and the result.... worth reproduce.

it took me less than an hour from preparation til the cake is ready. on my 3rd time i made the cream cheese topping, need extra time to let the cake cool before spreading the topping. easy kan?
my journey as a young mother; juggling between raising my two little terror, feeding my hubby with love and good food and climbing up the corporate ladder, the latter out of my own will
huhuhu...mcm nak dok sebelah umah ko jer..
waa...bestnye masak2 gini..tepung kek saya nk beku dah lia..x masak2 jugak keknye..hehehhe
bleh dapat satu potong..hehehhehe
azie & ila,
rajin tu time bulan mengambang jer... lps tu naik kepamlah tepung dlm kabinet... hehe
marah jiran sblh umah dgr ko nak dok umah dia...heheh weekend meh lah lepak umah aku
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