The Maulidur Rasul parade yesterday where my children were smartly dressed for the occasion. I'm quite surprise with hubby's fashion sense because experience tells me dia tak kisah sangat about matching the right clothes for the right occasion. Tapi kali ni sejuk sikit mata memandang bila Fahmi lengkap bersampin (walaupun sampin nya kaler purple while baju melayu dia biru ;-)). Yaya pula manis berkurung sifon biru (walaupun tudung dia kaler coklat!)

This was their first parade. Lewat petang semalam masa saya pick them up from surau (sebab hari hujan) both were talking non stop dan berebut-rebut nak cerita kat saya pasal the parade sampai saya pun lost track apa yang diaorang cakap. Whatever it is, I know they had a blast. You can tell by looking at their face :-).
And here is the tiramisu cheesecake that I made last monday. Tema pms craving saya kali ni adalah cheesecake. Kalau ikutkan saya ni bukanlah die hard fan cheesecake pun, tapi dah craving nak buat macam mana. Layan jelah tekak. ;-)