tambah lain-lain sayur/ulam seperti kacang botol, bendi, pucuk keledek, bayam dan timun.

1. Goreng kacang tanah dengan sedikit minyak. Buang kulitnya.
2. Panaskan 1 sudu besar minyak, goreng sekejap bawang merah, bawang putih, cili besar dan cili api hingga layu.
3. Tumbuk bawang dan cili serta ubi cekur portion by portion hingga lumat. Masukkan kacang tanah sedikit demi sedikit berselang seli dengan garam, gula melaka, belacan dan daun limau purut. Tumbuk dan ulang proses hingga semua bahan lumat dan sebati.
4. Bancuh air asam jawa dengan air panas, gaulkan dengan paste pecal hingga menjadi kuah.
5. Bila nak makan ambil sayur/ulam serta tempe+tauhu dan gaul dengan kuah pecal secukupnya. Kalau letak keropok sekeping dua pun sedap!

Siapa yang ada food processor kat rumah tu boleh juga campak semua bahan ke dalam, senang sikit. Takdelah lenguh tangan menumbuk paste dalam lesung. Jenuh nak lumat sebab lesung ku kecik jer... 1/2 jam nak hasilkan paste daripada 300gm kacang. Berat semacam rasa tangan, macam senget sebelah pulak dok membongkok menumbuk.

asal usul pecal ni tidaklah kutahu... rasa2nya hidangan orang jawa kot. walaupun bermentuakan orang jawa, tapi belum pernah lagi tengok mil buat pecal. dan aku belajar buat pecal ni pun secara tak sengaja from ex-maid bila tiba2 satu hari hubby teringin nak makan pecal. kebetulan bibik lama tu orang veteran, so dia memang suka lauk2 kampung/tradisional ni. apalagi pucuk dicita ulam mendatang...

esok tak tau lagi sambung puasa ke tidak. patut semalam pun niat nak berpuasa, alih2 sampai ofis kepala pulak berdenyut2 sakit... tak tahan telanlah panadol. perut pulak terasa pedih gara2 makan kuah durian dengan air coke... tak pernah2 aku minum air coke kenapa ntah boleh hentam keromo jer... merana perut ;-(

Monday 21 July 2008


see my two cheeky children feast on the durians. they eat durians like they were having rice! they definitely took after me on their obsession for durian. dulu2 when i was a kid , i myself just love durian so much. i use to mix the durian with nasi, sugar & warm water, gaulkan semua jadilah nasi durian. ummm it was soo yummy... sampai menjilat jari! serius!

now looking at my two children dishing on durians macamlah durian tu nasi rasa nak marah jer... budak berdua ni ku gelar hantu durian. yaya pantang tercium bau durian mesti menjerit nakkan durian. budak berdua ni dari kecik lagi dah minat durian, tapi tak boleh kasi banyak sangat... tau jerlah durian tu kan panas... kang demam plak bebudak tu. tapi bila ingat2 balik aku ms kecik dulu pun hantu durian rasa malu sendiri pulak nak larang lebih2.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Some Update

i haven't been writing much of late. i haven't been cooking that much also. so there being not much interesting thing happen around me and no pictures captured, i just keep silent.

i made grilled sirloin steak complete with mushroom sauce and roasted rosemary potatoes for dinner on saturday. but i was too lazy to snap pictures. then on sunday, i was simply too lazy to cook i made fried rice with salads only for sunday's lunch! later after lunch i went off for a little shopping with my little girl at amcorp mall. it was pouring heavily when we left the house and that half of my excitement almost gone away with the weather. we (me&yaya) went shopping at a kidswear outlet called 'Too Little Shop'. the brief shopping trip works as a therapy for me, after having dotted on my two sick boys the previous week, at least i had sometime for myself last weekend.

my basil plant was attacked by a bug... and the other day i saw some ants hovering and coming out from inside the soil. no wonder there were holes on the leaves...rupa2nya kena makan bugs & the roots are coming out sebab ants semua dah gali tanah. ughhhh... jap tadi baru lepas alih pokok to another pot.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Mat Kacau & Mat Nusia?

before i went to the subject of today's entry, let me just update on hubby's condition. mr liasari has recovered from his severe back pain; as a result he has gone for 1 week outstation ... grrrr!! the laser treatment unfortunately has been postpone to a later date, but that did not stop him from taking the outstation assignment. some would think that he's a workaholic...

i on the other hand had to dealt with fahmi's sudden illness yesterday. he had stomach ache on sunday night, but the pain immediately gone within minutes after i rubbed yuyee's oil on his stomach. came monday he barely eats, complaining of nausea everytime he had some food. he even vomitted a couple of times; one time right upon arriving at the clinic last night. he was pale and tired. he went to bed very early last night on empty stomach. he woke up this morning terus minta nasi and telur goreng (for breakfast!). right after that he doze off (tak sempat mandi!) and woke up only when i came back during lunch break to check on him. alhamdulillah, anakku yang sorang ni dengar nasihat mama dia rajin makan ubat & pujuk2 makan nasi, so petang ni dah sihat. tapi punyalah cengkung, bahana satu hari sakit.

tiba2... rumahku jadi rumah sakit pulak bila berturut2 father and son sakit.

okay, so i've already covered latest updates on hubby & fahmi which left only yaya yang belum ada update. which brings me back to the subject of this entry. mat kacau & mat nusia? these are the new nicknames yang yaya gave to daddy and mama since last saturday morning upon our return from the market. boleh tahan laser mulut anak dara ni sekarang sesedap rasa jer dia bagi nicknames kat daddy & mama dia.

sabtu lepas masa me & hubby returned home from the market, hubby terus menyakat yaya. agaknya geram punya pasal spontan yaya cakap "tu mat kacau dah balik"... ternganga mulut kami berdua. cepat2 teringat watak mat kacau dalam rancangan gerak geri gasing on astro channel yang we watched earlier. so it prompted me to challenge her kalau daddy mat kacau, mama ni apa? ingatkan mestilah dia kata mama ni makwe (she only knows to describe me as makwe daddy & daddy pakwe mama) daddy. rupa2nya dia kata "mama lah mat nusia" ... mula2 pelik juga sebab takde pulak watak mat nusia dalam rancangan tu. lepas tu barulah realise what she meant was 'manusia'...

semenjak ada astro ni macam2 perubahan yang i observed in my children. good things and some not so good things. they watched cartoon network, disney channel and few other cartoon channel mainly. the not so good things are that they have become hooked with mr bean ( i hate it!) sampai fahmi boleh tiru gaya mr bean joget kendur lutut tu and everytime i told them perangai mr bean tak senonoh, they would defend mr bean. pastu masa mula2 masuk astro 3 bulan lepas both fahmi & yaya tak mau tidur malam asyik tengok cartoon jer.

but they are many other good things they picked up from watching disney channel. fahmi punya malay vocab tersangat improve, walaupun sebenarnya i was putting much hope yang it would help him to understand english better. rupa2nya dia dah pandai switch to malay language! mickey pun cakap melayu. so his malay kekadang sounds sangat skema & sopan habis ... kekadang bulat biji mata kami dngar dia bercakap.

kebelakangan ni, ada lagu baru yang selalu yaya & fahmi nyanyi...memula i couldn't figure out apa yang diaorang nyanyikan. the song goes like this (in malay, of course)...

wonder pet, wonder pet
kami datang membantu anak khinzir
kami tak besar, dan kami tak kuat
bila2 berkerja bersama-sama
jerit wonder pet!

yang part 'anak tut tut' tu buat me & hubby terkejut & ketawa nak pecah perut.. but these kids they are innocent... bukan tau pun halal haram, so kenalah mama explain kat diaorang kenapa tak boleh "membantu anak tut tut"... nanti jadi kontroversi ketua menteri selamatkan ladang b*b* kat melaka pulak. there are other version to this song actually... versi "membantu anak penguin" and other animals. fahmi knows that khinzir is malay word for 'pig'... i'm impressed that he knows both name in english and malay. anyway, i'm open to the ideas of exposing my children to as much information yang boleh enrich pengetahuan dia... takdelah semata2 sebab seekor anak tut tut i would ban terus astro kat rumah. but of course, screening itu perlu juga.

Thursday 3 July 2008

Two Weddings And An Emergency

remember in my previous entry we were supposed to attend 2 weddings on sunday? i did attend my bestfriends wedding sebelah siang tu. but the one at sheraton; we didn't get there that night. instead we get ourselves checked in to the 4 star hotel across the road that night. except there was no ballroom but emergency room and instead of deluxe room we got ourselves single bedded ward room comes with tv but very limited astro channel. in case you are wondering which hotel in subang jaya i'm referring to, it is none other than sjmc.

who was warded and why? hubby was warded ( i got myself checked in to play the dutiful wife attending to her sick husband)for 3 nights due to severe back pain that reduced him to not being able to move any of his limbs without gross pain. he complaints of back pain since returning from his outstation trip to rengit last thursday. thinking that it was a normal back pain, he went to work as usual on friday only this time the pain seems to be persistent and got worse come saturday. bending his body to get into the car took a lot of effort, time and unbearable pain. we travelled back to seremban anyway, with me driving the car; to sent my mom back home and also there was a wedding to attend. God! i sounds selfish!

that saturday night, the pain was so unbearable hubby can't wait for the tukang urut that abah looked for; i drove him to the clinic. there being limited clinic operating on saturday night we can't be choosy. the doctor gave him a jab; it was supposed to be a very strong pain killer as the doctor said hubby can jump within minutes after that, but nothing happen. he can't move, kalau dah baring tak boleh bangun, kalau dah duduk tak boleh berdiri, macam orang paralysed (touchwood), sampai makan pun bersuap.

the next day (sunday) right after my bestfriends wedding which i attended with yaya (only), we drove back to subang. nak jadi cerita masa tengah drive tu tiba2 aku pulak diserang sakit perut & angin satu badan, tak berhenti2 sendawa sepanjang jalan, siap dengan mual dan nak termuntah. ni gara2 perut cramp sejak 2 hari lepas, asyik masuk angin jer. punyalah tak larat nak drive dalam mual2 tu, vision pun tak berapa clear, hujan lebat pulak tu, rasa nak collapse jer kat tepi hiway tapi kugagahkan juga.

sampai je kat rumah terus kuserbu keluar kereta dan dengan tak tertahan2nya membuak2 lah muntah. uhhh lega bila dah muntah hilang sakit perut & angin segala. barulah boleh concentrate on driving hubby to sjmc.

we got to sjmc, i had to get a wheelchair, nak push him on the wheelchair pun an effort jugak, time nilah aku rasa kalau aku ada extra 20kilos kan bagus. sambil tunggu hubby been thoroughly checked kat dalam resus room tu sempatlah aku sms kat bos apologise for not attending the wedding. boringnya duduk sorang2 kat ER dekat 1 jam tak tau apa khabar berita. finally aku terjah juga bilik resus tu.

we decided to get hubby warded so he can be monitored closely coz masa tu kami tak tahu apa punca back pain dia. an x-ray put off the possibility of slip disc, alhamdulillah. but still in his state yang tak boleh bergerak tu nak juga kami tau puncanya. he had a 6.8mm gallstone in his gallbladder. that was the reason for his severe back pain, bukan slip disc or injured nerve but a gallstone!

after going through 2 sessions of physiotherapy a day hubby can move his limbs, he can walk, dressed up and eat on his own so we got ourselves checked out yesterday afternoon. tomorrow he's booked for a minor operation, laser treatment agaknya.

i'm so exhausted! berulang alik rumah-hospital-office for the past 3 days, tak cukup tidur & rehat. know what i learned from this whole incident? we (me & hubby) here in subang living miles away from our family, only have ourselves to look after each other in better or worst. our support system sangat kurang. my parents & siblings are all in seremban. whereas hubby walaupun ada adik & kakak kat cheras but they are not mobile. so i told hubby that we can't afford to get sick so frequent sampai ke tahap warded coz we have small kids. we are lucky our maid yang baru ni sangat boleh diharap. she took care of the children dengan baik sepanjang aku takde kat rumah. for that i am grateful that she came into our family.