and when i was on my first job in port klang, i was renting a room back then living far from my parents. gaji bukannya besar, i had to rely on public transportation, so i had to have enough cash everyday to keep me going. kena berjimat nak cukupkan sampai hujung bulan. i wouldn't spend more than RM1.50 for my lunch which was sejemput nasi putih with tempe and loads of sambal cili minang - everyday the same menu sampai anak teruna tokey kedai pun dah tau taste aku. and you guess what was my dinner back then? easy, seringgit tempe goreng dengan kuah lada as pencicah. if i'm lucky mak cik jual tempe goreng akan bagi aku extra, sometimes bagi lebihan kuih donut to her most loyal customer ni.
i should have guess there's a reason behind my ever growing fondness towards tempe. i'm destined to be married to a jawarian. yes, now i know why.
okay sudahlah ceritera tempe. let's get back on track. so disebabkan aku punya minat terhadap tempe telah menyebabkan aku teringin sangat nak buat tempe sendiri. i look up on the internet and found this shortcut way of making tempe on myresipi. hubby been gloating about his way of making tempe which he never ever do by himself but observed and participated in packing tempe masa dia kecil dulu. my mil masa muda dulu buat & jual tempe as her side income.
hubby tried his version first. his version took a long process. unfortunately after completing the whole process which led to 1 week, tempe dia tak menjadi. aku pun ketawakan dia. macam mana anak tokey tempe tak tau buat tempe? eh samalah macam aku anak tukang jahit tak reti menjahit!
so i told hubby i'd do my version of tempe, the shortcut version. i made them twice, both time tak berapa menjadi... kulat tak menyelaputi seluruh kacang soya.
both of us were not satisfied with the results and adamant to make it right no matter how many times it takes to make it right. so last week i let hubby do his version another time. this time around he brought back some banana leaves to wrap the soy bean. and the result... wallah! gebu you...
okay, so the anak tokey tempe wins. but if not for all my tease and dare i don't think he will ever get around to do it... hehehe :-) chewahh nak credit gak tuh!