Saturday, 31 May 2008

Cooking Marathon

today is my working saturday. tugas pergi market yang selalunya hubby buat bila i'm working on saturday terpaksa ku takeover today coz he had to take fahmi to see the doctor & right after that shoot to klia to run some errands. jadinya, today i pergi market after work lah which i don't quite like sebab by that time banyak ikan2 yang fresh dah disapu orang lain. dan sebab dah kehabisan stok barang makan, lunch tadi i asked my maid to cook fried rice jelah untuk alas perut anak2. nak tunggu mama balik jawabnya minum petang jelah. dan sebab kena pergi market tengahari maka rancangan memasak terpaksa ditunda ke sebelah petang.

ok lets talk about fahmi first before i proceed with the subject of this entry. our whole schedule jadi kelam kabut sikit today disebabkan 'tuan muda' fahmi ada masalah nak urinate. tetiba malam tadi dia mengerang kesakitan. pedih katanya... ku perasan tengahari semalam masa balik for friday break dia duduk kat tepi pintu rumah sambil terkepit2 dengan bintik2 peluh jantan atas batang hidung dia yang kemek tu. bila kuajak dia masuk, dia berjalan perlahan terkepit2. peliklah pulak tapi memang semalam dia tak terkinja2 macam selalu. malam tadi jugak kami nak bawa pi jumpa doktor tapi bila kami dah bersiap rupa2nya fahmi dah tertidur atas sofa.

tengah malam tadi dia terjaga nak pee, baru je keluar sikit dah menangis2 terus tak jadi pee. so pagi2 ni hubby bawa dia pi ER, sjmc. sejak kes yaya demam tempohari, kami hentam pi serbu ER je, tak kuasa nak buat appointment dengan paed. buat urine test & sah fahmi kena bacteria infection. dapat antibiotic & was advised to drink plenty of water. alhamdulillah setakat petang tadi dah kurang sakit bila pee. cuma doc kata kalau berulang lagi, fahmi kena circumcised awal.

ok now back to my cooking marathon or hubby gelar 'balas dendam' coz today i made mince chicken rolls for tea time which was ready on the table by the time other people would have their dinner and followed by mushroom soup and grilled salmon for dinner. uhhh memang marathon pun sebab siap jer sausage roll terus sambung masak soup. by the time soup siap azam maghrib pun berkumandang. siap je dinner terus rasa mengantuk & penat sesangat macam nak demam pulak.

i wanted to try out the silicone made muffin tray diterbangkan khas dari perth (transit singapore) courtesy from madam lemongrass, tapi dah penat sesangat. esok nak ke linggi, n9 attend engagement my best friend. so rasa2nya muffin tray tu hanya boleh dirasmikan after we come back from our short holiday. ;-)

grilled salmon tak yah tempek pic lah coz dah ada kat entry lama.


Mushroom Soup (half recipe)

50gm white button mushroom (klu takde button m/room ku bantai je portobello ke hapa)
50gm black jelly mushroom
50gm oyster mushroom
30gm carrot (diced)
2 sticks celery (sliced)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 onion (diced)
2 tbsp flour
750litre chicken stock
1 cup cooking cream (boleh subsititute with milk tapi cair le)
a pinch of salt
a pinch of ground pepper
a pinch og ground blackpepper (kalau suka)

Preheat olive oil, sautee onion, garlic, carrot & celery sampai layu. Add in sliced mushroom (all 3 types). Followed by flour, mix well for 2 mins, then pour in the chicken stock, let it simmer for 5 mins or so. Let it cool before blend the mixture & sieved. return to stove, add in cream, salt & pepper, let it simmer and ready to serve.

Friday, 30 May 2008

Gulai Ikan Tongkol@Aye

nak berdiet serba tak menjadi kalau dah bersua gulai ikan tongkol. dalam paksa rela jamah juga nasi sesenduk penuh. gulai ikan tongkol ni is my all time favourite sejak kecil lagi, dulu2 makan dengan nasi dagang my mom. sekarang makan dengan nasi biasa pun sedap. now become hubby punya favourite juga. selalu kami pegi market, bab memilih ikan serah kat hubby; ikut dia lah nak pilih ikan apa & selalunya mesti ada ikan tongkol. so, dinner malam ni gulai ikan tongkol dengan sayur goreng.


Resipi khas utk azie

1 ekor ikan tongkol – rebus dgn asam keping & garam 2 sudu kecil (air rebusan simpan dlm 1/2 or 3/4 cawan)

Bahan2 Blend
Bawang merah 6 ulas atau bwg besar 1 ½ biji
Bawang putih 2 ulas
Halia ½ inci
Lengkuas ½ inci
Cili boh 2 sudu besar

Bahan Lain
1 ½ sudu besar rempah kari ikan - buat paste
Cili padi 5-6 tangkai
Kayu manis
Asam keping
Santan pekat 1 cawan (sy guna santan kotak 3/4 from 200ml)
Gula Melaka/gula pasir secukup rasa

Tumis kayu manis diikuti bahan A & tumis sekejap. Masukkan cili boh tumis sampai pecah minyak, kemudian masukkan rempah kari kacau rata. Bila bahan tumis dah mesra, masukkan air rebusan ikan dalam ¾ cawan & asam keping, gaul rata. Masukkan santan pekat & kalau tak nak kuah pekat sangat tambah sedikit air (agak2 sendiri ye). Biar mendidih sambil kacau2 dalam 3 minit gitu jangan sampai pecah santan. Letak garam, gula pasir or gula Melaka. Masukkan ikan & cili padi biar mendidih sambil kacau dalam 5 minit atau ikan & kuah mesra.

Jangan pengsan ye tengok sukatan garam untuk rebus ikan...hehe ikan ni isi dia tebal kang tawar pulak. Kalau saya main campak jer garam sesedap rasa. Untuk kuah gulai pulak saya prefer guna gula melaka, tapi gula pasir pun okay. Kalau nak letak belimbing buluh pun sedap juga. Btw, jangan sesekali letak daun kari, spoil flavour dia. Pastu kalau prepare overnight lagi sedap sebab dah mesra.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Ikat Perut

i have not taken rice for the past 6 days. sebab tengah desperate sangat nak turunkan berat badan. in fact i have been trying to lose some weight for a year plus now. my body seems to be developing a yo-yo effect since i stopped breastfeeding yaya a year ago. you can read in my previous entry that i breasfed yaya for 2 years. while bf since birth up to 2 years, i weight at 54kg... bukan senang tau nak reach 54kg sebab i gain so much weight during my pregnancy; i was weight at 83kg a couple of days before bersalin. so you can imagine betapa susahnya nak shed the extra kilos off my body. in this case i am grateful that i chose to bf my baby. bila kita bf badan cepat membakar kalori.

but when i stopped bf yaya, i've started to gain weight sedikit demi sedikit. mula2 naik 57kg... buat tak tau lagi, pastu naik sampai at one time tu 60kg... rasa nak menjerit! pernah cuba ambil herbalife tapi bukannya makin turun makin naik lagi adalah. agaknya tak sesuai for me kot so i discarded them. i just watched my diet, turunlah sekilo. pastu bila lately ni i indulge so much in my cooking lagilah susah nak turunkan berat, macam statik jer dekat 59kg tu. huwaaaa baju raya tahun lepas dah sendat... baju raya 2 tahun lepas lagilah jauh sendat.oh mannn!

so sejak 3 hari lepas, aku cuma makan salad jer for dinner, no rice at all just salad jer. huhu you see, i'm not the type yang suka makan veggie ni... tapi dah desperate punya pasal salad pun salad lah sampai fahmi pun dah terikut2 mama dia makan salad. which is a good thing jugak coz fahmi pun tak berapa gemar makan veggie. alhamdulillah walaupun i have yet to weight myself (kat umah takde scale) tapi perut dah kempis, seluar pun terasa ye ... atau aku jer yang berhalusinasi? whatever, i feel good.

tapi semalam stok salad dah habis...huwaaa 'terpaksalah' makan spaghetti (terpaksa kunun!) makan banyak pulak tu... sekarang dah rasa susah hati mana nak cari salad... nak pegi carefour tak sempat balik keje lewat.

dalam pada nak berdiet tu sempat jugak malam tadi buat rice pudding yang lemak berkrim. oh tidakkk!

macam mana nak pi holiday ni? ... takkan tengah syok berholiday nak kena control makan kot? :-(

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Sakit Lagi

huhu... rasa nak nangis jer. kaki kiri ni sakitnya datang lagi... berdenyut2 gitu. kat ofis tadi rasa macam nak rest kan kaki atas meja jer. tapi rasa over lah pulak kalau buat gitu.
sebenarnya kaki kiri ni ada sejarah sikit yang berkait dengan my 1st pregnancy. tu sebab agaknya walaupun kedua2 belah kaki injured masa jatuh tangga tapi cuma kaki kiri jer yang agak teruk sakit dia.
kena singkap balik sejarah 4 tahun setengah dulu...
ceritanya begini... masa pregnant kan fahmi dulu bila masuk 7-8 bulan gitu kaki kiri terasa sakit yang amat sangat sampaikan nak berjalan pun susah. padahal pagi2 nak gi kerja memang kena jalan kaki pi umah my friend tumpang kereta dia. sebab dah tak tahan sangat sebab nak bangun dari katil pun took a lot of effort to stand up, finally pergilah scan. the scan proves what i already suspected, that is fahmi's head was resting betul2 atas tulang kaki kiri (sorry i know there's a correct word for it but i'm no doctor). doctor tak boleh buat apa2, dia kasi neurobain & pakai support belt Opporest untuk seimbangkan berat (sebab baby dah senget ke kiri je). the fact that i was sooo huge doesn't help either, i was a walking whale masa pregnant dulu.

i couldn't stand the pain any longer, so pernah lah pergi berurut dengan bidan, dia betulkan kedudukan baby and Alhamdulillah for a brief moment hilang sakit tu. note i mention 'for a brief moment', sebab a couple of weeks after that kepala fahmi beralih semula ke situ, i guess situlah tempat favourite dia berehat.
pagi2 bangun tidur meleleh jugak air mataku menahan kesakitan... apa nak buat, sabar jelah sampai bersalin. salah satu sebab kenapa aku bersalin vacuum assisted was kedudukan kepala fahmi senget, bukan betul2 berada kat pintu rahim.

oh ya, masa pregnant hingga lepas bersalin, abdomen belah kiri agak menonjol sikit. since then, memang kaki kiri ni selalu sakit2. malah masa mula2 dapat tau pregnant kan yaya dulu, salah satu petanda adalah rasa sakit kaki & abdomen belah kiri... masa tu baru tau ada satu lagi nyawa kat dalam rahimku ;-) ... cuma lega sikit bila yaya tak duduk senget ke kiri.

so, sekarang diagnos doktor tak bertauliah (aku lah tu!) mengatakan salah satu sebab kenapa kaki ni masih sakit2 lagi ialah kesan trauma lama. tapi, rasa2nya 'doktor tak bertauliah' ni kena terima juga hakikat bahawa ada possibility lain yang tiada kena mengena dengan trauma lama. masalahnya 'doktor tak bertauliah' ini takut nak jumpa 'doktor bertauliah' sebab... dia takut nak face the truth!

Monday, 26 May 2008

Berek Polis Jalan Yazid Ahmad

masa trip balik rumah my mum weekend lepas, i actually planned nak menyusuri semula jalan ke 'berek polis jalan yazid ahmad', the place where i spent my first 12 years of life. pendek kata kat situlah banyak menyimpan kenangan during my childhood days.
it has been 18 long years since i left that place. tetiba rasa rindu membuak2... asyik terbayang2 jer. ntah macam mana rupa tempat tu sekarang.
plan nak bawa camera, dah siap2 letak kat almari tapi bila hubby tanya nak bawa tak, boleh aku geleng kepala gitu?
so, terbengkalai lah plan 'menyusuri memori silam'.
insyaAllah will do so dalam waktu terdekat... hopefully lepas balik dari our holiday trip nanti.

Sunday, 25 May 2008


kaki ku terasa sakit sungguh...
we went back to my mum's house tengahari semalam, terus minta my mom tolong aturkan 'appointment' dengan jiran tukang urut
so pagi ni tukang urut pun datanglah mengurut kaki kiri yang masih sakit after 1 week the incident jatuh tangga kat ofis.
yeah after 1 week masih rasa the pain yang datang tak tentu masa. one morning after a short meeting, bangun dari kerusi tetiba je rasa sakit menyentap kat kaki, terus jalan terhencut2
bila orang tanya kenapa terpaksalah buat muka selamba jawab 'saja je jalan buruk2 skit sebab tak larat nak catwalk'
and there was one day where i couldn't stand sitting on my chair sebab diserang back pain... rasanya mild jer tapi tajam.
and tak boleh duduk bersilang kaki kanan atas kaki kiri... serta merta sakit.
macam orang tua kena osteoporosis je!
bila kena urut pagi tadi... aduhhhh sakitnya lah ditekan2 kat bahagian yang sakit tu. lagi kukata sakit lagilah dia fokus kat situ...huwaaaa nak meleleh air mata kutahan jer. serik ler berurut :-(

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


sudah lama tak buat tag... sesekali jom layannn...

Senaraikan 5 hadiah yg anda impikan :
1. Pakej melancong ke NZ
2. Kenwood mixer
3. Kitchen cabinet
4. Sebidang tanah
5. handphone baru

Senaraikan alasan atas pilihan itu :- (haiyooo nak hadiah pun kena bagi alasan ke?)
1. Suka sangat tengok rumput hijau & ladang buah kiwi. Ni impian sejak zaman sekolah menengah lagi, kalau boleh nak hijrah duduk kat sana
2. Kalau ada mixer ni makin berkobar2 lah keje mem’baking’ di dapur. Tak larat dah pakai hand mixer
3. Ni penting utk lengkapkan umah baru… kitchen is the heart of a house. Esok2 memasak, makan, mandi & tido kat dapur!
4. Supaya boleh kubina sebuah rumah impian yang lengkap dengan garden. Susah beli umah siap ni, nak beli yang corner lot (harga mampu milik) sumer dah abis, takpun ada yg design mcm hampeh. Senang ada tanah buat sendiri.
5. handphone saya sudah cukup matang untuk diganti baru... apa model pun tak kisah tak yah lah hi-tech sangat (hehe hints kat orang tu ;-)

5 Impresi terhadap orang yang diminati:
takdelah aku nak minat kat sesapa …

Perkara hebat yang pernah dilakukan:
tak pernah rasa diriku ini hebat… setakat achievement tu biasalah semua orang ada achievement masing2. Mujahid2 Islam zaman rasulullah s.a.w seribu kali lebih hebat compare to my achievements...

5 Ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi yang maju)
1. Aircond – nyaman skit tidur musim2 panas ni bila ada aircond
2. Hairdryer – tak sah kalau takde… payah nak keringkan rambut yang tebal & lebat ni klu takde hairdryer
3. Mixer – pukul telur bleh jadik gebu dalam sekelip mata, whereas kalau pakai manual lenguh sampai naik otot2 kat lengan
4. Internet – this is where I met my soulmate… klu takde internet agak2nya siapa ye my partner? Hehe . and boleh blogging!
5. strawberry - ummm i just love it!

5 perkara yang dibenci:
1. Mencik sama itu satu kaum yang tak habis2 menindas orang palestin
2. Buat impression kat orang lain tanpa selidik dulu
3. Cakap tak serupa bikin
4. Dah itu jer… malas nak benci2 ni buat sakit badan jer

5 orang yang mahu di tag:
1. Madam Lemongrass
2. Cik Shida
3. Puan Liza
4. Puan Watie
5. Incik Pairzal

silakan lah ye jangan malu2... ;-)

Monday, 19 May 2008

Bruises And All

all the bruises on both legs still visible. and today i walk like a limped man. ni mesti penangan pegi tawaf subang parade malam tadi. tulah baru baik sikit dah tak senang duduk. ni betullah agaknya orang yang ada mole kat kaki ni memang kaki berjalan! hehe abis takkan nak jalan dengan tangan ye tak? ada orang ingat aku badut sarkas plak.

tapi serius my left leg ni yang lebih teruk sakit. the pain kat tapak kaki & keting (tau tak part mana keting tu? ntah i also don't know another word for it) so unbearable tapi since today adalah hari membalas dendam memasak i still had to stand for hours in the kitchen. kena tahan jelah sakitnya. tu yang when my bro in law came around noon time right after we had our lunch, aku dah tak tahan naik atas baring. it was only late in the afternoon after i get about half an hour rest on bed the pain subsided. camni nampaknya my high heels have to give way to sandals lah esok.

lunch today ku masak nasi pudina. yelah sejak dua menjak ni aku asyik masak western jer kan, so today masak nasi lah berlaukkan kari ayam, beef rolls & satay ikan. kalau nak ikutkan aku ni bukan gemar makan nasi pun, pasal tu kalau aku ke dapur hasil yang keluar dari dapur mesti ala2 western gitu, paling tidak pun mee goreng jelah sebab memang nak escape daripada nasi. lagipun nasi hari2 dah maid aku masak dengan lauk pauk melayu, so jangan lah ingat kat rumah kitaorang tak masak makanan melayu langsung. kalau dah kehabisan idea lauk melayu lauk jaworld pun keluar!

bread & butter pudding for dessert

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Hari Bodoh Saya

i'm contemplating on 2 topics to blog about today; 1. buat tag cik puan nolie , 2. "the most stupid thing ever..."

harap ampun puan nolie because the urge to share with my blog readers about "the most stupid thing ever happen to me yesterday" lebih kuat. so, esok akan kubuat juga tag kamu itu... juga tag puan nad yang dah sebulan kuhutang.

The Most Stupid Thing Ever No. 1
i rushed out from the office during friday break yesterday sebab nak kejar pergi ke BSN to do some banking matters. lucky me sebab bsn tu dekat je dengan rumah so lebih kurang sama macam nak balik rumah seperti biasa di hari jumaat lah. the traffic was quite heavy kat terminal 3 subang semalam; i'm not in the mood to cut the queue (maklumlah hari jumaat semua jadi baik). sebaik aja melepasi traffic light tu di tengah2 jam tu tetiba 'gedebuk' ku rasa melambung skit dalam kereta. tengok cermin belakang nampak muka driver teksi cuak. serta merta hati rasa panas sebab seingatku ini kali kedua keretaku kena sondol kat lokasi yang sama. marah sesangat sebab kita merempit macam mana pun sedaya upaya elak langgar orang. kubagi signal sebelah kiri,sampai kat bus stop depan airod tu terus berhenti tepi, sambil2 tu toleh tengok teksi tadi, nampak dia pun macam nak berenti... sebaik je aku keluar dari kereta inspect bumper belakang, teksi tadi terus berlalu buat tak tahu... hampeh punya teksi. yelah walaupun bumper kereta aku tak suffer heavy damage tapi courtesy lah sikit dah ko tak pasal2 sondol. nasiblah ada kesan skit je tak calar...

The Most Stupid Thing Ever No. 2
sebab hati masih panas, duit yang kupegang ntah macam mana bleh bertaburan on the floor dalam bank... aduhhh malu... kena plak ada suara2 sumbang yang menyindir.

The Most Stupid Thing Ever No. 3
petangnya kat ofis while i was going down to the lower level, ntah macam mana boleh jatuh berpusing2 sampai melutut atas anak tangga. nak kata tergelincir tak pulak rasa licin...secara tiba2 masa jejak kaki kat anak tangga tu meluncur laju, sambil berdiri; sempat berpaut kat railing. masa dapat pegang railing tu rasa momentumnya macam dah stabil, tapi tak semena-mena badanku boleh berpusing (macam ice skater buat twist tu) 1 round, masa tu rasa macam dah tak boleh diselamatkan lagi, dalam hati berkata sure jatuh tersembam muka atas tangga... adoiii habislah my glassess pecah kena muka. tapi rupa2nya jatuh kedua2 lutut tersembam ... mak aiii sakitnya ... calar balar kaki ku... sejak petang semalam sampai today jalan terhincut2.

dengan 3 kejadian dalam satu hari, bolehlah ku rumuskan bahawa semalam adalah 'hari bodoh saya"... bak kata labu dalam cerita Labu Labi.

on the other hand, fahmi was doing well in school. since yesterday was teacher's day, i bought a box of farell's chocs wrapped in maroon wrapper complete with a ribbon for his teacher. baru tersedar petang semalam yang anakku dah bersekolah, so kena didik dia hargai & hormati cikgu. before he went to school this morning, mama dah pesan awal2 suruh dia bagi gift to kat teacher Intan dia. tengahari tadi masa hubby fetch fahmi, teacher dia delivered a good news about fahmi's progress. he'll be upgraded to level 2 starting next week. alhamdulillah... tak sia2 mama dia berhempas pulas perah idea nak bagi dia cepat ingat, hafal & menulis. thanks to hubby jugak for his effort while i'm away at work. btw, fahmi dah boleh melukis... the other day dia lukis bear mr bean tu sebijik... cuma kaki jer macam lidi & yang peliknya kenapa tang pusat dia buat obvious sangat?... *frown*

Thursday, 15 May 2008

So Long... farewell

my division organise a farewell party today. a despatcher cum admin clerk is leaving for greener pastures. i couldn't join the party because i had a visitor; during lunch hour! then i totally forgot about his last day until he sms me. apparently he'd been looking for me to bid his farewell but i wasn't at my place. this is the first time i feel deeply sadden when a staff leave the division/company. yeah, people come and go everyday. in my organisation recruitment and resignation rate is very high... hmmm that probably tells you something kan, but i'm not going to elaborate on it. yup, some can say that today you lost one despatcher tomorrow 10 orang datang mintak kerja. but can they all match up to this one leaving? no.

this young chap has been with the company for a long time. he has a clean record, honest, good working attitude and the kind of commitment that you don't expect from ordinary despatcher. there were times he chaffeured me to attend external meetings (see, he's multitasking). i saw some quality in him; his eagerness to learn new things & always willing to do extra work beyond his job scope. so i promoted him, put him under probation for office work. he welcome the offer and everything seems to be working. but i can sense that there's something amiss. then i heard he's leaving. apparently family commitment pushed him to do drastic changes in his life. i feel sad coz we are losing one honest employee and with his attitude he has the potential to go further; i feel sad because there's nothing much i can do to stop him not after the promotion that he recently had. i can't help it anymore. so i lost one good despatcher and a good friend today. i wish him good luck in his future endeavour. we'll still be friends anyway.

malam ni malam jumaat...apa sengih2? we(me & hubby) have a deal untuk khamis malam jumaat; i don't have to cook. yeay yeay...we eat out sebab takde reason nak eat in sebab kat tv takde program menarik!!! but i do cook sometimes kalau bosan makan kat luar malam jumaat. see, nama jer deal tapi i'm flexible.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Double D

dora & diego!

yaya's & fahmi's new found obsession... or should i say, my new obsession? hehe
okaylah mengaku sajalah... it all started with me. anak2ku yang innocent ni tak bersalah... mama dia yang instill that obsession kat diri diaorang. now siapa yang susah? mama dia jugak. sebab yaya pantang nampak apa jer berkaitan dengan dora, semua nak. fahmi pulak for weeks bugging me bila giliran dia pulak dapat baju diego. dia dah tak boleh tahan tengok koleksi baju dora yaya.

so, today i keep my promise to him, i brought back sepasang pyjama & t-shirt diego for him. i was so excited to see his reaction i couldn't stop myself from calling him up masa tengah drive balik. as i already expected, he's exhilirated! i can see him smilling from ear to ear. already he asked if he can have more... hahaha sure he wants to catch up with yaya's collection.

the traffic was unusually lengang on the way back tadi. i couldn't help but frown sebab memang selalu tak macam ni. selalunya aku terpaksalah apply skill menyelit2 potong queue ala samseng jalanraya yang tersangatlah tak sesuai dengan saiz kereta ku itu. kalau bawa kancil ke SLK (small little kelisa) or savvy ke dengan tanpa segan silunya aku menyelit. tapi dengan beemer tu tiap kali nak menyelit kena buat muka tebal ala2 takde perasaan gitu. segan sih tapi geram! kalau aku tak buat orang lain buat... hehehe

for those yang selalu berulang alik jalan terminal 3 subang-sungai buluh tu tau lah macam mana teruknya traffic kat situ. tambah pulak dengan construction on going. anyway, bagus jugak kalau tak jam... cepat sampai rumah & cepat dapat deliver baju diego fahmi!

Monday, 12 May 2008

Happy Faces

mother's day hi-tea was something new to me & i have to say that i enjoy every bit of it. dapatlah doorgift bunga rose kuning dengan sebotol bedak enchantuer... heheh bedak jer... alah tak pakai bedak pun aku memang dah wangi! sedekah kat maid jelah. kat my seat pulak diikat sebiji belon... hehe belon ni jadik mainan yaya jelah takkan mama nak main belon pulak. pastu fahmi dapat belon jugak coz family meja sebelah sedekah kat dia. so semua orang dapat hadiah kan? except daddy... tapi no big deal for daddy coz daddy lagi best dapat makan lamb moussaka. this is a moroccan/greek dish that i have been contemplating to make tapi sebab resipinya guna lamb tu yang lama dok bermain2 dalam kepala tak buat2 lagi. for those yang tertanya2 apa itu lamb moussaka senang jer nak describe camne rupa dia... umpamanya sauce bolognese tu tapi ada eggplant, topped with bechamel sauce & bakar.

all in all since semua orang had a great day, mama pun happy lah. it was a simple hi tea but it lighten up my in my eyes everything looks perfect. the buffet walaupun nothing much compared to other 5 star hotel was perfect to my taste, walaupun dewan makan tu silingnye rendah & cahaya agak dim & crowded but was perfect for me coz the children takde ruang nak melompat sana sini & we saved our energy from yelling at them to behave, last but actually top in my list is the company were perrrfect! i just loved sitting there with my loved ones lingering over my meal; we're in no rush, attending to my children and talking to darling hubby. everyone was very easy to be pleased. yaya have only 2 things in her mind; chicken satay & the balloon... she repeatedly had satay. while fahmi, he's more gastronomically adventurous; he tried out wider scope of dishes. apa saja yang daddy had, he'd like to sample.

cik puan muda ni memang pandai bergaya skang ni, ala cowboy plak dengan jaket denim dia

when i was a secretary, i never went to the secretaries week luncheon or dinner or had any celebration at all. i was never in to it, thus i don't quite understand why people make so much fuss about secretaries week and why some become so addictive to it. just like mother's day, it come and go macam tu je. but now, i think i'm beginning to enjoy mother's day hi tea after all. and i may start to develop an addiction to it! :-)

the love of my life

helen of troy... see that's what i mean when i said everyone's happy, cik puan muda dapat tunggang kuda lagi...

quality pics kurang memuaskan sebab pakai phone camera.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Too Much Too Good

hubby says he had tried out plenty of western dishes but this one turns a way bit too western (or should i say Italian, but i'm not sure of the origin moreover when i had asianised the recipe by adding kaffir lime leaves) for him. perhaps it is simply because he is deep down a true malay, dengan selera orang melayu asli. it goes well for fahmi, he had second helping and menambah2 baked cheezy potato that i made as side dishes; but yaya memang sejak lahir selera kampung skit (ikut daddy). by the way, dalam mengomel tentang chicken loaf yang way bit too western in taste ni hubby sempat jugak menambah... hehe dah maklum sangat dengan perangai dia. back to the chicken loaf, ku campak bermacam jenis daun; parsley, kaffir lime, thyme, rosemary & basil. pendek kata segala macam daun yang ada kat dapur tu lah... tolak rumput jer.

we had too much of good food today. breakfast dengan tortilla toasties, lunch dengan macam2 jenis asian & international dishes kat holiday villa, pastu dinner dengan chicken loaf pulak. all because mama is in a very very good mood today! that's why everybody had a good day! hahar that statement implies that kalau mama bad mood life semua orang miserable... hehehhh pasal tu it is very important to keep a mother happy.


tortilla toasties.

simple breakfast on mother's day... heheh mana ada cuti masak. by the way, maid cuti weekend ni so me & hubby back to cleaning the house & run household chores on our own. thanks so much to hubby, he mopped the floor & bathe fahmi & yaya while i prepared the toasties. so, bila kat umah makan simple2 jelah...

jap lagi we are off to holiday villa, subang for mother's day lunch... hehehe best jugak sesekali being pampered macam ni.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Mother's Day

i was taken by surprise today. i didn't expect it at all & didn't see it coming. i can say that this time hubby & the children berjaya buat surprise for me... for the 1st time! on mother's day! ;-)
i was in the meeting when the flowers/fruits & a heart shape chocolate cake delivered to my office. i went back to my room after the meeting was stunned upon seeing the flowers & a white square box on my desk. dalam terkejut tu berkata2 dalam hati ni mesti silap orang ni coz my boss baru jer celebrate his birthday so i thought flowers & cake tu must be for him tapi tumpang letak atas meja i. tapi bila tengok his secretary buat muka selamba jer rasa pelik pulak. so i took out the card & read them.

“To Mama,
Abang & Yaya Janji Nak Jadi Anak Yang Baik, Nak Dengar Kata Mama… Sayang Mama Selama-Lamanya”

obviously the surprise was for me! it's mother's day lah... how can i forget. no i didn't forget coz hubby already made the arrangement for a celebration lunch esok. but i didn't expect him to work out another surprise with the children. oohhh now i see it! ni lah kerja hubby masa dia balik kerja awal & the children semalam ye? no wonderlah when i reached home i saw the pc was on.

heheee... am pleaseeed sesangat. hubby was very busy the whole week complaining he hasn't got much time to eat at work sebab dok buat paperwork. bila balik umah pun he looks so tired. there wasn't a hint that he'd pulled out a surprise for me. We never celebrate mother’s day… well not really lah just a simple wishes from the children & hubby. I don’t make such a big fuss pasal mother’s day ni, setakat wishes from the kids pun dah memadai. apparently, hubby doesn't seem to take it lightly cos he somehow had instill in the chidlren’s mind that mother's day is an occasion not to forget. i am thankful to him for taking time doing such.

the message wasn't flowery; it is simple and an honest pledge... but what touches my hearts so much was the wordings "sayang mama selama2nya" these words fahmi picks up daripada iklan kat tv. He doesn't quite pick up the words but he turn to me one day asking me to explain what was it all about. so since then he keep on using the words especially bila nak tidur malam. sweet uh?

to all mothers out there, happy mother's day!

Friday, 9 May 2008

Simple Friday Night

hubby got back from work early today. thus the children skipped their dinner sebab asyik berkepit dengan daddy. malamnya they all kelaparan. i cooked stir-fry blackpepper beef kegemaran hubby for dinner which the children bukannya makan pun; well truth is i'm the one yang tak galakkan budak2 ni makan daging. so since there's nothing on the table for them, i made egg banjo each. sebut jer egg memang melompat sukalah budak berdua tu... well selalu sangat makan egg pun tak bagus, but i made an exception this time. fahmi would be happy with strawberry sandwich tapi jem straberry yang kubuat pun dah habis the day before. so egg banjo it is.

Thursday, 8 May 2008


lama tak posting entry... been busy actually. my mind is too occupied tak sempat nak blogging. this week balik kerja tiap2 hari mesti rasa rindu yang meluap2 kat anak2. kenapa ntah? padahal minggu2 lain pun pi kerja jugak. maybe sebab this week my time at the office memang betul2 being occupied with work sampai tak sempat nak teringat kat anak2, tu yang bila habis kerja jer terus membuak2 rasa rindu kat anak2. anak je? sian hubby... hehe rindu kat darling sekali.
or mungkin jugak sebab kutahu lepas2 ni mesti ku jadi lebih sibuk daripada hari2 sebelumnya dengan tugasan baru... mencabar betul assignment ni, entah berapa banyak dah panadol aku telan. pastu tentu lagi kurang masa nak teringat2 kat anak. yelah before this walau sibuk sempat gak curi2 masa layan terbayang muka fahmi & yaya masa kat ofis, lepas ni tak sempat dah nak melayan perasaan... nak makan & pi ladies pun tak senang. dari pagi sampai ke petang meeting. hari ni je takde meeting dalam schedule... hee anak2 buah pun wat keje dengan tenang kot sebab aku tak turun menjenguk seharian terperap dalam bilik. today jelah dapat sambung buat paperwork, baca paperwork, check paperwork. but that's what you are paid to do at work kan? to do your work bukan untuk ingat2 hal personal. ehhh mana ada ibu yang tak ingat anak?

tapi sebab ku jenis manusia yang memang tak boleh & tak menjadi buat kerja kalau asyik ingat anak pasal tu takde simpan gambar anak or hubby kat ofis. orang lain ada juga tempek wallpaper gambar anak2, hubby or pakwe kat skrin pc ke handphone ke... tapi aku tak. ada gak rasa jealous tengok orang buat camtu... tapi ku tak bolehhhh... nanti sure tak leh buat kejeeee!!!
agaknya pasal tu juga bila dah petang2 mula lah merembat bawa kereta macam pelesit tak sabar nak sampai rumah.

sibuk2 pun kat ofis tak sempat makan, minum kat umah makan & masak jugak. sebab takut today balik lewat malam tadi before tidur dah siap menggulai ikan tongkol untuk dinner malam ni. how advance, kan? nasib balik awal, maid panaskan lauk, before maghrib ku ajak hubby makan. dapat gulai ikan tongkol berselera betul!

Friday, 2 May 2008

Go Italian

hubby baru balik from outstation so masak special lah skit. hehe macam lah special sangat buat pizza tapi coz yang ini air tangan sendiri so kira special lah ye. lagipun coz we get to decide apa topping yang kita suka and boleh letak sebanyak mana yang suka with no extra charge! ;-)

sebab buat sendiri so campaklah grated cheese bertimbun-timbun macam bukit sampai tak nampak topping lain... hehe ni hubby punya kerja.

ni khas untuk incik pairzal yang suka kata aku masak makanan omputih jer. sapa cakap? ni aku buat pizza 'orang melayu' khas untuk 'tatapan' ko. topping dia letak sardin & eggplant. in fact kalau nak kasik lagi kuat aura melayu, sos tomato tu boleh ganti dengan sambal belacan! sure resdung, beb!!!

pizza east meets west. jangan salahkan aku kalau ko tak jumpa carik eggplant a.k.a terung tu. cheese hangus dah dominate pizza aku hehe

cooking can be a real fun bila anak-beranak gotong royong siapkan pizza nih... heheh

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Up & About

yesterday's blood test
yaya passed her final blood test with flying colours. seems that her platelet counts picking up very fast since the last one on sunday. though throughout the 3 days ordeal the doctors keep on telling us that nothing much can be done to help boost her platelet count, i don't think any parents would be able to just sit and wait, especially when your child's life is at stake. ni yang kekadang rasa frust consult doctor. at least tell us lah yang protein is a good/reliable source to help build antibodi ke kan? well, anyway it's over now. syukur alhamdulillah.

my prayer goes to few of my colleagues whom wife & children & self were admitted since last monday for fear of dengue while one heavily pregnant mom due to deliver anytime confirmed infected by dengue.

on another note, my kitchen is back in operation sebab no. 1 yaya dah sihat and no. 2 hubby dah balik from his outstation trip petang tadi. apapun semalam oven dah mula membakar the best ever brownie made of rice flour! i thought rice flour is used to coat banana fritters jer. actually this is a special recipe sesuai untuk orang yang alah pada gluten. tak sempat nak snap pics coz hubby sudah kidnap camera bawa pegi outstation so i'll just pinjam paste pic ni. the brownie that i made last night looks exactly like this... harap maaf pinjam pic... credit goes to

1/2 cup rice flour
1/2 cup gluten free flour
150g melted butter
1 1/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
2 eggs, lightly beaten

... is all you need to make this brownie. i made it a little bit different, i topped the brownie with chocolate chips that melted in the oven. 15mins to prepare & 20-25mins to bake. now everyone can bake. no regrets, seriously.