mee kari yang sarat dengan condiments sampai tak nampak meewe had mee kari for breakfast. the first ever heavy breakfast we had in many many months after i opted for light meals , kononnya nak go on helathy dietlah ;-P. after experimenting with macam-macam resipi, i think this one is the best i ever made. i'm no chef, ada resipi yang sekali buat terus menjadi ada yang sampai berjanggut pun belum tentu menjadi. i think the secret is simplicity. i didn't overdo it with macam2 ingredients for the gravy. i just made it the way i make chicken curry, cuma cairkan sedikit. and i've been making it using macam2 rempah kari, this time around i use rempah gulai terengganu cap bunga rose. i've been using rempah gulai ni for a year now, to make chicken curry or beef curry, memang puas hati. rempahnya memang semulajadi berwarna agak gelap, so don't expect your curry to look 'hot' coz walaupun mix dengan chili paste the colour just wouldn't turn hot, but it taste hot if you put extra chili in your ingredients.
everyone woke up early this morning. remote aircon dalam bilik rosak so kurang sejuk so masing2 tidaklah bergulung dalam blanket sampai kol 9 pagi. hehehe... lagipun semua bangun awal sebab pagi ni nak keluar. ada misi penting di ikea! ciaoooo...
psst... want to know the honest reason behind this heavy breakfast meal? i felt guilty coz i abandon my cooking for the whole week last 2 weeks sebab occupied with yaya's party preparation. and also becaouse kalau tak masak something special sekali seminggu tangan mulalah naik gatal2 & tidur pun meracau2 terbayangkan resipi best2... kuang kuang kuang