Sunday, 30 December 2007
One Week
ok, so the children settled, but i'm not. something happened on saturday. which made me feel uncomfortable to send my children to the 'school'. i've accepted that there've been some miscommunication, which led to a small hiccup on 'their' side. me and hubby was furious in the first place. but we give it a thought and for the sake of the children, honestly because we were left with not much choice, we decided to forget about it. to let it go for now, but we will still plan our next move.
our next 'plan' will be in place by next week. insyaAllah if everything goes well, by the 2nd last week of january, we would not have to send the children to the 'school' anymore.
Monday, 24 December 2007
First Day
With the maid less state we had to make new arrangement and rules for the house. For instance, the kids have will have to go to a nursery. Yes, I talk about sending them to one particular nursery where sally sends her boys to. Hubby is car less now, and the weather is so unpredictable nowadays to risk having hubby fetch the kids riding his motorcycle. Meaning I will have to send and fetch them from the nursery, which I can’t afford to do, not everyday. There’ll be times when I have to stay late at the office.
So we change the plan and send them to one nursery in our neighbourhood. We send fahmi there once when he was 11 months old because his babysitter was sick at that time. I told the kids that they’ll go a school; I use the word school because they accept it far better than ‘nursery’ or ‘babysitter’ or ‘mak cik’.
Yaya was so excited about this ‘school’ thing. She got up early this morning while I was still in the bathroom. Fahmi doesn’t move an inch when I wake him up, he doesn’t want to go. He wants to stay at home, but I told him that there’ll be nobody at home to mind him anymore. In the car, yaya was still so excited, she recited all my pesanan to her about what she should say if she wants to eat, what to say if she want to doo doo etc. I address the child minder as ‘teacher’ so that she’ll think it is a real school. Liar! She was still in her happy mood when we arrived at the ‘school’, while fahmi protested by saying “sekolah apa ni?” when he heard a toddler’s cry. I had to nudge his shoulder and coerce him inside.
Once inside and upon noticing the unfamiliar faces and surrounding and soon realizes that she will be left for the whole day at this new place, yaya started to cry while fahmi too occupied with the slide he doesn’t even care that I’m leaving. I had to promise yaya that I would bring her to McD if she stops crying. Which she did dengan mulut muncung sedepa. sigh… i felt a sudden tug at my heart, hate leaving them behind like this.
Mum offered to mind the kids for a week or two until we find a new maid. That’ll mean leaving the kids behind with mum and gets to see them over the weekend. It’s not up for consideration though , that’s why I didn’t tell mum much earlier about the latest development in my household. Mum developed inconsistent blood pressure which at the same times causes dizziness. I can’t be burdening her with my problems can i?
It’s not too bad having to do all the house chores on your own kan? I could loss a few extra kilos I’ve put on ever since ada maid dulu. ;-)
Thursday, 20 December 2007
la ilaha illallahu allahuakbar
allahuakbar lillah ilhamd...
semoga semua jemaah haji yang mengerjakan haji sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan Nya
dan semoga semua yang melaksanakan ibadah korban mendapat keberkatan dari Nya
i hope dengan limpah kurniaNya next year ada peluang untuk aku melaksanakan qurban
we'll be celebrating our 1st aidiladha at our own house here in subang. i'll be preparing my signature dish, nasi minyak with gulai daging, ayam merah and hubby's special request, gulai ikan tongkol. for those who feel like eating nasi minyak orang 'ganu, you are most welcome ;-)
selamat hari raya aidiladha
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Waiting Is An Agony
We’re in a dilemma. We want so much to buy the house but at the same time we are not ready to settle for a landless house. . On our second visit after we came back from bali, I just can’t hold it anymore, I wanted so much to confirm for the intermediate lot. It doesn’t matter if we don’t have a garden to grow plants. It doesn’t matter anymore to me, but hubby doesn’t want to rush. He said there is still hope… the end lot from the new block. My heart blossom!
The sad thing is that we just find out that even their end lots are landless! They claim that the end lot comes with approximately 5 feet land, but when we go there what we saw was 3 feet paved terrace. Paved terrace! Where am I going to plant my keladi serawak and heliconia?
But we can still compromise with that as long as we can have a view (now, we sound so desperate). But… the new block where end lots are available is yet to be launch. Until then, we have to wait; with anticipation. Ughh… waiting is an agony… my heart ache so much.
ahh... i can hear yaya singing of tune... no not singing she it was more like S.C.R.E.A.M.I.N.G. at times she sing before fallen asleep. it amaze me sometimes how quickly she can fall asleep padahal baru je sekejap dia menyanyi. it's like one second you hear her singing, the next you know she's already pooff! gone to sleep. i wish i can do that too.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Tagging Game
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
Nobody did
2. What were you doing at 0800?
Getting ready to work, i was late!
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Updating my blog
4. What happened to you in 2006?
Remove my tonsils
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
"Abangggg…" (was at the brink of screaming at fahmi for the mess he did)
6. How many beverages did you have today?
Plain water and a glass of orange juice
7. What color is your hairbrush?
black with red end teeth
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
4 sets of wedding gifts, there goes my savings hihihi
9. Where were you last night?
Home watching tv while kepit'ing' fahmi
10. What color is your front door?
Yellow ochre
11. Where do you keep your change?
In my purse
12. What’s the weather like today?
slightly sunny in the morning, cloudy the rest of the day
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
Must be from baskin n robbins… can't remember the name
14. What excites you?
Right now, must be alam budiman
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
What? Again? No, I’m done with my tomboyish years
16. Are you over the age of 25?
ughhh... can't cheat can i? it's all mention here in my blog... yes
17. Do you talk a lot?
Only with hubby
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
What’s that?
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
20. Do you make up your own words?
Why would I do that?
21. Are you a jealous person?
Very little jealousy in me. I’m sure if I do it is not obvious… perhaps because I hide it well?
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
Can’t think of any
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
House number
25. What does the last text message you received say?
Some invitation to watch a friendly football match at pulapol
26. Do you chew on your straw?
No, I don’t
27. Do you have curly hair?
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
To bed
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
Can’t think of any right now
30. What was the last thing you ate?
Fish n chips… yumm yumm
31. Will you get married in the future?
What? Again? No.
32.What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
Apart from hubby? If I say hyun bin & joo ji hon can?
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
err... yesterday?
35. Are you currently depressed?
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
Cos I’m having fun doing this! That’s why.
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
Ila s2m3r, erin, shida, i want to tag azie too & watie
In Loving Memory
This car may not be my choice at the point of purchase but i soon fall in love with it. It may not have many special features being an old model of the civic family, but i’m happy with it. Somebody at the office used to teased me coz he found the complex security features installed ridiculous. One has to be in possession of a security card in order to start the engine and keep the engine running. The engine will go off in mere seconds upon removing the card from the driver’s seat. Hubby senanglah just keep the card in his back pocket.
And now, i made the toughest decision to let it go. Am downgrading to a smaller car. We need more cash in hand for the ‘nest’ project! Hopefully... insyaAllah. Amin...
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Wedding, Wedding And More Wedding
I received a handful wedding invitation this month including one invitation from Holland by mail sometime last week. The reception shall takes place today at 1900hrs Holland time. The groom, Jan as he is fondly known is a consultant at my office, very senior in age (almost 60!) but very young at heart. It will be his second marriage to an Indonesian born. I’ve know him for more than 5 years now, even before he join the company. Was never that close to him, pity coz he has a handsome son ;-). So sweet of him to include me in his list. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to his reception (mana mampu sih). My best wishes to him from a far “it is a pleasant surprise. May you be bless with a blissful marriage” received a cheeky reply “…the old man starts a new future!”
And what a pleasant way to include us (in KL) in his celebration of love and merriment by delivering 3 delicious, sumptuous, mouth watering coffee table sized strawberry cake with fresh large strawberries topping today. He is one happy man and very proud to announce his wedding, very unlike our people here who ties the knot again at old age.
While ducking into two helpings of strawberry cake, I flipped through the invitation card again. It is not very difficult to figure out what’s in the card even though it is written in Dutch. But well, most cards must come with bride & groom’s name, followed by date of event, place and time kan? At least those in numbers senang nak figure out. So I went to do some searching on the internet, browsing for Orangerie Elswout, in Overveen, my wild guess that must be a restaurant’s name. Oh my, it is a breathtakingly beautiful place for a romantic reception. Mulalah nak berangan tu… hahaha

This weekend we’ll be in kajang attending the wedding of my officemate. Next weekend we’ll be off to seremban, again, this time to celebrate the wedding of an old friend … my childhood friend. On the last weekend of December we’ll be in puchong for the wedding of another colleague. So, now my weekends are full, again.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Quite Weekend
This weekend were spent leisurely, at our small house. We didn’t really have any plan for the weekend. Initially we wanted to visit my niece at hukm on Saturday after I got back from work. But I got to know that she were discharge on Friday afternoon. She had been in and out of hospital for more than 1 month now. I bought some books and stationeries for her to kill the time. She must be bored having lying on the bed doing nothing except the occasional watching TV. I guess I just keep the books and stationeries with me until the next visit on Tuesday.
So the visit was replaced with… afternoon nap instead. It has been ages since I had an afternoon nap. I can’t remember when the last time was, and I can’t remember how tiring an afternoon nap can be. And today I had another nap which last for 1 ½ hour. Wow! Sungguh memenatkan! Feel guilty and I actually regret losing my time to a nap. I could have done many things in 1 1/2hour. Tapi takpelah, I really need it anyway, especially after the bali trip and the recent langkawi business trip.
One of the reasons why we choose to stay at home this weekend was because yaya is down with fever. Her temperature is high and she started to cough now. We’ve been giving her paracetamol syrup, but there were times when she simply refused to take, the times when she take she would end up throwing up segala isi perutnya termasuk ubat tu sekali. Sungguh penat nak bagi si kecil ni makan ubat, macam nak beragaduh pun iye!

she sat on my lap while i was uploading some pics and fall asleep atas tangan mama

bila baringkan atas katil dia jaga pulak. agaknya bila tak sedap badan nak tido pun tak selesa
And me… I am down with fever too. I’ve down with fever longer than yaya had. This is the cause of my fever… alam budiman. Aduhhh sakitnyaaa…
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Bali Day 4
Last day in Bali
Return to KL
after having our last breakfast at the resturant, say goodbye to one mat salleh couple yang dah berumur, we went for a short walk down the beach for our last mini shopping. i saw sequin sandals the day we arrived here, so decide to buy them for my mum, sis & sil.
kami dah berjanji dengan Wayan who agreed to send us to the airport pagi itu. the check out was very smooth, alhamdulillah, and we left the hotel at around 10.30am to catch our return flight at 1.55pm.
flight tak penuh sangat. kat airport sempat lagi grab 2 helai t-shirt polo, one for me & one for hubby, dapat 30% off. and sempat lagi snap pic ni

everywhere baik di hotel, di kedai2, di patung2 mahupun dalam kereta Wayan or kereta orang lain we spotted this. aku fikir tujuannya sebagai wangian, yelah bunga rampai dalam bekas daun kelapa. but hubby says itu untuk orang sembahyang... i wanted to ask but i don't dare to takut offend orang pulak. dah lah tempohari aku tegur tuan kedai tu tengah cucuk2 daun kat batang lidi, i thought dia jual sirih yang dah siap dikapur, rupa2nya untuk sembahyang
we touched down at lcct 30mins earlier than the eta. laju giler pilot ni bawa... hehe. this time around much to our surprise none of the flights were delay. it took off on time and arrive earlier than eta.
Bali Day 3
22 nov 2007
At leisure
we came here to relax, to get away from hectic working life, to spend our time leisurely without having to think of what to do next, just enjoy our time together as a family. basically that's what we did on the 3rd day in bali.
walaupun sebenarnya i finally realised that bali is not the place for family vacation. if you come as a couple or in group looking for adventure, yes there's plenty you can do here from spending your time leisurely at the beach, go hiking, see the sun rise, rafting or join the night life at kuta. rasanya we are the only couple yang bawa children, because non of those staying at the hotel bawa children. at the elephant ride we saw some children but there are all above 12yo.
the fact that we were the only couple on holiday with children really grabs attention mat-mat salleh yang stay at the same hotel. we saw same faces every morning we went for breakfast and dinner. they sort of became friendly with fahmi & yaya. and the staff at the restaurant they too became friendly with the children, they'd smile and stop to talk with the children and lama2 macam dah tau je perangai anak2ku yang tak segan2 bergaduh depan orang... huhu maluuu.

this is how yaya decides to spent her last day kat bali, main hide & seek with daddy depan pintu bilik

dah last day baru teringat pakaikan budak2 ni hat
we thought of spending the rest of the day in our room tapi bila dah masuk tengahari the housekeeping staff came to clean the room. so we decided to go out for a walk, di tengahari buta! orang-orang kat bali ni, they are so friendly tapi bukan semua orang lah. those involved in the tourism memang tersangat friendly sampai penat mulut melayan. bila nampak kami berjalan keluar dari hotel, semua bertanya nak ke mana? the way they ask makes us believe that they are concern tapi sebenarnya they'd want to know if you need their service to chaffeur you around. sepanjang2 jalan kami disapa, since hubby agak berat mulut everytime i had to tell them no we don't need taxi... well they are being nice to you, you don't lose anything by responding to them in a nice way jugak kan? but i guess, among the 4 of us, fahmi gets irritated the most dengan sapaan2 itu. sampaikan he questioned me why aku melayan cakap2 orang2 tu... boleh gitu? hahaha dia kata "kenapa mama asyik bercakap je?" "kenapa mama cakap dengan orang tu?"
about 15m from the hotel i saw a signboard showing the direction of a mosque. we've been dying for halal food so we thought why not we go to the mosque manalah tau kalau2 ada orang Islam kat situ boleh juga tumpang tanya.

signboard masjid al-ihsan about 15m walk from the hotel menghala ke jalan besar
yup, memang ada orang kat situ, ramai. so me being the most ringan mulut that day teruslah bagi salam. percaya tak 4 kali aku bagi salam sorang pun tak jawab? yang perempuan sibuk bercakap kat hp langsung tak pandang muka aku walaupun dia bercakap mengadap aku, and yang lelaki plak buat2 pekak. aku rasa macam tak percaya... we quickly leave the mosque with frustration, senang cakap hampa!
the day before Wayan did mention to us that there's a 24hr minang restaurant about 50m dari jalan besar. jadi lepas tak dilayan di masjid, kami pun dah tak kuasa nak tanya orang terus je jalan sampai jumpa satu kedai makan kecil dengan tanda halal pada signboard nya.

restoran Bundo Kanduang lebih kurang gitu lah
again, walaupun hati seronok jumpa restoran halal tapi sambutan dingin sangat buat kami rasa cuak dengan perangai orang Islam di bali. just imagine, while all the non-muslim boleh bertegur sapa with you dengan mesra kenapa orang Muslim sesama agama boleh buat tak pandang bila kita step in to their shop? aku pakai tudung tau. kalau aku pakai mini skirt lain cerita lah.
walaupun layanannya dingin, tapi aku suka air fresh oren dia... taste very different tak macam oren sunkist tu... manis sangat tapi bukan manis gula. rupa2nya kat situ dia guna limau kulit hijau tu... apa nama dia?
balik hotel, lepak, tengok tv and tidur. bangun tidur we took the kids main air dalam swimming pool depan bilik.

the floater belongs to the hotel. the hotel staff was so kind to lend us the floater, kami tak minta pun. how nice & thoughtful of them

ada incident kat kolam ni. yaya showing off keberanian dia main dalam kolam dengan air separas ketiak dia tanpa floater, while fahmi almost drown bila melompat2 tak pakai floater. hmm garu kepala tengok gelagat budak berdua ni... beza betul.
while daddy entertaining the kids main air, aku sibuk snap pics pohon kemboja yang bersepah2 bukan kat hotel ni jer, anywhere and everywhere you go there's no spot without a kemboja tree. the flower are used in ritual agama and also untuk menyerikan sanggul rambut or just as a natural wangian dalam bilik.

pohon kemboja ni daunnya bulat di hujung, bunganya agak besar

yang ni plak daunnya ends with sharp edge, while the flower slightly smaller than above tapi pusarannya unik

ni hubby kata lalang, tapi akarnya macam berubi macam serai gitu. takkan nak tanam lalang dalam hotel.. isyy hubby ni

cuba teka pukul berapa ni? jam 6 dah macam 7ptg kat malaysia
we had our last dinner at the hotel's restaurant. apparently we are not the only one spending our last night there. a group of mat & minah salleh who become friends during their stay there decided to hold a group dinner.

boringnyer tunggu food... dekat 40mins baru sampai our food coz chef sibuk siapkan group dinner

kunyah crackers dulu satu bakul
lepas dinner, tidur awal coz esok nak check out.
Bali Day 2
Elephant Ride, Ubud Art Museum, Galuh Batik Shop & Pasar Sukawati
Location : Ubud, Bali
we received the response on our request for a private tour just before we left for breakfast. walaupun kat bali ni jam 5.30pagi dah terang benderang macam jam 7pagi but we just couldn't push our selves to woke up early... kalau nak ikutkan semua tour packages kat sini begins as early as 3am! itu untuk package tengok matahari terbit dari pantai jimbaran kalau tak silap. other packages begins as early as 5.30am to 8am... but our private tour was tailor made to our own timing...hehe sesuai untuk orang yang malas bangun pagi ;-).

lepak kat veranda bilik lepas breakfast

before we left for the tour sempat lagi aku book for massage ;-)

posing 3 beranak... one thing i noticed budak berdua ni makin happening posing mereka! terhibur bila tengok balik
we left the hotel at around 10am, menuju ke elephant safari somewhere di perkampungan taro, ubud. our tourist guide cum driver by the name Wayan actually wanted to bring us to many other tourist spot i.e. barong dance, temples, silver craft worksyop, monkey forest but we don't want to do all that. yelah dengan 2 orang kanak2 riang ni, mana larat nak berjalan 8 hours non stop. that's why we opt for private tour, kalau ikut tour package lain2 tu it will takes paling kurang 8hours keliling bali in 1 day. plus, ada apa dengan temple?
we thought that bali is just a small island like langkawi... hehe buta geography betul! we didn't expect that the journey from sanur to the elephant safari will takes almost 1 hour to reach there. sampaikan fahmi & yaya tertidur. and the road was very busy, sesibuk jalan di KL!
there were 3 rides offered, the 15mins ride, 40mins ride or the 1hr ride. we choose the 40mins ride walaupun hati risau takut budak berdua ni tak tahan lama2 atas gajah. paid the fee in US$, sib baik ada tukar US$ skit. me & fahymi took off first riding the elephant named Elsa, hubby & yaya rides Tony. the elephant keeper that accompanied us, Abbas (a muslim from Sumatra) was very friendly & informative. i didn't expect fahmi to be so scared of the elephant that he was so restless throughout the ride, the reason why i asked hubby to ride with yaya was because i expect yaya yang akan jadi si penakut that i won't be able to control her. surprisingly she was very relaxed, cheerful and seems to enjoy the ride very very much! fahmi wears this worry look on his face sepanjang the ride, but still bila daddy nak snap his pics he's able to give his signature 'peace' post.

fahmi actually meronta2 tak nak naik, bila daddy nak snap pics immediately dia posing!

yaya was such a darling, from a far i can hear her giggles and asking daddy tons of questions

'Tony' showing off his talent angkat daddy & fahmi using his belalai
the riding package comes with complimentary lunch at the reastaurant nearby. before proceeded to the restaurant i asked Abbas whether the food provided are halal? Abbas advice us to take only vegetarian food. in my mind i thought that the vegetarian buffet counter were separated from non-halal counter, so i didn't expect that the food to be on the same buffet line. bila hubby tanya semua food halal ke? quickly the lady tutup lauk pauk yang non-halal... masa tu serta merta kembang tekak kami... the one yang nampak macam fish ball celup tepung tu rupa2nya daging 'itu'... separuh mati aku ingat bleh bagi the kids makan! ohhh tidakkkk! kejamnya aku. separuh jalan makan pecal terasa kembang tekak semula... terus kami berhenti makan. huwaaa seksanya!
paling tak sampai hati bila tengok the kids tak makan apa2 pun. just imagine yaya yang hantu nasi didn't had sebiji nasi pun sepanjang 4 days in bali... she lived on fried egg, french fries, oreo biscuits and more fried eggs!
next, we went to the art museum. hubby is not an art lover, i do love art but i'm not passionate about it, when your partner does not share the same interest with you, the love for art sort of mati dengan sendirinya, not that i care so much. we decided that the art museum is not our 'thing' and leave empty handed.
next stop ni yang plaing menyeronokkan for me! hehe Galuh batik shop. we got 50% discount for all items from kain batik lepas, pelikat samarinda, kebaya, batik printed tote, sandals etc. seronok bershopping lupa perut lapar... ada patut?
after the stop at galuh, Wayan wants to bring us to the monkey forest and silver craft shop which i and hubby rejected (in a nice way). the kids dah kepenatan, lapar but that didn't stop me from asking Wayan to bring us to Pasar Sukawati. this is the place where you can buy all sorts of souvenir items tapi kena pandai bargain. i enjoy the bargain part so much, hubby did too... macam sport plak for us doing the bargain thing. the hawkers kind of forcing us to buy things from their shop, bila kita cakap tak nak, they'll immediately lower down the price, if you say tak nak again, they'll ask you how much you want. kadang2 irritating jugak sebab kita betul2 tak nak barang tu.
and if you bring your kids with you please be more alert coz if the hawkers can't persuade you to buy then they'll turn to your kids. tak pasal2 beli miniature cats at the price of rp15,000 ... ntah apa gunanya aku pun tak tau. kes terperangkap lah ni.
we saw one stall selling 'Muslim' bakso... tapi tak berani nak cuba. so just bought a few carton drinks and biscuits for the kids.
balik ke hotel, semuanya tertidur kepenatan, while i go for the massage at the hotel's spa.
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Bali Day 1
there were just a few number of places we visited in bali, well maybe i exaggerate a bit because honestly there was only one place that we went to and enjoyed our time as a family, yang lain2 tu mama je yang syok sendiri bershopping. but there were a lot of photos taken as a memento.
Bali Day 1 (departure & arrival)
20 nov 2007
since our flight will be taking off at 10.25am on 20nov, we decided to stay overnight at my sis home at klia quarters. it will save us the hassle and traffic jam in the early morning of a working day. arrived at lcct sharp at 9am, we proceed to the check in counter and realised that we were late. it was a very long queue, by the time we got the boarding pass it was already 10am. we then proceed to the departure hall and was met with another long queue... uihhh ramainya yang pergi bali pagi tu.

look at our lugagge, 1 beg besar and 1 beg sandang with pampers, towel, baby wipes and susu for immediate use dalam flight. thanks sally for the tips ;)
it was the first time we took the kids for a long journey on board the flight. i prayed hard that they wouldnt make so much fuss on board, alhamdulillah yaya fall asleep before the flight took off, i am grateful for that because she just couldnt stop crying or jumping on her seat and merengek nak duduk dengan daddy. apparently everyone wants to seat with daddy and nobody wants to sit with mama... mama dah tumbuh tanduk ke sekarang ni?
we safely arrive ngurah rai airport at 1.20pm. i hate the landing part so much, penat control myself not to vomit or pening throughout the 3 hours journey, tetiba part landing tu betul2 buat rasa nak ter'kantoi'. hilang mood. the screening part at the immigration check point was smooth. i regret for not asking the hotel to arrange for pick up, because we were sort of blur bukan sebab tak tau or takde cab service tapi sebab rasa macam was2 jer. plus that when the cab service quoted us rp85,000 we sort of telan air liur for a minute or two and had to quickly make a conversion of that amount to myr just to check if they were charging us reasonable fare. silly huh?
at diwangkara holiday villa, sanur we received warm greeting from the hotel in form of fast check in, face towel and fresh fruits. when i first book the room at this hotel i didn't realised that the superior garden villa comes with a combination of garden view and sea view. it had a verandah facing straight to the pool and sea. and right before we enter the room we were greeted by a small adjoining room complete with a day bed... kalau nak ikutkan the room can accomodate 4 adults at one time. and the hotel's restaurant (the only one offers halal food) located dekat depan our room.

pintu depan room #101

hubby baik hati bagi tip kat budak hotel yang carry our luggage to the room... nak tau berapa tip tu? rp3,000... sounds a big amount to us right? but what is the value of rm1.50? aduiii pecah perut aku ketawa... malu nak jumpa budak tu lagi, nasib til the day we checked out dengan bayang dia pun kami tak serempak.
perut terasa lapar, makan buah jer mana cukup so we went to the restaurant. hmm tengok menu semuanya Malaysian food... haha rasa nak gelak jer betullah all the comments that i read from one of the website about this hotel.

comel kan... ni tengah control tahan lapar. bila makanan sampai habis meja pun dia nak panjat!

tahan lapar gak ni

ni lagi lapar sampai baring atas meja
apapun we are grateful that the hotel provides halal food yang sememangnya susah nak cari untuk orang yang baru first time jejak bali macam kami. the list that i made earlier doesn't help much, all the places in the list were scattered all over bali, very little kat area sanur. but we made our own discovery on our 3rd day here.
malam lepas maghrib we thought off walking down the road konon nak mencari McD that we saw on the way ke hotel siang tadi. tapi bila jumpa banyak sangat anjing berkeliaran sepanjang jalan, anak2 pulak ketakutan, we decided to turn back to the hotel and had our dinner at the hotel instead. but before that we manage to let the hotel know that we'd like to have a private tour to the elephant safari on the next day.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
i'm so clueless i don't know where to start... and we are leaving on tuesday morning!
for a 4 days trip i guess we need not bring too many clothes, dirty clothes can be send for laundry nanti kat sana... so tak yah bw banyak2... but for the kiddies hmm dengan pampers yaya lagi, susu dia lagi... at times like this when we need to travel light how i wished i had toilet trained her and weaned her off formula milk. aduiii leceh juga nak gi bercuti ni... fenin.
my boss asked me why bali?
i don't know? what's the attraction? ntah... saja jer. well, i've been planning to go there since last year, but i didn't succeed in persuading hubby to leave the children behind and go there just the 2 of us. plus... my health was very bad last year due to tonsilitis... so i decided to get rid off the tonsils and postpone the trip to this year.
sebenarnya tak yakin pun dapat materialised the trip this year...
kumpul2 duit skit... cukup2 lah utk 'berehat' 4 beranak kat sana.
preparations? Z.E.R.O.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
having been entrusted to execute a very 'high profile' inquiry recently, i must say that 'it' did affect me mentally and emotionally. i was so deeply taken in to it that i had an emotional block that i lost appetite to blog. people blog for many reasons. i created this blog as a space for me to express myself. my life journal, it captures almost every moments i went through in my life, my ups and my downs, the love of my life, my passion, my obsession. this is the space where i can really express my feelings where in the real world out there (apart from my family members) i had to restrict myself from expressing my true feelings, simply because i'm afraid if i let it go, people might feel hurt. if things get out of control or upsets me, i'd rather chew on it, and express my feelings elsewhere.
so this is where sometimes, when i had a bad day at work, i'd go home and start writing it here. eventhough from the beginning i tried so much not to babble so much about work in this blog, but i find it very difficult not to.
so this time, i ended up babbling about this...
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Family Photo
Monday, 29 October 2007
Big Things Comes In Small Packages?
she is small build for a 2 1/2 years old child, but she has high pitch voice
bisa bingit telinga kalau dia menjerit and it is so irritating to hear her sing let alone cry
i dubbed her a 'midget', biarpun kecil tapi 'bekeng' yang amat
i hope she wouldn't have problem to make friends with her 'bekeng' nature
she maybe small in physical and age comparing to her brother, but she's the first one to eat with her own hand
and my oh my she does have a big mouth!
on the way back to our car after the weekly supplies shopping, we drop by the second hand bookstore at the lower ground level. after getting our hands on a few winnie the pooh miniseries, i proceed to the counter to pay for them. the guy at the counter, he has this shoulder length 'kerinting maggi' sort of hair style, which maybe looks so stylish for other people but definitely not in the eyes of my innocent little yaya.
came out from her innocent big mouth "mama, napa 'ambut owang tu 'acam..."
translation "mama, kenapa rambut orang tu macam ..." and the voice went dead when she finally realised that she had said that aloud and attracted the subject of conversation ears.
and i realised that it is too late for me to cover her up, because the guy understood what she's about to say and with a smile he asked "nak buat rambut macam uncle tak" ooops wrong question kataku dalam hati because i knew there's no way yaya going to say yes. and yaya quickly shake her head and hide behind my back. we were so embarassed at that point, luckily that guy was so quick in changing the subject by inviting us to the book fair this weekend at somewhere-i-dunno-where in PJ.
malunya.... and i recall that was not the first time.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Masih Terpacak
aren't they just so handsome?
fahmi & his cousin brother, Upie sepakat buat style 'rambut terpacak'. mama sengaja puji2 fahmi macam 'penyanyi Hong Kong'. fahmi walaupun he don't understand what mama is talking about kembang kuncup hidung dipuji2 macam tu.
i cut his hair semalam. yeah i cut it myself. and fahmi said he would pay me a ringgit for the hair cut, which he hasn't pay yet. it cost me rm25 for his raya hair cut, which hubby kata macam tak gunting apa pun. i asked the lady hair stylist to give him a cool haircut tapi it turns out she did nothing but just get his hair trimmed, tu je.
yesterday, i got so fed up with his rambut yang dah makin panjang, just imagine baru je gunting before raya sekarang ni dah panjang. i trimmed his hair all over tinggal 1.5cm, and left the top slightly longer so that it can be styled the way he likes it most "rambut terpacak".
fahmi sangat2 menjaga rambut terpacaknya, sampai bila dia terjatuh tengahari tadi pun, first thing that he checked was his hair! just to makesure that it's masih terpacak! ;-)
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Once Is Not Enough
i actually wants to go to care4, for our weekly supplies. since yaya wants so much naik bas, so i thought hey why not we take the bus from our place and stop somewhere in the middle of the route to care4. if only the bus goes to care4, we'd complete the route. but care4 is not in their route so we have to stop somewhere.
it has been years since i last took a bus. kekok lah plak macam orang tak pernah naik bus. we took the metro bus, wanted to take the rapid kl tapi bas belum nak bergerak lagi, i don't want to wait for so long not with this two over excited kids.
fahmi & yaya both really enjoyed the bus ride. they talk and share with each other what they saw sepanjang perjalanan (it was a short ride sebenarnya). the airport terminal, the planes that they always saw looks differently to them from the bus ride. they saw the things that they normally sees dari kereta in a different perception. they were so caught in their own thought that i seems merely an onlooker sharing a couch with them. seronok tengok budak2 ni...
fahmi asked me, "kita nak pergi mana mama?"
me : kita pergi jalan2 naik bas
fahmi: lepas jalan2 kita pergi mana?
me : kita pergi carrefour beli barang
fahmi: lepas pergi carrefour kita pergi mana lagi? (there's a smile on his face)
me : kita balik rumah lah... (at this point his smile dissappear)
fahmi: tak nak balik rumah kita jalan2 lah lagi (naik bas he means)
we stopped at the petronas station. both fahmi & yaya tak nak turun. they want to continue with the bus ride.
surely, once is not enough for them. :-)
kenapalah mama selalu lupa bawa camera to capture pics?
Friday, 26 October 2007
Unfortunately, we can’t enroll him now. Have to wait until the new school semester begins in January 2008 as there won’t be any class during this school break beginning from mid November to end December. Alahhh rugi masa lah plak, by next year fahmi dah masuk 4 tahun. Menulis belum pandai, membaca pun belum apatah lagi reading. Uwaaa sumer salah mama & daddy dia… sekolah tinggi2 tapi tak ajar anak betul2. Isyyy
Still in raya mood, tonight we went going to our next door neighbor house baru kejap tadi. They invited us for open house. Esok pagi, I planned to take yaya & fahmi for a bus ride. Why bus ride? Si comel yaya been asking me if she can take a bus ride. Masa balik rumah my mom for raya boleh dia merengek2 mintak nak naik bas. Tiba2 je datang ilham dia tu… u just imagine lepas pujuk2 bawa dia shopping, masa nak balik tu we decided to visit hubby’s friend kat taman desarhu. dia nampak bas boleh dia merengek minta bas sampai muncung mulut merajuk. She cried for bus for the last time, lepas tu terus senyap… rupa2nya tertido. Letih agaknya merengek minta bas tak dapat. Pity her.
On Sunday morning, we’ll be off to my mom’s house. My sis nak buat majlis cukur jambul Mohd Faiz Akmal. It will be held at my mom’s house.
Oh ya I just remember, jiran selang dua pintu dah pasang khemah untuk open house dia lunch time tomorrow. Seems like before we shoot to manjung for hubby’s gathering with his frens we gets to makan2 dulu lah ye.
Emm sibuk ke sana ke mari bila nak sambung gardening ni?
Monday, 22 October 2007
Our Quiet Hari Raya
we celebrated eid at MIL's house in segamat. we left quite early on friday morning, hubby woke us up right after the crack of dawn coz he wanted to escape the very much anticpated heavy traffic, maklumlah kami balik beraya pun dah consider lewat that is sehari sebelum raya. before that, aku sempat juga drop by to the office to collect few things, sunyi jer office tinggal beberapa kerat non Muslim staff yang melepak2 rilek. ada yang terkejut tgk muka aku pepagi kat office... hehe.
surprisingly hi way from shah alam to seremban hingga tampin agak lengang. sempat jugak aku menyinggah rumah my mom, bagi sebiji kek lapis strawberri for my mom. sebenarnya bukan sbb nak kasi kek lapis tu yang utama, tu alasan je. i wanted to see for myself mcm mana keadaan my parents sehari sebelum raya, sbb kali ni mereka beraya berdua je. my sis celebrate eid with her in laws, my bro pun balik ke tasik chini kampung wife dia, dan aku sendiri pun beraya di rumah IL. tinggal adik bongsu itupun dia kerja sepanjang raya. sebak plak terasa nak tinggalkan my parents beraya sendirian... alahai dapat kubayangkan betapa bosan dan hibanya orang tua bila anak2 dan cucu2 takde beraya sama (itupun aku ada hati nak beraya di subang. eh taklah if beraya kat subang i have an even fair plan utk kedua2 parents & PIL)
i told my self balik beraya di rumah mertua kali ni i don;t want to force myself just to satisfy other people's expectation of me. i'll be myself. penat bekerja sampai malam sehingga suntuk nak raya, i think i deserve a good rest raya ni. oh yes i did help mil preparing raya dishes, but i made a mental statement that i'd refuse to stay sampai tengah malam buta buat hidangan raya utk 'orang2' yang tak reti nak balik raya awal tolong orang tua. petang raya tu terkejut juga aku dengan permintaan mil suruh aku masak kuah kacang. terkebil2 jugak aku, bukan sebab aku tak reti buat tapi apalah sangat kuah kacang aku yang ntah apa2 ni kalau nak dibandingkan denagn air tangan mil or sil yang selalu aku dengar dipuja puji mil. aku pun pelik ntah apa yang mil berkenan dgn kuah kacang ku itu, sehinggakan tiap kali aku beraya kat sana mesti aku yang ditugaskan masak kuah kacang. apa2 jelah... cepat2 kusudahkan task itu supaya cepat2 aku dapat lari dari bahang dapur... hihihi. honestly memang aku tak minat berlama2 sangat kat dapur tu, mengingatkan aku pada satu malam raya 4 tahun dulu... i don't know why tapi pengalaman 4 tahun dulu di dapur tu benar2 meninggalkan kesan hingga ke hari ni. mmm... dahlah i don't want to ungkit old story.
seperti biasa masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak, so dirumah mil ni i have to follow the 'rules & regulations' nyer. to cover on the time that i stayed away from kitchen sepanjang malam raya tu, i made up by sweeping away the dust and re-arrange sofa & furniture kat ruang tamu. while mil, sil & bibik busying themselves in the kitchen i seek solace mengemas di depan. i don't mind doing it alone. especially when i have the freedom to do whatever (within the boundaries) i can do so long as ruang depan nampak kemas & presentable.
i don't really care what dishes was prepared for hari raya cos none of those prepared were my favourite. except this time around i did voice out to hubby that i wanted so much to cook nasi minyak makan dengan kari ayam, a must have dishes on our table di pagi raya if we were to celebrate it kat rumah my mom. i missed having them so much tu pasal aku siap bawa bekal beras basmathi. i have no intention of cooking it banyak2, the idea was kalau2 lepas solat raya aku masih terasa rindukan nasi minyak then only i would cook them. that's why i was quite surprised bila tiba2 mil tanya bila nak masak nasi minyak? ehh kenapa pulak mil tanya gitu? hmm tapi aku rasa aku tau sapa culprit itu...
akhirnya rancangan nak masak 3 pot nasi minyak bertukar jadi 13 pot semuanya gara2 mil suh masak periuk besar. i was reluctant to do that sebenarnya, sbb aku nak masak bukan untuk hidangan orang, setakat untuk makan aku anak beranak je. i don't want to break the rules kat rumah orang. mana pernah pagi raya rumah mil hidang nasi. anyway, nasi minyak aku tu habis disapu licin malah jadik hidangan tetamu2. hehehe... sil2 sumer tanya rahsia nasik minyak. at least ter'buka' skit mata orang sebelah sana... jangan ingat wanita berkerjaya balik malam mcm aku tak reti masak... renti2 kanlah pandang rendah kat orang mcm aku ye? ;-) aku tak bangga diri tapi kecil hati juga selama ni.
masuk hari kedua raya hati dah meronta2 nak balik rumah my mom. kesian kat ma & abah kesunyian di hari raya. masuk raya ketiga amboi riuh sakan umah ma & abah dengan jerit pekik fahmi & yaya. barulah ceria muka ma & abah.
to sums up everything, raya kali ni sunyi sangat rasa compared to last year. walaupun last year ma & abah beraya kat mekah tapi seronok prepare hidangan sambut ma & abah, pastu kami adik beradik pakat2 berjalan raya umah uncle kat seremban, ada unity kat situ.
apapun, aku ingin mengekalkan tradisi bergambar raya di studio. tradisi yang baru dimulakan last year. foto baru will be ready in 2 wks' time.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Sold Out!
honestly, it wasn't a well planned makan2. few days back hubby did ask whether we are going to hold a open house again like last year... i gave him a non-committal answer.
til a couple of days ago i still wasn't sure about the makan2 event. that's why the invitation came very late. thank you for those came for the makan2. and i wish to apologise to others who didn't get the invitation, would love to have all but due to time constraint & persiapan kurang sempurna tak dapat nak jemput semua.
it was a small makan2 anyway... small pun korban juga 4 ekor ayam. oh to those yang datang tu, just to let you know that ayam masak merah tu i guna ayam organik... hehe promo free. masak satu periuk sedang dalca sayur, 18 pot beras nasi beriani, acar mentah, 1/2 kilo daging rendang campak2 & setalam lasagna.
lain2 tu, kek lapis asam manis & my signature dish, carrot cake. beli lemang 4 batang tapi berbaki 2 batang... okaylah tu janji lain2 habis. alhamdulillah.
alhamdulillah sangat2 sebab makan2 kali ni dapat mempertemukan aku dengan kenalan lama yang tak pernah bersua muka. bayangkan dah lebih 5 years kawan tak pernah jumpa. thank you az for coming, and thousands apology sebab tak sempat borak panjang.
pics? seperti biasa, aku yang kalut ni lupa terus pasal nak snap pics, ada ke patut?

dah abis dahhh

tuan rumah kikis2 dapatlah isi perut skit, ni dah kol 6pm
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Ramadhan V - Detik-detik Akhir Menjelang Syawal
"berlalu lah sudah ramadhan,
sebulan berpuasa
tiba syawal kita rayakan
dengan rasa gembira..."
ya benar, tinggal sehari saja lagi untuk ramadhan meninggalkan kita
kalau anuar zain berdendang merayakan syawal dengan gembira, tapi aku sejak mengenal erti & nikmat sebenar ramadhan menginjak usia remaja, terasa syahdu & sedihnya nak berhari raya. honestly i always, always hope that every month is ramadhan. i wish syawal would never come supaya aku terus dapat merasai ketenangan jiwa dan nikmat ramadhan. apatah lagi dalam usia dewasa ni, mengejar duniawi macamlah kita ni nak hidup seribu tahun lagi. setidak2nya aku rasa ketibaan ramadhan dapat mengetuk some sense into my (if not others) head yang hidup ni bukan untuk keduniaan semata2.
nak pulak ibu berkerjaya macam aku ni. sejak beranak pinak payah benar nak jejak kaki ke surau berterawih. banyak nyer lah alasan! malu! tahun ini dapatlah sekali jer... peluang yang sekali itu buat aku rasa rindu sangat dan buat aku tersedar yang aku ni dah lama jauh sangat dengan majlis2 ilmu. aduhhhhaiii buat aku terasa nak kembali ke zaman remaja dulu bilamana sepanjang bulan ramadhan masaku dihabiskan dengan berterawih di surau... damainya hati.
bila dengar takbir di malam raya mulalah rasa masin air liur kutelan... mau juga bergenang air mata. maunya tidak! mengenangkan betapa nikmat ramadhan itu akan datang semula selepas setahun lagi, ntahkan bernyawa ntahkan tidak kita masa tu.
dan sejak remaja setiap kali aidilfitri akan kupastikan diri ini menunaikan solat sunat aidilfitri, kerana aku rasa apalah ertinya hari raya kalau duduk di rumah aja di pagi raya melantak hidangan.
aku ni berat hati nak berhari raya sebenarnya. kerana aku yang jahil ini belum puas menikmati ramadhan. alangkah indahnya kalau dapat menikmati ramadhan sambil berumrah, hanya fikirkan ibadat sahaja setiap masa, tak perlu fikir pasal kerja, pasal langsir raya, pasal kuih, hanya fikir ibadat saja. teringin rasanya berpuasa di mekah. bila ye?
berat atau ringan hati nak beraya, aidilfitri tetap akan muncul jua. esok bertolaklah kami ke segamat menyambut raya di rumah MIL.
aidilfitri ni seronoknya untuk kanak2 aja ye? untuk yang dewasa, ramadhan lah raya kita.
Salam Aidilfitri from Me & Family. Maafkan segala kekhilafan.
p/s: oh ya shida, semalam masa buka puasa cum annual dinner co. aku, aku jumpa aziah classmate kita masa form 6 di smsa. rupa2nya hubby dia keje kat co. aku! and semalam, aku kasi award outstanding employee kat hubby dia!
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Ramadhan IV - Meluah Rasa
rasa ralat sangat sebab di penghujung ramadhan ni bilamana umat Islam berebut2 mencari Lailatulqadar dan memperbanyakkan ibadat, aku sibuk mengejar keduniaan yang nikmatnya sekejapnya. tu belum kira kena hamun lagi... apalah ertinya penat lelah kita kalau tiada penghargaan kan? baik aku duduk atas sejadah mencari keredhaan Tuhan.
for the past 5 1/2 yrs working at this company, aku dah lali sangat dengan hal-hal renyah that i have to dealt with sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ni. mana nak mengatur printing kad rayanya, printing sampul duit raya, coordinate tv commercial utk raya lagi, pastu termasuklah organise annual dinner yang saban tahun mesti nak buat bulan posa. kalau dulu zaman aku jadik seketari bolehlah aku nak jaga semua ni, jadi mata & telinga bos... skg bila dah diberi tugas lain dengan 7 division & department nak kena oversee takkan hal seating arrangement for annual dinner pun nak aku jugak yang atur. adoiii!!! mana tak kerap aku kena migrain.
budak2 committee member ni pun satu hal. dah berbuih mulut aku perturunkan ilmu & wasiat, serupa nenek kebayan dah aku ni, naik kering tekak bulan2 posa ni nak mengajar diaorang. tapi sudahnya sia2 jer wasiat nenek kebayan bila ada benda tak siap & tak ikut spec aku plak yang kena tempias... bos aku ni patut dah kena let go aku sepenuhnya. biarlah seketari baru dia yang take over. aku dulu pun merangkak jugak nak paham 'taste' & preferance dia sampai no IC sendiri pun aku tak ingat! aku dah muak & dah cuak. jangan ingat aku diam selama ni aku terima jer 'peluru berpandu', 'bom atom' yang dilepaskan kat aku. orang diam ni makan dalam tau.
elok2 selsema & dedar aku nak ilang dah datang balik... ni dah dekat nak raya ni...
Monday, 1 October 2007
Ramadhan III - Pre Raya Mood

Our theme colour this year is blue, royal blue to be precise. Daddy & fahmi will be wearing baju melayu johor in plain royal blue. Mama & yaya will be wearing baju kurung in matching blue fabric with sequin… i bought the kain at a very cheap price of rm45 for 4mtrs, but since I only need 2mtrs for the baju and kain made from plain fabric (courtesy of daddy & fahmi’s lot), so we were left with another 2 mtrs. Akhirnya jadilah baju kurung for yaya… amboiii lip lap lip lap anak dara mama. However, the one that appears in the pics is a different one.
Basically we’ve had everything covered for raya preparation. From the bajus, kasut, kuihs, furnitures, fittings etc. Except for fahmi’s baju melayu, we are still in search for his samping. I went searching for his samping at subang parade & care4, but couldn’t find any. A colleague suggested jalan masjid india, ohhh pleaseeee don’t ask me to go shopping in kl, samping tak dapat sesat je yang lebih. So yesterday, me & hubby went to PKNS. It wasn’t our usual shopping place, I’d normally went back to seremban for shopping. Heheh dah 6 tahun duk kl/Selangor pun masih buta jalan lagi. Alhamdulillah jumpa jugak, and since we didn’t bring fahmi I wasn’t sure about the size so we ended up buying two pieces of samping, one L sized and another M sized. Both checked blue & white samping.
Sesampai kat rumah, I asked fahmi to try it one. He's so excited that when I asked him to put on the baju + samping, he looked dazzled. He thought that the samping is to be worn alone macam skirt! Aduiii, mama masih waras lagi hehehe.
I also bought yaya a pair of new baju kurung complete with bead trimmings at the colar (the one in the pics). It was so cute, and she really needs extra baju kurung for the company’s buka puasa cum annual dinner nanti. The gap between the dinner and hari raya was so close I don’t want to let her wear her sequin baju kurung and take the risk baju tak sempat kering nanti. Faham2 jelah dah suntuk masa sangat nanti semua bertaburan jadi tak organized. Not when I’ve tried my best making early preparation.
· sofa covers sent for dry cleaning, and it came back looking the same as it looked before laundry. pardon me but for someone who hates to do laundry and dish washing, i don't know how to get the stains removed
· hung the new sheer curtain yesterday. I purposely choose ready made sheer from ikea in purple and magenta shades. It look nice thou without inner layer of plain white sheer. Maybe when the white sheer is ready from laundry I’ll just hang it and see what difference does it made. If the effect look less presentable, I’ll let the white sheer berehat buat sementara waktu.

· the colourful flowers blend together with the wall paint and sheer curtain. It creates a romantic ambience especially under the shower of dim yellow lights.
· raya cookies ordered and received. the only homemade is going to be hubby's all time favourite pineapple tarts but i ordered some as well in case he & fahmi go through a cookies marathon before we celebrate raya. and i also ordered kek lapis sarawak from my sarawakian friend
· and i bought myself blue zircon bangles (is it bangles or bracelet?) to go with my blue kurung moden

· all my nieces & nephews dah dapat their baju raya complimentary from their auntie yang gila shopping baju budak2 kat FOS... pergi FOS jer rm450 terbang...
· buah tangan for MIL dah beli. dah tak tau nak beli apa, baju dah banyak sgt, so i bought a set of Tupperware food containers from her. this year around we will be celebrating 1st raya at MIL's house... iskk iskkk
apart from above apa lagi ye? i'm not good at doing and re-doing list... i had this habit of memorising everything but when the time comes there's a good chance that i'd miss out on one or two thing.
today's menu for berbuka is masakan ala kampung

ikan talang masin lemak nenas, sayur goreng style jawa, ulam selom (mmm my favourite!) and sambal belacan!
Saturday, 29 September 2007
i'm 29 on 29.9 (which happen to be today!)
i'm one happy woman. who wudn't be when they had reason to be.
and these are the reasons for my happiness:
i never thought that i'd be celebrating my 29th birthday surrounded by my love ones.
a loving, sweet & caring husband who had went thru the ups and downs of life together
adorable mischievious children who'd never short of 'antics' to charm my heart

and my darling had carefully choose the flowers for me. after the last incident 07/09 he said no more bunch of roses for me just because it's resembles the namesake of the person who'd cause so much despair to me... how thoughtful of him, and how sensitive that it surprised me a little bit

apart from roses, he didn't know that i actually do adore gerberas so much... thank you darling
yesterday the only 2 person in the office that i can openly share my thought with (tyra banks & naomi campbell, u know who u are) they even shared the same office with me give me an advance birthday flowers because today is an off day (nuzul Al-Quran), but they wudn't want to miss wishing me happy birthday. how thoughtful of them
2 baskets of flowers enough to make me grin from ear to ear until next year! hehe
and since midnite i started to receive lots of birthday wishes thru sms from budak2 office... which came as a surprise to me coz practically not many know my birth date. i led a low profile life.
Alhamdulillah, syukur pada Allah swt that at 29, i have a family of my own, my life is filled with love and friendship, a career, good health and kesenangan hidup.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Memories Of Ramadhan 2004
it was during this fasting month 3 years ago that i carried him from the bbsitter house to the clinic for his check up coz he was down with fever and diarrhea. i was pregnant with yaya at that time. afterwards sent him back to the bbsitter house and me had to walk to the bus stop about 2 km from the bbsitter house. we only have one car at that time, hubby yang drive. selalunya on emergency cases like this, me being the one yang plaing hampir will be the one yang rush balik, by bus of course.
i took him to the bazaar ramadhan yang tak jauh dari rumah. i rarely brought him out to a public place, so dia macam terkejut sikit tengok orang ramai. berpusing-pusing kepala dia toleh kiri dan kanan tengok orang. he was such a chubby boy, mudah sangat tarik perhatian orang.
balik dari kerja (selalunya cuba habiskan keje cepat2 so that i can take the ride home dgn hubby) terus singgah ambil fahmi kat rumah bbsitter. rasa terharu tengok air muka fahmi gembira bila nampak mama dia datang ambil. kadang2 dia dah siap berdiri sambil paut pada gril tunggu mama, nampak je mama terus digoncang2 gril pintu. ada jugak masa2nya pipi dia penuh dengan kesan air mata, lebih2 lagi bila muka dia ditepek bedak sekati mcm tepung gomak. sian anak mama kena buli.
bawa dia last minute shopping kat midvalley. kebetulan fahmi baru je elok skit daripada diarrhea nya. elok jer lepas berbuka masuk kereta cirit birit dia datang balik. tak tau mana nak pergi ntah kenapa instead of going back or cari somewhere to clean his nappy, we head towards rumah SIL. tunggu lama punya pasal meraung2 dia kepedihan. teruknya ibu muda ni!
fahmi's 1st raya kami balik raya ke KT. fahmi was up with hi fever. berbekalkan ubat2 dia, kami bertolak jugak balik. kesian sangat kat dia badan panas, walau dah pasang aircon kuat2, sampai tidur pun asyik tersentak2 aja. mama plak kepenatan dan sakit pinggang. kadang2 tak larat nak layan ragam si kecik yang demam. nasib sampai kat kg atuk & nenek take over layan fahmi.
sebenarnya, aku rasa rindu and tak puas berdua dengan fahmi jer. terasa singkat sangat masa untuk kami berdua. tu yang tiap kali ramadhan menjelma macam2 kenangan dengan fahmi mengimbau. rindu...
Monday, 24 September 2007
- macam2 ada but just list down the top 5 thing jelah ye
ada hp, purse, purse kecil simpan lipstick, car key, office key, my drawer key ... oOps that's more than 5 already
5 things found in my purse
- IC of course, all sorts of card (credit cards/bank cards/MyKids/medical cards etc), driving license, few notes and 'rubbish' (resit atm etc)
5 things in my room
- wardrobe, katil, tilam fahmi & yaya, penyidai telekung & sejadah, dustbin
5 things I've always wanted to do
- teach the children mengenal huruf al-Quran, ajar ABC & 123, berkebun, hias rumah & bawa my kids pergi taman
5 things I'm currently into
- blog, blogging, reading other people's blog, berkebun, surf internet looking for hotel in bali
5 other person i would tag
- Nad @ first timer
- sally @ so much more
- shida @ the clock is beating
- azie @ the apple of my eyes
- nolie
the first time, i was dreaming about my own bro in law. please don't get me wrong, it was nothing with the SX rated or anything of that sort. in my dream, dad was calling me to let me know that BIL had arranged for gangsters to burn him and his family (that includes my sis & my nieces & nephews) in their nazaria, because he could not stand paying debts (i had no privvy of his financial standing, not that he's in any financial crisis at the moment plus, they are happy family). i hope BIL will never ever read this, or he'd go mad at me for thinking badly of him, which i'm not! i don't know how it came to my dream, i was not thinking of any of my family member let alone BIL when i close my eyes for the short nap after sahur.
the second dream was even more ridiculous! hubby had a laugh when i told him about my second dream. it was about him. i feel ashamed of myself to dream about this. people must think what a possesive & jealous wife i am. in my dream he had another girl. and i caught them sitting together, i went to chase the girl, i wasn't going to slap her, i just asked her what she was doing with hubby, i told her i'm not going to hit her or something, i just want some answers. when i'm satisfied with her answers, i went back to hubby and i hit him hard on his chest, kicking him all over.
my 3rd dream (latest that i had this morning) was much much more ludicrous that the 2nd one. i don't want to talk about it. but why i keep on having this mad, silly dream? its getting weird every night (or i should say morning). it scares me to think how weird it can get. maybe its a sign for me to stay awake and mengaji, solat sunat or do something yang lebih berfaedah other than going back to sleep.
have you ever had weird/strange dream like mine? i hope i'm not alone or else i think i'd gone crazy.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Ramadhan II - SYUKURLAH...
Sesungguhnya kita patut BERSYUKUR...
1. utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam, krn beliau tidur disisi kita bukan dengan orang lain.
2. utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan, krn itu bermakna dia berada di rumah, bukan dijalanan berpeleseran.
3. utk cukai pendapatan yg kita kena bayar, krn itu bermakna kita masih mempunyai pekerjaan.
4. utk pakaian kita yang dah tak muat, krn itu bermakna kita cukup makan.
5. utk lantai yg perlu dimop, tingkap yg perlu dilap dan rumah yg perlu dikemas , krn itu bermakna kita mempunyai tempat tinggal.
6. utk bunyi bising jiran², krn itu bermakna kita masih lagi boleh mendengar.
7. utk timbunan pakaian yg perlu dicuci/digosok krn itu bermakna kita ada pakaian untuk dipakai.
8. utk keletihan/kesakitan otot selepas seharian bekerja, krn itu bermakna kita masih berupaya utk kerja kuat.
9. utk tempat letak kereta yg jauh drpd lif, krn itu bermakna kita masih berupaya utk berjalan. 10.utk jam loceng yg berdering pd waktu pagi, krn itu bermakna kita masih hidup untuk meneruskan hari tersebut...
"Jika tak dapat apa yang kita suka, belajarlah menyukai apa yang kita dapat...dan bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada"
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Tagging Game
btw, how many answers do i have to come out? ok nevermind, just let the answer comes out spontaneously jelah kan
Life isn't complete if I dont get to;
- cium tangan, hug & kiss hubby before he leaves to work. the hug selalunya lama skit partly because both of us still dozy & sejukkk!
- drop a few kisses on fahmi & yaya before my turn to leave home for work
- cook and experimenting with my culinary skills (kunon!)
- put yaya to bed
- yell at the top of my lung at my 2 lil kitten for the mess they make
- blogging ...
- think about what to cook today, tomorrow and the day after, making list of weekly rations and saved them on my mobile phone
- brush my teeth before i go to sleep
- watch hell's kitchen (at the moment)
- browsing for more now recipes
who wud i tag now?
liza @ putralady
ila s2m3r
Ramadhan I
at times like this, pms wud help me very much. :->
for today, i plan to make bubur lambuk and buah melaka (onde2).
cukuplah for berbuka...
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Migrain Attacks
it took sometime for the pain killer to work its way. my limbs felt numb, although the pain killer buat bahagian muka sebelah kanan rasa kebas, but my eye still hurts, and my head felt heavy. i had to lie down on my left, any movement would sent the pain right to my head. alhamdulillah after lying down quitely for i'm not so sure how long, the pain goes away.
i hate to take the pain killer sebenarnya. because the after effect irritates me. aku jadi alert, jadi cergas dan hilang mengantuk, when i should be resting and sleep.
like i said, i haven't had the attack for more than 3 years. the last attack was when i was carrying fahmi. i was totally freed from migrain or headache after i gave birth to fahmi. i don't know why or how, hanya Allah swt saja yang tahu. i used to carry cafergot inside my purse, but once i'm freed from migrain, i've get rid of them. last 4 months when i my 1st attack returns, i had to makesure that i'm not short of supply.
i've yet to find out why. that's why i made a visit to see my doctor today. she took some blood sample for blood test to see if the migrain have any correlation to hormonal changes.
dulu-dulu i'd stay away from taking or exposing myself to any risk of attack. chocolates, cheese, caffein, anything too salty or sour, too strong scented perfumes, loud sounds, hot weather mahupun cahaya terlalu terang mudah sangat invite the attack. and also pressure.
the attack that i had last 4 months wasn't the worse one despite causing sebelah mataku temporarily blind. i had the worse attack in my life while taking my history paper for stpm. had to think and write the answers dengan kepala yang sakit and one eye went blind. that explains why i got a C for my history paper! :-<
but now i'm not too sure why i started to have the attack semula. seems like i had to start taking notes whenever i have the attack.
note: both fahmi & yaya masih selsema & batuk, though not as bad as 3 days before. last night they fell asleep far too early. yaya woke up right at the struck of midnight, and refuse to go to sleep. she insisted to be accompanied by Mummy, the new version of Mama that she picked up while i explained to her that there are many other version of mother but it all has the same meaning. despite my headache, i could only sleep after she felt tired and went to sleep. by that time, it was already 2.33am.
Monday, 10 September 2007
House Project?
i've been planning to do something about the furniture arrangement in our living room. and i also been wanting to get rid of the old chest of drawers that housed my childrens outfit. the chest of drawers is in dire need of replacement. plus it is such a sore sight to see them sitting at the corner of our living room right under the stairs. i wanted to move them up to our bedroom or the children's room but hubby objected to my suggestion because he said the room will be crowded. so i let the drawers crowding the living room for some time until i could persuade him one more time.
alhamdulillah... berjaya juga memujuk hubby. on sunday morning, off we go hunting for new cupboard for the children. we also get a new tv cabinet, which i've been planning to buy. both item selling very cheap. later that afternoon when the furniture arrives, we transfer the childrens outfit in to the new cupboard and re-arrange the sofas and tv cabinet at our living room. the results... tarra
last time we sat watching the tv facing the staircase. now we're facing the wall. better sight...
before we went for furniture hunting, hubby moved the car out from the parking space to give way to the children cycling around the compound.

1st, abang took adik for a ride

next, abang bully adik into pushing him around ... adik pulak seronok sangat dapat sorong abang yg 2 times her weight & size
Surprise #1
I reached office very late today, because I took my children to the clinic first thing in the morning. They had flu and had been coughing for a couple of days. It was raining this morning and the traffic was bad, so we reached the clinic quite late. And to my surprise, the clinic was full! Full of sick adults and children. Most of them had cough and flu just like my children. Registered our name at the counter and waited for our name to be called. The whole process from the moment we stepped in to the clinic until the pharmacy issued the medication for the children took about 1 ½ hour. But I felt like we were there for ages! Afterwards, we sent the children home and we (me & hubby) drove to office separately without realizing that another surprise is waiting for me right on my table!
Surprise #2
I was so distress last Friday for not getting any flowers from ‘him’ on our anniversary. I know he remembered the date, we even talk about having a dinner together, only the two of us, which we had. But I was also hoping that he’d remember to send me flowers, to seal our 5th anniversary. Which he had forgotten about sending the flowers. i was so distress, so upset that I could not face him later that day. I know it was so childish of me having acted that way on our anniversary.
It was not his fault that I felt so distress and lost my appetite for a celebration dinner. It was all due to the hard time I’m facing at the office. I’ve never had a bad week; I’ve had bad days, but never a bad week. Last week was a total disaster for me from the beginning of Monday till the end of Friday, and it still continues. I tried to gain composure on Friday, mainly because it was our anniversary, I wanted to be happy, I have a reason to be happy even if I can’t on other days, at least I must be happy last Friday. Thanks to ‘someone’ from the office that had ruin my happiness.
So, despite the whole disaster in the office that I had to face, I was hoping that miracle would happen. I wished so much that I’d received a bunch of flowers. Okay if a bunch is a bit too much, well at least a stalk of rose would make my day. It doesn't matter if he'd forgotten about the flowers, but i was so down the whole week, so i need something just to make me smile.
The office turns in to a chaos this morning. They could not locate the recipient by the name ‘Mimie’. Nasib baik my colleague flips through the delivery slip, and saw my full name spells out in the slip. He wanted to give me a pleasant surprise, which he did. It was totally unexpected.
Darling, I know you’d read this, I am truly sorry that I acted childishly last Friday. But if my action that day resulted in to this,

I don’t regret it one bit! ;-)
Surprise #3
I reached home at almost 8 o’clock to find my son sprawled on the sofa at our living room. He was asleep! The house was so quite. I went upstairs and saw hubby in the computer room. There was no sign of yaya. I took a peek inside our bedroom. I had another surprise seeing yaya sleeping on our bed. This is truly unexpected!
We had a quite night. Which means I can blog. I haven’t been writing that much lately. I don’t have the inclination to do so due to the pressure I’m facing at work.
My head is throbbing. I've swallow 2 tablets of panadol, yet the pain wouldn't go away. I should get some rest.
Friday, 7 September 2007
Happy 5th Anniversary
this is what a woman would ask on her wedding anniversary. but these lovely bunch of yellow roses weren't mine. i belongs to hubby, brought by his loving helpless romantic wife! how very fortunate of him that in my busy schedule i remembered to send him flowers and make him smile on our anniversary. our 5th wedding anniversary to be precise. and i went sulking the whole day and night because he forgot to send me any, not even a note of love. he knows that i adore flowers, i love it so much for him to buy me flowers. i wouldn't mine if he didn't buy me presents, jewellery, handbag, cosmetics etc but flowers.
the fact is that i wouldn't mine if he had forgotten to buy me flowers today. but early in the morning something happen in the office, it ruin my day. i had been feeling rather poorly the whole week, so on this special day i made a mental note to dressed up, i purposely chose to wear my favourite baju kurung, just to make me feel happy, hoping that i could bear going through the whole day to end a disasterous week. but it takes just one irritating annoying and inconsiderate person to ruin my day. oh God, i should be brooding over this issue on my wedding anniversary. forget about it. let's talk about love.
i have been feeling poorly, and dressing up helps. we went for dinner at The Windmill, nothing so fancy or luxurious, just that return back to the restaurant brought back happy memories of of courting days. it brought back the memory where i orchestrated his surprised 27th birthday dinner at the windmill bukit raja. how i went to the extra miles of planning his birthday celebration, carefully chose the birthday cake - being a man he hates choc cake which i loved so much, so i'd chosen a fruity flan cake. i remembered that i walk 2km from my office in port klang to the cake house just to order his cake and a week later went to collect his cake and brought it to the restaurant. i hand it over to the restaurant manager the night before the dinner because i didn't want him to know about my plan. i must thank my roommate, Alifa. she drove me in her silver kancil to the restaurant. if it wasn't for her, i don't think i'd manage to pull out the act.
on the actual day, hubby came to pick me up from my rented flat at about 8pm. i kept my composure cool and unmoving. but half way through the dinner he already sense something when the restaurant crew assembled, ushered a lited up cake and started to sing happy birthday. he covered his face with his hands and were practically trying to hide himself under the table! except that the cake & song wasn't for him. apparently another patron was celebrating birthday on the same night. ha ha ha... i wanted to laugh so hard seeing his frantic face. and all went well. before we left, the malay guy whom i suspected must be the manager in charge that night, whispered a message to hubby "apa lagi bang, kahwin lah cepat2" . which did happen a year after the birthday dinner. and now, here we are, although i wanted so much to return to the same outlet in bukit raja, but considering the time factor, we went to the outlet at subang jaya.
okay enough about sweet memories, i'd probably run out of page if i were to bare all details of the surprised birthday dinner. all i can say is that he was so pleased and surprised. i guess that means no woman had ever did that or did anything close to what i organised for him. i am a self acclaim romantic! and i'm adamant turn my hubby in to one! you can say that's my resolution from this day onward.
it's okay that he had forgotten to buy me flowers today. i'd make sure that he'd never forget it in the near future... and the next occassion is very close enough ;-)
back to the anniversary dinner. i noticed that nothing much had change. the restaurant still offers the same menu, same ambience but this outlet had the very poor quality of service. i made a reservation 3 days earlier but much to my dismay, it wasn't recorded. food was okay lah. i had lobster thermidor... umphh i'm so full later i had to drag myself out from the restaurant. hubby had his all time favourite rib eye steak, which turns to be so succulent i regret chosing the lobster.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Baking Experiment III
and the result.... worth reproduce.

it took me less than an hour from preparation til the cake is ready. on my 3rd time i made the cream cheese topping, need extra time to let the cake cool before spreading the topping. easy kan?
Friday, 31 August 2007
Baking Experiment II
i omit the dough enhancer from the recipe, jadinya bun tu tak lah selembut mana. makan panas2 sedaplah, dah sejuk agak keras & dry. next time i'll add the dough enhancer.

saw the brown spots? tu sebab sapu dengan egg yolk

500 gm tepung, 30 gm susu tepung, 50 gm gula, 1 paket ibu roti (mauripan), 1 biji telur, 1/2tsp garam, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 250 ml air & 80 gm mentega (lembutkan). klu letak bread improver 1 tsp only.
sift together flour, milk powder, salt & bread improver. in a bowl, combine together with sugar, yeast & egg. add softed butter and water, mix well dalam 10mins. leave the dough for 15mins-20mins to rise. bulatkan kecil2, put it aside to rise. leperkan dgn jari, letak inti & bulatkan semula. panaskan oven to 200deg, and let the dough rise sementara oven panas. bakar for 20mins.