monday was the most horrible day at work. whatever happened that day contributed to my lack of sleep for the whole week. i couldn't brush off the pressure i had that day and no matter how i tried to take it easy, 'it' still lingers on and hamper my mood. as a result i lost appetite, i had trouble sleep... i couldn't focus, i give less attention to what been said at home.
i came back home on thursday only to be disturbed by an appalling news. fahmi had a small accident at school. he was chasing around with another boy and accidently knocked his head on the wall. he had a small cut on the apple of his forehead and ugly bruises; apparently when he knocked his head to the wall, dahi dia hit the metal frame on the window. and you know what? nobody from the school call me to report the incident. nobody! sakit tak hati? i thought when you hand over your child to the school, they are supposed to take responsiblity over whatever happened there... bukannya nak salahkan mereka but at least bagitaulah... bengang giler aku hari tu.
the next day, aku hantar sendiri fahmi ke sekolah. when i confronted the teacher lagilah aku sakit hati... boleh dia tersengih2 gelak lagi. pastu dalam tersengih2 tu mintak maaf sebab tak call. aduhaiii senangnya kerja! kalaulah dia tunjukkan rasa bersalah or concern sikit mungkin kurang juga marah aku. tapi dengan acuh tak acuh tu makin mendidih darah aku... ringan je mulut aku membelasah diaorang. hati aku memang cukup panas, ikutkan nafsu marah time tu jugak aku nak berhentikan fahmi sekolah... tapi takpe aku sejukkan dulu panas ni... esok nak call the principal, banyak benda nak complain kat dia. overreact ke aku ni?
dinner tadi simple je... lamb sausage, chicken nugget, wedges & salad. semua ready made main campak je dalam kuali. takde mood nak main masak2... hentam jelah labuuu.