Walaupun new school term is just around the corner (in about 5 days time!), I have to admit that i really am in no mood to talk about school. With so many things going on for the past 1 month since the children tamatkan their 2010 school term (their convocation, temporary maidless, Fahmi's circumsicion, my atuk's passing) and also my hectic baking schedule for the past 12 months or so, saya rasa macam baru je nak mulakan my holiday. Yesss... I am taking a short break from baking selepas menyiapkan projek terakhir 3 tier fondant wedding cake last week - on christmas day to be percise! Phewww! How short is the short break I don't know. I have not taken new order except for 1 order in january, other than that I am planning to rest.
Kalau saya cakap rest tu janganlah percaya sangat, sebab dah dasar jenis manusia tak reti duduk diam, nanti dalam diam rest tu ada-ada saja yang saya kerjakan. Spesis gatal tangan dan tak boleh tidur lena kalau tak melayan nafsu yang 9 ni. Tapi memang saya harus gantung apron dan simpan all my baking tools lama sikit kali ini untuk beri tumpuan kepada anak-anak dan keluarga.
Reason being is that my son akan mulakan persekolahan rendah in January. Dia juga akan mulakan kelas fardu ain sebelah petang. While my daughter will be shifting to a new kindy yang jauh sikit dari rumah. She is going to Fahmi's kindy sebab proven kindy ni deliver their promises with Fahmi. While yours truly punya office pula will be shifting to its new office nun di ceruk Pulau Indah. Yeay! Padan muka. So that means banyak perubahan dari segi masa menghantar anak-anak ke sekolah. Sudahlah incik hubby sudah hampir 4 bulan beralih tempat kerja nun jauh di Bukit Beruntung, Rawang. We both dah kerja station yang jauh-jauh so rasanya takde chance lagi we both nak hantar anak or lari sekejap if any emergency arises. Nampaknya tahun 2011 ni memang tahun shifting lah gamaknya! Everybody is shifting to new location. Jadi, kenalah saya take a break from other activities untuk beri masa adapt jadual baru. It is important for me that the children settle down dengan baik di sekolah. Otherwise saya pun tak senang hati nak kerja.
Bila difikir-fikirkan balik... hey, who says that i'm taking a break like I'm really taking a break? I'm taking a break from something to focus my full attention on something else. Hah, rest or break macam tak wujud je dalam kamus saya.
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The BAE Systems Tempest is a proposed sixth-generation fighter aircraft
that is under development in the United Kingdom for the Royal Air Force.
The pil...
1 year ago