mother's day hi-tea was something new to me & i have to say that i enjoy every bit of it. dapatlah doorgift bunga rose kuning dengan sebotol bedak enchantuer... heheh bedak jer... alah tak pakai bedak pun aku memang dah wangi! sedekah kat maid jelah. kat my seat pulak diikat sebiji belon... hehe belon ni jadik mainan yaya jelah takkan mama nak main belon pulak. pastu fahmi dapat belon jugak coz family meja sebelah sedekah kat dia. so semua orang dapat hadiah kan? except daddy... tapi no big deal for daddy coz daddy lagi best dapat makan lamb moussaka. this is a moroccan/greek dish that i have been contemplating to make tapi sebab resipinya guna lamb tu yang lama dok bermain2 dalam kepala tak buat2 lagi. for those yang tertanya2 apa itu lamb moussaka senang jer nak describe camne rupa dia... umpamanya sauce bolognese tu tapi ada eggplant, topped with bechamel sauce & bakar.
all in all since semua orang had a great day, mama pun happy lah. it was a simple hi tea but it lighten up my in my eyes everything looks perfect. the buffet walaupun nothing much compared to other 5 star hotel was perfect to my taste, walaupun dewan makan tu silingnye rendah & cahaya agak dim & crowded but was perfect for me coz the children takde ruang nak melompat sana sini & we saved our energy from yelling at them to behave, last but actually top in my list is the company were perrrfect! i just loved sitting there with my loved ones lingering over my meal; we're in no rush, attending to my children and talking to darling hubby. everyone was very easy to be pleased. yaya have only 2 things in her mind; chicken satay & the balloon... she repeatedly had satay. while fahmi, he's more gastronomically adventurous; he tried out wider scope of dishes. apa saja yang daddy had, he'd like to sample.
cik puan muda ni memang pandai bergaya skang ni, ala cowboy plak dengan jaket denim dia

when i was a secretary, i never went to the secretaries week luncheon or dinner or had any celebration at all. i was never in to it, thus i don't quite understand why people make so much fuss about secretaries week and why some become so addictive to it. just like mother's day, it come and go macam tu je. but now, i think i'm beginning to enjoy mother's day hi tea after all. and i may start to develop an addiction to it! :-)
the love of my life

helen of troy... see that's what i mean when i said everyone's happy, cik puan muda dapat tunggang kuda lagi...
quality pics kurang memuaskan sebab pakai phone camera.