which prompt me to ask this question, can't one have a cheap hobby?
he told me jangan nak merungut, coz he says bila dia put on weight aku juga yang bising
and salah siapa when he puts on weight? salah aku juga sebab dia kata aku masak sedap2
so now, he hopes with this new hobby bukan aja dia boleh keep fit tapi berharap dalam masa yang sama boleh trim down his body (read: his belly)
errr... somehow i doubt this can be achieved with cycling
so i've been telling him kalau nak flat stomach senang jer selain daripada watch your food intake, buatlah senaman bangkit tubi... cheap. you don't need to buy a treadmill ke, dumbell ke... no cost at all
then he said he's not as disciplined as i am
so i told him, discipline tu datang dari dalam diri, bukan dari bike tu
then he said, since nobody bother to buy him a birthday gift can't he buy himself a gift?
so that's it, i rest my case.
he has been cycling every saturdays and sundays since he bought the bike, which was 2 weeks ago. i told him i'll be counting the day when he will gradually cut down his cycling trip and eventually gantung basikal tu. he takes it as a challenge and has not fret one bit since. hmmm kita tunggu dan lihat jelah.
as a result of his newly develop hobby, my bonnie & clyde pun tiap petang nak berbasikal. nasib kat flat depan rumah ada parking space yang luas boleh tumpang berbasikal. satu pagi tu mr clyde even bangun awal panggil nak catch hubby yang tengah bersiap2 nak pergi cycling. so he end up cycling kat depan rumah je instead of his usual route kat subang bestari sampai ke monterez. my ms bonnie pulak dapat basikal baru... tak tahan tengok budak berdua tu berebut basikal yang cuma sebiji je. ambik kau dapat basikal merah... lajulah pulak budak berdua ni membesit.