beraya di rumah sendiri means i have to come up with my own raya dishes. oh i'm so excited about this coz i can cook to my (our) liking. this time around i think i wont be cooking my signature raya dish; nasi minyak. ada sebabnya kenapa which i will tell later. i'm going to make rendang ayam, lemang segera or pulut kuning, kuah kacang and instant ketupat. pretty simple uh? and i wont be making much, i'll just prepare a small portion each. but maybe for hubby i will make something special for him. harap2lah kat cold storage masih ada stock frozen lamb leg that i saw the other day. i'm going to make roasted lamb leg for him. this is sooo not raya dish... but who cares. ;-)
later after solat raya and makan sama2 barulah aku & anak2 bertolak ke seremban to visit my parents. dapatlah makan nasi minyak, ayam masak merah and kari daging kat rumah my mum ;-). hehe pasal tulah kali ni i won't be cooking nasi minyak ;-)
To all readers & friends, We would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.

Plan nak rebus ketupat segera terpaksa ditukar kepada ketupat asli which gonna take longer preparation time sebab incik hubby bawa balik daun kelapa muda petang tadi! now, there goes my plan to keep everything simple... and in small portion konon! ;-P