ohh... tomorrow's another long weekend because i don't have to work on saturday. it's public holiday in selangor inconjunction with wesak day. kalau dulu2 long weekend sebegini memang sangat dinantikan, coz aku boleh berehat sepuasnya. but nowadays long weekend sebegini means more and more project menanti. my baking project of course. i couldn't wait for long weekends, my hands itch and my brain just can't stop making plans and visualising things for my project. umpamanya kalau my weekend pass by macam tu aja without doing anything aku rasa menyesal sangat dan terasa rugi masa yang berlalu macam tu aja.
i thought of going for a jog tomorrow morning. jog a few round of the football field kat perumahan aku ni. maklumlah sejak 2-3minggu ni terasa badan berat sikit, duduk kat rumah bukannya bersenam pun. my only exercise was berjalan kat shopping complex heheh.
selalunya hujung minggu padang tu sunyi sepi. esok tak taulah sepi or not coz nowadays tiap weekday pagi aku nampak sekumpulan mak cik2 & nyonya bersenam tai chi. it would be good to join them tapi malu pulak coz tak kenal. lama benar tak ber tai chi. tai chi ni satu senaman yang sangat menenangkan. masa zaman remaja dulu tiap hujung minggu me & my sister ikut nyonya2 ber tai chi. that was 17years ago... my goodness! lama nya.
lepas berjogging (itupun kalau mata mau buka) kena hantar yaya ke saturday class dia. while waiting for her class to end, i'm going to pay a quick visit to bagus. grab a few things pastu fetch yaya. hmm... fahmi and yaya pun dah buat tempahan awal apa yang diaorang nak mama masakkan weekend ni. its going to be a long, full weekend. and hopefully a fruitful one.
Which Fighter Jet Prevails: UK 6th Generation or F-35?
The BAE Systems Tempest is a proposed sixth-generation fighter aircraft
that is under development in the United Kingdom for the Royal Air Force.
The pil...
1 year ago