If you have never been to Melaka (ada ke?) and thinking of visiting the town, do take my word for consideration (although I am no travel expert) go visit at night because the view is more breathtaking to look at, at night. I have been to Melaka for a total of 6 times including our recent trip last Tuesday and it wasn’t until our last visit that I discover Melaka town is more beautiful to discover at night. It worth every penny spent and time wasted waiting (not really).
As you know we don’t plan for holidays and we hardly travel as a treat for the children during school break holiday. We didn’t plan any trip this time around, and was briefly toy with the idea of whether we should go to Kuantan again for the waterpark, delicious seafood and pudding raja or Melaka for its menara taming sari dan boat cruise yang kami tak berpeluang naik the last time we were there in 2008. We decided for the latter.
We departed from house at about 5 minutes before 10am. It was then and there in the morning before our departure that we make the decision to stop by at Melaka Wonderland. Pada mulanya saya kurang berkenan pergi water park lagi sebab tak nak the children exposed kepada panas, nanti demam lagi. But then we have already plan untuk naik menara taming sari later in the afternoon and save boat cruise for the evening. Jadi apa nak buat to kill time? Berendam dalam airlah jawabnya. Ohhh maaflah kalau nak suruh saya main air… saya lebih sayangkan kulit teh susu saya ni, nanti hitam mak! So obvious ramai pulak yang tahu saya berjemur.

We didn’t stay long, hanya 2 jam sahaja. Mujur juga kali ni anak-anak tak merengek bila ajak balik, kalau selalu tak cukup 3-4 jam mesti tak nak balik. Maybe diaorang tau kot ada tempat lain lagi nak pergi.
Tapi sebelum keluar dari wonderland tu haruslah isi perut dulu sebab jam pun dah pukul 1 tengahari. Haruslah anak-anak yang main air tadi dah berasa lapar. Nak makan apa? Macam biasalah outside food not allowed jadi makan jelah kat food stall dia. Ada 2-3 food stall kecil dan ada 1 food court besar. We chose makan kat food stall kecil jelah malas nak ke food court yang crowded tu. Bila makan kat wonderland ni memang tak boleh berkira sangat, food memang overpriced and undersized! Terima jelah kalau dah lapar sebab wonderland ni jauh ke dalam takde kedai makan berhampiran. Don't want to risk the kids screaming inside the car later sebab lapar. Dalam banyak-banyak food nasi goreng dia yang seciput tu bolehlah dimakan, cukup perisa (read: Ajinomoto). Fahmi makan nasi ayam yang nasinya dah sejuk dan keras but generously topped dengan ayam. He actually ate the chicken and left nasi for daddy to finish. Yaya makan burger daging yang keep warm tapi dia makan separuh je another half diselamatkan oleh Fahmi.
Lepas makan saya temankan Yaya mandi kat bilik air dia yang kecil. Luas lagi bilik air kat desa waterpark. Dah puas main air, hari pun makin panas we left the waterpark mencari tempat persinggahan seterusnya... Masjid Al-Alami di MITC Ayer Keroh juga. Biasalah adat bermusafir cari masjid jelah untuk tunaikan solat jamak dan berehat sekejap.
...to be continue